I have a friend who was a pretty devoted evangelical. During the pandemic , his church would not comply with any of the rules. It was all conspiracy this and tyrannical government that and the vaccines are the mark of the beast etc etc. The health authorities just kind of left them alone. Any kind of police action would have just resulted in more members next week.
Then people started to get really sick. Some even ending up in hospital. Without oxygen and steroid puffers , it would have likely resulted in pneumonia and lung scarring. Maybe even dying.
His thought was maybe someone is missing getting cancer biopsy back in time or some asthmatic kid might need the oxygen tank.
He couldn't attend anymore. They were just assholes. There was a bump in membership by right wing loons during the worst of the pandemic but that is over now. They never gave any money and now there is no persecution complex involved, what is the point.
Let it die. It can all die.