the following is a first draft of a return letter, any suggestions?
Dear mom,
I am sorry to hear my happiness is making you sick. It is simply amazing to me for you to write as you have after reviewing the video where you personally saw how the Watchtower organization lied about your son, looked at the website, saw well over one hundred stories of victims of child molestation, were personally told of the wicked and cruel treatment given by the Watchtower organization to your son and his family. I also pointed out how you have been repeatedly stabbed in the back by so called “brothers” and how you have no real friends, even in your own congregation. Then finally, when I explained, that in the past, doing what is morally and ethically wrong was making me sad and physically ill to the point of having to make a change. I now have to say if doing what is morally and ethically wrong with will make you happy and well, I am sorry I can’t comply. As I explained to you in person, I am happier and more at peace than I have ever been in my life. Why would I want to walk away from that?
I would encourage you to look in the dictionary for the word “unconditional”, hopefully it will help you to understand that threatening illness, family loss, accusations of prominence, threats of doom, condemnation of spouse, threats of God’s punishment, and complete disapproval, are generally not recognized as “unconditional” love.
I hope when you go to the convention this year the “dung in the face,” blood and guts descriptions given from the platform, of how Jehovah will kill people at Armageddon are easier to listen to than the real stories of little children whose lives have been destroyed as a result of Watchtower policy. I have difficulty understanding how listening graphically to how over six billion people will be ripped to pieces by Jehovah makes you feel good, yet hearing about how a few thousand of your fellow witnesses were molested makes you ill.
I wish you, dad and Melissa well and know that my love for you is not “conditioned” on how I believe. Sheila, myself, and the children’s arms are always open to you all. Though we are saddened you choose to make poor decisions in life, it never affects our desire to accept you as you are and look forward to the day when you want us to be part of the family.
I will always love you,
Your son