I also destroyed that month's Watchtower and Awake shipment at the hall.
Posts by sf
I want to release the motherload
by Anony Mous ini have collected and assembled hundreds of letters, documents, publications, personal communications, e-mails from the branch etc.
etc.. my original intent was to make some type of searchable database but my time has been taken over by more important things in life for me.
i don't care about the jw's all that much anymore and who or what gets what information i don't really care.
I want to release the motherload
by Anony Mous ini have collected and assembled hundreds of letters, documents, publications, personal communications, e-mails from the branch etc.
etc.. my original intent was to make some type of searchable database but my time has been taken over by more important things in life for me.
i don't care about the jw's all that much anymore and who or what gets what information i don't really care.
Also, two papers, afaik previously unreleased by any ex-JW source that Carolyn Wah (JW Associate General Counsel) wrote in 2001 for an EXTERNAL law publication on how the JW thinks others should investigate the WTBTS and one on child custody cases.
Ah yes, Ms. Wah. I recall this insane woman. Thanks for sharing A.
I'm pretty sure I've seen that the custody one. I may have seen the other, though I'd have to dig deep in my files. So, I'll just be patient and see what it is you have, then compare.
Let me just say this too:
The ones already in ARE not, and never will be, as important as the ones who are about to fall into the WTBTS quicksand...DUE TO THE ONES ALREADY IN...knocking on doors, pushing the literature, denying corruption, etc. As fas as I am concerned, the ones IN are the ones who keep this organization OPERATIONAL. If people don't comprehend this dynamic, I can't help them at this time. I can only Focus on the ones who may become potential victims of the ones already in.
Many here focus on the ones already in. My opinion? Absolute waste of precious time and energy that should be devoted to warning POTENTIAL VICTIMS. When the public becomes aware and is moved to strike strategically and efficiently due to what they've just discovered is as big as PENN STATE and CC church...then the ones already in better get out. Or else....the public will demand ACTION.
Thanks for sharing A. Your efforts, time, money spent, tears shed and many a sleepless night are and alwayss will be Appreciated. Go in Peace.
Sincerely, sKallyWagger
Governing Body member Garrit Losch speaking today
by sleepercell ingarrit will be delivering the last talk today in huntsville, al for those interested in attending.
Well, okay then, I'm going to go ahead and give you a thumbs up on this effort.
Thank you for your contribution.
Do you see how simple it can be? You and your partner may have just added minutes to a WT childs LIFECLOCK. You get a rose for that.
Would you please infect others now with the simplicity of what it is to :
Sincerely, sKally
The reason I am back on JWD after 7-8 years Vacation
by chichimama_2 ina saga.
back in november of 2011, i received a phone call from my ex, bill bowen.
he informed me that his dad had died of a massive heart attack.
most of us will never know the heights and depths of it.
Oh, contraire dear. Many of us are well aware of those heights and depths he has already taken. NOT IMPRESSED. None too pleased, for that matter.
I think I understand your frustration as to why Bill does or doesn't do what you think he should
I'm real glad you used the word THINK and not Know, because that would be real interesting too. I was about to think you had super powers or something. ONLY BOWEN KNOWS MY "FRUSTRATION" (as you call it) TOWARDS HIM. Yet, frustration is not the emotion Sheila. Ask him if he recalls the exact emotion expressed.
What he SHOULD be DOING as spokesperson for an organization that is touted as leading in it's skills at helping victims of the WTBTS is demanding the CONTI CASE be reported on TELEVISION NEWS STATIONS. NOT TAKING "NO MR. BOWEN" FOR AN ANSWER AND STICKING TO ALL THE FACTS. PERIOD. THAT'S HOW I FEEL AND THINK.
