This is some funny shit there people. minimus: LOL, the iDemon - order, hurry our supply of demons is limited. Wish my phone came with one of these. Paul: I've been to some birthday parties since I left (well, even before I left) and sometimes I wished there WAS some beheading, out of sheer boredom. That guy had a point. One of the guys that writes for the Borg sits in London Bethel and he told me that they have a pretty collection of really ancient Bibles and also some witch craft books (for research only!). Interestingly once he found out about this, he said that he couldn't sleep and felt someone breathing on his face (during the night, I sure hope it wasn't his room mate!). Anyway, I applied the same logical question-answer game (to no avail): why didn't you feel anything PRIOR to knowing about the books? Why would the demons hang around gods personal london city condo? Where are the angels? (Oh, they have dish washing duties and are busy, I understand) Have other people sleep problems as well? Besides this, things that where found in Bethelites rooms (from my time there): stolen goods (gold chain from a sister), porn videos, condoms (single brothers room), stolen documents from bethel departments (night watch guy was taking stuff from desks LOL) and dirty dishes in the clothing drawers, in between socks and underwear (single guys without education can be pigs).
JoinedPosts by BluePill2
My Mom Isn't Very Motivated With The "Truth" Lately And Wonders If She Recieved Anything From The Demons
by minimus inwhat do ya think of that?
My Mom Isn't Very Motivated With The "Truth" Lately And Wonders If She Recieved Anything From The Demons
by minimus inwhat do ya think of that?
Tell your mom that she received for sure something from demons: it's called Watchtower mags, Bibles and Study books from the Watchtower Society. How evil can you get?
PS: My mom is the same. Even throwing away good clothes etc. that someone gave us (not dubs). Crazy witnesses.
New Light related to Watchtower Society Isolation closing the shop? A scenario
by Gorbatchov ini was thinking about the next scenario:.
the united states (and western world) are losing influence compared to china, india and other new economy's.. with this decline of influence, the watchtower society, a true american religion and it's subsidiary's corporations are losing profits and losing it's base in much country's under china / india / indonesia / brazil influence.
what i see is that the watchtower society is selling it's main assets: landmark buildings in optimal condition.
They are selling Rome, London offices too??? I kind of missed that. Unbelievable. Bastards to the end.
The Confessed Pedophile Who Raped Me Is Going To Be Made A Elder Again, Need Help Please!
by Bubblegum Apotheosis inyears ago you read my horror stories about being raped by a jw.
i was nine years old when this took place, now the man has been getting all his works in order.
what do i do to stop the seventy-year old pedophile from getting his position back?
Bubblegum: Feeling sorry for your pain. We are here to stick together. Thank you for your courage, this is a good example for all of us here.
Ray Publisher has a good point: leaving pamphlets all over the place - anonymously - with a picture of him. This will kill his reputation. If you want to do this in a more stealth way, then place them in the neighborhood (in mailboxes). They will get a nasty surprise.
Regrets for knowing the TATT? Strange feeling overcoming...
by BluePill2 intoday is a strange day.. i have been out of the borg for a while now.
some years have passed and i thoroughly enjoy the freedom, not having to bend my mind and rape my soul to force myself to do and say things that i don't feel or believe.
i started my own business, got a wonderful girlfriend and made some friends (that are not monsters like the wt$ likes to portray others).. my parents, siblings, brothers-in-law, cousins, aunts, uncles, ex-wife, "friends" and my daughter, have cut their contact to me.
You are wonderful people and it is situations like this one that make this website such a fantastic place to be. It really helps. I am grateful for all the comments here, the private messages (Flipper, thank you for your pm! It meant a lot to me.)
I had to go away over the weekend to get my thoughts off from all the pain and it was the right decision. Doing something that you like helps to see the joy in Life again. In midst of pain is also joy, as strange as it sounds.
Then I did something that I never thought would be necessary. I wrote a lengthy letter/statement to the court and youth care institution to explain my situation, mentioning all the points where the Borg becomes a danger to teenagers and small children. Let's see how that turns out. I never wanted to go into a full frontal fight over this, but they leave me no other option. I hope this helps me to get access to my kid. It will require lots of energy and strength to fight this through, but I am ready.
Regrets for knowing the TATT? Strange feeling overcoming...
by BluePill2 intoday is a strange day.. i have been out of the borg for a while now.
some years have passed and i thoroughly enjoy the freedom, not having to bend my mind and rape my soul to force myself to do and say things that i don't feel or believe.
i started my own business, got a wonderful girlfriend and made some friends (that are not monsters like the wt$ likes to portray others).. my parents, siblings, brothers-in-law, cousins, aunts, uncles, ex-wife, "friends" and my daughter, have cut their contact to me.
Newly Enlightened: I am so sorry for your brother. That is so sad. It made me think. Thank you for sharing it here, maybe others - like me, will read your story and remember that there is no coming back from such a decision. Big hug to you.
label licker: Big hug. Reading about your mother hurts. I appreciate your openness by sharing your private memories here. Appreciate that. Thank you.
