rhodesboy: My interpretations where specific enough. No offences, but they are as valid as yours. If you can say King of the South = China. I can say King of the South = Unemployed Mexicans.
Prove me wrong!
I think people process their grievances in different ways. Some with humor (like many here do) others develop hate (it is also a valid state of mind - why do we have to be all "pink and cozy"?) Hate is just the other side of Love, the pendulum swings both ways (we are not all the time hateful and we certainly don't have to be lovely all the time - that is the artificial world that the Borg is impossing on everybody and the result is quite the opposite.
Let people be people. You came here, asking for comments and at the same time shutting off possible opposing views...
What did you expect? You are talking to a crowd that for decades had to accept that opposing, critical views are wrong!
I think you have the wrong demographics here - there are many other boards that would like to hear about Skeletons riding horses and hookers sitting on dragons stuff. Here? I think that is like trying to sell booze at an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting...don't be surprised if chairs are thrown at you!
I wish you well and happy forecasting days. It is surely a nice hobby (although I concur with the other recommendations - get a girlfriend or a pet or something to keep your mind occupied with healthy activities). Good day.