Do you know how much time, money, energy it takes to distribute well documented, factual information to a mass amount of people? Hoping it isn't all in vain? THIS IS WHAT I USED TO DO WITH SILENTLAMBS.ORG PAGES...I COPIED...PASTED...PRINTED...DROVE TO TERRITORIES OUT OF TOWN....WENT DOOR TO DOOR....DISTRIBUTING ALL OF THIS SHIT TO THE PUBLIC. I DID THIS'RELIGIOUSLY' FOR A VERY LONG TIME, AS IS DOCUMENTED ON THIS SITE. I DID IT WITH SOOOO MUCH STUFF, IT FINALLY BEAT ME DOWN AFTER A WHILE. Those were the cut/copy/paste days. Today is much different. And trust me, if FRANZ was still alive, he would not be getting off so easy with me either.
I just really don't think people truly get it, at all...
Sheila, bills history is on record. It's no secret dear. Just don't expect me to swallow, let alone even touch that 'thang'. You get my jest doll?
Rick Fearons wife Inez passed away
by mouthy indid anyone hear that rick fearons wife inez passed away???
When you whisper to her again Rick, make sure you are holding a white rose. Imagine her, here waiting for you to join her on the sand, taking the rose, softly brushing it all over herSELF, then gently tosses it to Mother.
My deepest sympathy for you sir.
Sincerely, sKally
Rick Fearons wife Inez passed away
by mouthy indid anyone hear that rick fearons wife inez passed away???
Rick and Inez Fearon are their actual names, and they have never been shy about letting others know who they are. The couple live in a small Massachusetts town where Rick has a sign business. Rick’s health is still pretty good. His wife Inez has sometimes suffered from seizures and strokes but her spirit is also un-dampened.
Both Rick and Inez partook of the emblems numerous times as anointed Jehovah’s Witnesses in good standing. ( NEWS TO ME)However, they eventually became disgusted for example with the falsehoods, the pedophilia cover-up, the secret ties Watchtower had (and through other parties still does) to the United Nations. They have also been upset by things such as hatred shown toward those who peacefully dissent, JWs and the Public being misled by Watchtower to think 1975 would bring Armageddon followed by paradise earth, the similar but nearly hundred years long false prophecy that the generation of people alive in 1914 would see Armageddon then paradise for just a Great Crowd of Jehovah’s Witnesses on earth.
Since leaving Watchtower, Rick has produced some videotapes about such things and much encouraged others to do so. Also with help from one of their daughters, Rick and Inez have put up a website called sixscreensofthewatchtower.com exposing the Watchtower Society. The website looks and musically sounds “spooky” because so many of the things that it exposes are just that, spooky.They have also established a network of telephone conferences, each much like a large party line discussion forum similar to a radio talk show. Indeed, some people listen in or participate from around the world. The time, dates, phone number and pin number are all on their website.For over 40 years they were JWs but were disfellowshipped after quitting Watchtower and speaking out on its problems. Two pro-Watchtower daughters and some other family members shun them. Each year Rick and some friends picket a kingdom hall at which they used to attend. In fact Rick once put out about 80 signs near halls as far north as Dover, New Hampshire, although within days almost all were gone, to go by visual observations likely by Watchtower supporters.Rick and Inez have also related that elders and their friends were extra cold toward them even when they were JWs in good standing in the Watchtower. Why? For partaking of the emblems. In fact they have described some of the harassment that eventually they may put into a book.
When the elders moved to disfellowship Rick, he turned the tables. He took a recording machine into the meeting and recorded them. To do so he had to cut out the middle part of a publication, then put a small recorder into for getting it into the kingdom hall room. Later the elders told him to leave the room while they deliberated a little. He left the publication with the recorder running, later retrieved it, and their “secret” deliberations with comments were their comments and deliberations were also recorded. Then Rick put it on youtube.com. Some other JWs have done similarly, a great embarrassment to the Watchtower Society.Rick and Inez Fearon believe, and Rick often likes to say “What happens when you do nothing? NOTHING!” Therefore he and she do something, in fact a whole lot of some things. Their being pro-active is not to be disrespectful or cause persecution for anyone but to inform, promote safety, champion those who have been harmed, who are being harmed and may yet be harmed.
But then you would expect that sincere anointed Christians would battle against anything perceived as tyrannical including others who call themselves anointed.Good King David was anointed. But then so was wicked King Saul. -
Governing Body member Garrit Losch speaking today
by sleepercell ingarrit will be delivering the last talk today in huntsville, al for those interested in attending.
