Thank you for sharing.
Best wishes to her family and friends.
for those interested, this is the video of mouthy's (grace) funeral from september 8, 2016.
thanks again everybody for the kind words about her - she will be sorely missed by our family as i know she will be by many of you too!
if you were part of a judicial committee, and knowing what you know now, what was it like for you to sit on jc’s?
how did you feel if someone was reproved or df’d?
were you ever on a jc and you disagreed with someone being reproved or df’d and were overruled – how did you feel?
i think it would be a good idea to start a thread with suggestions on how to start a journey away from the w.t.
obviously circumstances are different for each individual.. my advice is:-.
a) fade gently but with the objective never to return.. b) my opinion on beliefs and theology is that if they are not verifiable and relevant to your everyday life then set them aside for now.. c) if you have spent your life sincerly believing your ministry was helping in the most important work beiing done on the earth, then i would would suggest simply by being ethical in speech and action, will effect others in a positive way evangelizing as a j.w never could.. d.) as for armeggedon, that's simply control by fear.
Depending on your immediate family circumstances eg. having parents, siblings that are in the Org and you therefore face the possibility of being shunned, it would be advisable, before leaving, to build up relationships outside of the Org. In other words have a network of friends, acquaintances, extended non-JW family etc that you can associate with.
charmain carr, the actress that played liesl von trapp in the film sound of music, has passed away at the age of 73.. r.i.p.. sound of music was one of the first films i saw.
really enjoyed it..
Charmain Carr, the actress that played Liesl Von Trapp in the film Sound of Music, has passed away at the age of 73.
Sound of Music was one of the first films I saw. Really enjoyed it.
i know that it must seem silly to ask, but my brother and his family think that the big a will arrive before they die.
i tried to explain to my brother that everyone else who has ever lived in the past has died and only jesus has [physically] rose from the dead.. it is amazing that anyone could buy that line.
what crazy cult culture that could make people believe such nonsense?!.
we all gossip.
it is only human.
watchtower actually tries to instruct adherents not to gossip and it can land a jw in front of a judicial committee—some do try to follow this admonition.
i've always been a bit of a reader - but only reading about topics i find interesting, e.g.
natural history, dinosaurs, etc.. recently i've started to select, buy and read novels.. this year i've bought and read frankenstein (mary shelly), dracula (bram stoker), the hound of the baskervilles (a. conan doyle), 'salem's lot (stephen king), jurassic park (michael crichton) and the firm (john grisham).. i have an inclination towards horrors and thrillers.. what fiction have you been reading?.
could you recommend anything?.
and how long will it last?
and who will come after that, yahweh, as the old testament says or jesus, as the new testament says?
the scriptures say he'll come to the mount of olives, but surely that's a spiritual mount of olives.
i think the single biggest mistake the governing body have made in the last 10 years has to be creating jw broadcasting and putting their gb members on there... on a weekly basis too.. when i was a kid, i had no idea who the governing body were, what their names were or what they looked like.
there was one or two long term pioneers that knew the names of two of them but that was about it.. when i was about 10yo i imagined they looked something like this:.
ahh.... those learned men with a lifetime of bible knowledge just oozing out of their very hearts.
... 'I can only imagine what is going through the minds of current JWs as they watch the monthly dog and pony show. If I were still a JW I'd have to be asking myself some hard questions' .... LisaRose
Comment of the week ^^^^^
Good point regarding the JW Org website. The Org initially condemned the World Wide Web (WWW) as it could distract one from service, personal study, meetings and field service etc. If that was the case, why the about turn and implement the JW Org website ?
l118 crossing brooklyn bridge.
mid-article says he was a volly at jdub "book-making factory" .
I remember that terrible day as the images were streamed live on TV. All those brave first responders, Fire Brigade, Medics, Police et al rushing to the scene sacrificing their own life in order to help people that are trapped and evacuate from those towers.
Brave men and woman indeed.