You have my deepest sympathy. I am so sorry. My thoughts go out to you and your mom.
Shannon M.
my father was rushed by ambulance from his rest home to st. marks hospital in salt lake city, utah friday, but i only just heard about it.
i received a call from the floor nurse and she told me he is not expected to live.
his lungs are filled fill up with fluid and are continuing to fill u with more fluid: he has pneumonia.
You have my deepest sympathy. I am so sorry. My thoughts go out to you and your mom.
Shannon M.
ok this has nothing to do with being a jw or anything of that nature but it is important to me and i need some help:.
here goes i have been drinking rum and coke (bacardi) since i can remember and finally realized that maybe it is contributing to my severly harsh hangovers.
so i went on a quest in search of a new drink.
Bailey's Irish Creme.....on the rocks, over icecream, or in coffee....nothing tastes better to me...
i usually for some reason wake up pondering on my life and coming up with questions about certain things... this morning i looked out my window and thought... if god made earth for humans to live on.. then why did he create billions, and billions of planets inside billions and billions of galaxies?
if earth is the one out of allll these planets that has life on it... why?
Prove it...that Earth is the only planet with physical life.
we had our local needs part on this tonight!
it was truly an excellent part, he literally made me cry it was so touching...i won't name the whole list he named, but he gave different examples of zeal...it isn't just going out in service, it means much more..here are some of the points he brought out..... 1.zeal is the older sister who despite her chronic illnesses which keep her feeling her worst, is never missing from the meeting, even though she might be more comfortable at home.. 2. zeal is the young child who has the courage to go up to the watchtower study conductor and ask to called on in a specific paragraph, and raises his hand anyway even though he knows the comment is already his or hers.. 3. zeal is the old couple in the hall whose only means of living is social security, but yet they always find something to give jehovah during each month.. 4. zeal is the single publisher or pioneer servant, who is drained of energy from working, but who is always in service no matter how tired they are.. those are just a few of the ones he mentioned.. can you give some examples of what zeal is?
i think this is a great subject!
Zeal is 'suffering' for Jehovah. As one lady (who has since left the BORG) did in her 25 year marriage where her alcoholic husband (not a JW) kicked the shit out of her day after day.....but you know, Jehovah hates a divorce.
I think I'm going to hurl as well.
2000 by steven hassan - published by freedom of mind press, somerville ma .
destructive mind control can be understood in terms of four basic components, which form the.
acronym bite: .
I had chills reading this. This totally described my life as a J.W. It is too familiar for comfort. This is why I bristle at being 'told' what to do.
god not only condoned mass murder, he ordered it .
i notice that many people here have claimed that "god is not a murderer.
god does not condone or plan the brutal murder of children!
RIGHT ON !!!!!
You just said what i wanted to say , only I couldn't find the words.
below is a email i received today.
the person doen't know me except from i think randy watter web site where i post my appeal letter to the body of elders on which i left my email address.
i never told her i wasn't df but she gets facts confussed alot.. anyway i sent the post on barbra anderson from our site to her you might find it interesting so i'm posting it below.. .
D Wiltshire,
I would give her the e-mail address of Dateline. I doubt she'll use it anyway, she just afraid of losing everything she's beleived in all her life.
a side of relief for me but angry for what happened after the announcement of my disfellowship from the wts.
i urged my mother not to attend because of the emotional trauma and agony you experience.
she's diabetics and any emotional let down can cause her serious problems.
Hi Exodus,
Glad to see you're out !!!!! Victor gave some really good advice. Try not to blame yourself or feel guilt because that is exactly what the BORG would like you to do. I felt sick to my stomach for weeks after I was df'd, and then just blocked it out of my mind, which didn't work either because eventually you have to deal with it. When I did finally deal with my feelings, I stopped blaming myself and became ANGRY. I felt much better after that.
Take some time for yourself to heal mentally. As needed, remind yourself why you wanted to leave the J.W. org. in the first place. You are going to experience such a feeling of freedom you never knew possible.
There are alot of good people on this board who will be more than willing to give you support, so take all that you need. Most of us have been where you are right now, or are going through it.
i was raised a jehovah's witness all my life, though i don''t go any more, not till i fall on my head and not afraid to ask questions does this particular question come up.. what is gods name?.
people act as though everyone in the world speaks english, what about the third of the worlds population in china could it be that is his real name at this late date?
why do we assume that it has to be "jehovah" when it could just as easily be how they call it in china, or india, or arabia, or south america anywhere that there is a large population?.
I think her name is Shannon...
this is a bit lengthy, but is a very big issue with me, and that is the issue of women's rights.
i do agree with women allowing their husbands to make a final decision, being on how women think with their hearts and men think with their heads, making choices often times more logical ones.
but, the husband according to god is supposed to love his wife as his own flesh.
I will agree that some women do go mental while they're on their periods, but they do not make up the majority of the female species. That is a medical problem that can be dealt with by having a visit with your family doctor.
As far as your religious convictions , MrMoe, you are totally entitled to them, if it works for you that is really great. It just doesn't work for me and I would probably be correct in saying it doesn't work for alot of women.