There was a brother in our old congregation years ago who would give the most atrocious talks, frequently criticizing the "world" because he could never keep a job. On and on he'd ruminate on one particular failed interview (with a woman no less!) until you wanted to just get up and walk out. But by just listening to him misuse words and garbling his ideas, we all could tell why he couldn't get along in the "real world". He could be really hostile too, you just steered clear of him whenever possible. But the congregation was short of brothers so they kept him.
His wife finally quit going, saying she had an anxiety disorder. You can imagine the real reason. I'd see her around town though, she wasn't truly home bound.
Fast forward to a different congregation, but I'm seeing a lot of the same thing. Some of the brothers can barely read, much less really give a real talk (hence all the scripting).