Please elaborate on this:
There were some behind the scene activist that were trying to utilize some contacts.
I do know that a news channel was made aware of his presence and mentioned the Conti case as possible reason to ask for an interview.
Thank you, sKally
Making it the September issue is incredible arrogant.
I said the same thing dude.
The reason I am back on JWD after 7-8 years Vacation
by chichimama_2 ina saga.
back in november of 2011, i received a phone call from my ex, bill bowen.
he informed me that his dad had died of a massive heart attack.
Two years ago you say? Very interesting. Then I would think that when it was won and the amount was settled upon and he/ we could now twist the lid off the jar and reveal it the world, as he so eagerly did on his site, why didn't the world see BOWEN ALL OVER THE NEWS AS THE SOURCE OF ALL THE INVESTIGATION? Exclaiming how, back when MJacksons trial for molestation was going on, he was featured in a documentary VH1 did, as a source of info explaining wt policy on child/sex abuse and what a victory it (CONTI SETTLEMENT) truly is for all the children still trapped inside...BECAUSE OF THE SAME POLICIES THAT HAVE NOT CHANGED, EVEN THOUGH WT TRIES TO SAY IT HAS. Do you understand what my beef is here?
What a wasted, absolutely wasted opportunity....AS I SEE IT. Posting it on a website, fb, twiiter, etc. is great. But what have most of my posts been in relation to, in ALL THE CONTI THREADS? (please, tell me, you've read them) He of all people should be demanding that each and every television news outlet report this case immediately. And that if they do not, the people will. Stand in front of each news station and demand that they REPORT THE NEWS. But this isn't the case. And it absolutely baffles me as to why. In MY eyes, he missed the boat and always has. He knows EXACTLY what I'm referring to too. Fabrication and embellishment SHIFTED everything we all worked hard for. Not all trust him Sheila. And I'm not in f.e.a.r. of stating so. He and I have history that has nothing to do with you, so I'll leave that for now.
I feel the same about Ray Franz. Others get real perturbed with me on this subject. I DON'T CARE. He too could have done so much more, back when he wrote his book and appeared on tv. He should have stayed at it. So many children would have been free. NEVER SEEN THE INSIDE OF THE TOWER WALLS OR A KINGDOM HALL. Yet, it would seem, he did enough. Well, it wasn't. It never is. Not when innocent children are about to walk into something that will burn and scar them for life. You stay at it until you die basically. THE POLICIES YOU PUT IN INK ARE STILL BEING ENFORCED. YOU ARE STILL ACCOUNTABLE UNTIL YOU PROCLAIM THAT WHAT YOU WROTE WAS FALSE AND TO BE DISREGARDED AND HELP THOSE YOU HELPED HURT. It's atonement in the first degree. Like a prison you deserve to stay in. I don't expect anyone to comprehend what I'm saying. Don't care about that either. I'll always be in a prison because of being assaulted by this deadly corporation as a child through my stupid mothers insane, ill-informed choices.
That is why I DO WORK NOW AS ATONEMENT AND BECAUSE IT HAS TO BE DONE. IT IS HARD WORK. But I feel I have no other choice. My heart demands I take all opportunity to keep this org and its deadly policies edited to add the word: from functioning one more day, week, month, year.
But guess what?? HAHAHA...I'm gonna ~bump~this thread in a year and odds are the same policies will be in place, thusly more lives ruined.
I still can't figure out why ANYONE is afraid of these men. THUSLY, WHY ARE YOU ALL AFRAID TO TALK TO A JWS FACE AND GIVE THEM WHAT THEY NEED TO KNOW??? EACH TIME YOU COWARD TO THEM, YOU 'FEED' THEM WHAT THEY NEED TO STAY 'ALIVE'. Give me 5 minutes with each GB MEMBER AND THIS ORG WOULD BE FINISHED. BADA BING BADA BOOM. And all with just my words. The WTBTS would Krumble. I'd like ten minutes. But 5 would be adequate.
Anyways Sheila, how does it feel to be free of him? OF ANY MAN? LOLOL, sorry, couldn't resist