Regrets for knowing the TATT? Strange feeling overcoming...
by BluePill2 intoday is a strange day.. i have been out of the borg for a while now.
some years have passed and i thoroughly enjoy the freedom, not having to bend my mind and rape my soul to force myself to do and say things that i don't feel or believe.
i started my own business, got a wonderful girlfriend and made some friends (that are not monsters like the wt$ likes to portray others).. my parents, siblings, brothers-in-law, cousins, aunts, uncles, ex-wife, "friends" and my daughter, have cut their contact to me.
Just to explain (some have mentioned this): Visitation rights are one thing. The reality is somewhat different. You end up always chasing your "rights" and it isn't as easy as it looks on a written paper. I do have the rights, but she moved away, leaving no address behind, so I lost contact for a pretty long time. Then you have to decide how you will handle the results, and and and. Court rooms are one thing, the day to day hassles of dealing with the situation are another thing.
I thank you all for the pm that I received. I will re-read them.
Regrets for knowing the TATT? Strange feeling overcoming...
by BluePill2 intoday is a strange day.. i have been out of the borg for a while now.
some years have passed and i thoroughly enjoy the freedom, not having to bend my mind and rape my soul to force myself to do and say things that i don't feel or believe.
i started my own business, got a wonderful girlfriend and made some friends (that are not monsters like the wt$ likes to portray others).. my parents, siblings, brothers-in-law, cousins, aunts, uncles, ex-wife, "friends" and my daughter, have cut their contact to me.
Dear friends,
I don't know how to thank you. Your words and thoughts are more than you might think. I appreciate your precious time to write these things up.
As I've said, I took off to walk (it always helps, sometimes to go for a run as your brain chemistry changes). Usually I am very optimistic and don't tend to depression, but lately this has become a burden.
You have helped me to carry it a bit more along the way.
I will hang in there, my daughter will thank me one day. Always fighting (first because of my change in thinking about the Borg and now because of family issues) is exhausting.
You are all wonderful human beings and with your posts have done more than my own mother for the past year. I wish you all the Best in your Lifes. May we all find peace and a meaningful Life. One day I want to be able to say that it was all worth it. Right now, the consequences of seeking freedom felt more like a kick to the stomach.
Thank you all!!!!
Regrets for knowing the TATT? Strange feeling overcoming...
by BluePill2 intoday is a strange day.. i have been out of the borg for a while now.
some years have passed and i thoroughly enjoy the freedom, not having to bend my mind and rape my soul to force myself to do and say things that i don't feel or believe.
i started my own business, got a wonderful girlfriend and made some friends (that are not monsters like the wt$ likes to portray others).. my parents, siblings, brothers-in-law, cousins, aunts, uncles, ex-wife, "friends" and my daughter, have cut their contact to me.
Thank you wizzstick, I have answered you. Appreciate your concerns. I will probably take a walk or do something nice, can't be in the office and watching family pictures it's breaking my heart.
Good people around here.
Regrets for knowing the TATT? Strange feeling overcoming...
by BluePill2 intoday is a strange day.. i have been out of the borg for a while now.
some years have passed and i thoroughly enjoy the freedom, not having to bend my mind and rape my soul to force myself to do and say things that i don't feel or believe.
i started my own business, got a wonderful girlfriend and made some friends (that are not monsters like the wt$ likes to portray others).. my parents, siblings, brothers-in-law, cousins, aunts, uncles, ex-wife, "friends" and my daughter, have cut their contact to me.
Today is a strange day.
I have been out of the Borg for a while now. Some years have passed and I thoroughly enjoy the freedom, not having to bend my mind and rape my soul to force myself to do and say things that I don't feel or believe. I started my own business, got a wonderful girlfriend and made some friends (that are not monsters like the WT$ likes to portray others).
My parents, siblings, brothers-in-law, cousins, aunts, uncles, ex-wife, "friends" and my daughter, have cut their contact to me. I have no blood and flesh family. Until recently I have coped with that, accepting, dealing with the card that has been dealt.
Today I woke up to a strong feeling of hatred, because these bastards keep anybody that I have cared for captive. That feeling quickly jumped back and forth to a feeling of loss and regrets about knowing the TATT. I lived in an "artificial world", but was not aware of it. Life wasn't easy, I hated going house to house, but it was some kind of fake dream.
Feelings and tears are running strong today. To the point where I would like to just put a gun to my temple and end it now. If I go back there will be pain, I can't undo the past and can't force myself to the Borg anymore - the last 2 years made me sick to my stomach. Staying out and being cut off from seeing my daughter is killing me (and no, don't give me advice about legal proceedings, being there, done that, it is terrible, has cost me a fortune and I am out of funds to fight legal battles, besides that, it turns out that this battle is not won in the courtrooms - it is a mental battle).
Sorry if this sounds like a rant. Wanted to see if others have felt the same way. Wish you all the Best.