Thank you to all for your responses and personal experiences. It really is a sad state of affairs that a supposedly 'religious organisation' can have such a detrimental affect on family life.
UPDATE: This is how a church is supposed to work.
Thank you everyone for your support.
I have no idea how the hell the lawyer from our UU congregation did it, I feel like the fewer questions we ask right now, the better.
But our day started at 5:30am with him calling us at home telling us we needed to be at the county courthouse with boys by 7:30am (hour drive for us) because we had an emergency court hearing in front of a family court judge. Hubby tried asking him what the hell, it hasn't even been 24 hours and Alan simply told him "when your in the court with 8-10 hours a day with different judges, you know who to ask for help when something like this comes up." Not looking a gift horse in the mouth....we went. We were the 2nd/3rd case called up, and hubby and I spilled everything from the last 24 hours and we walked out with Judge signed legal guardianship papers.
By the time the four of us, still kinda shell shocked, pull up at home-The kids (our 12 and 10 year old) were sitting in the living room with our pastor and a couple others from church ready to ask us what room were the boys going to be staying in and they were willing to help us move shit out/around. We hadn't thought that far ahead, but once we told them we'd love the basement fixed up for them (unlike the guest room they slept in last night, it does have a couple windows down there) and now...10 members from our church are here, hauling shit out to the dump, cleaning and vaccuming.
Hubby and I are calling a couple furniture stores to get them a beds (should be delivered late this afternoon) and we might have found a couple dressers at a local thrift store, and a desk for them. As soon as a couple folks get back with the last load to the dump with a pickup truck, we're going to meet them over at the thrift store to see about the dressers and a couple other pieces of furniture.
One of the members of church, a foster parent-got in touch with her contacts after finding out what sizes the twins wear-will be back in about 20 minutes or so with at least 3 or 4 large trash bags of very gently loved clothing for us to go through to see what fits/doesn't fit.
We've already got a phone call that has set up meeting with the DSHS regarding TANF and snap benefits tomorrow afternoon (another thing that happened WAY faster than we thought it would, but we're not going to ask the how right now, just show up with all the paper work in hand.)
Meanwhile, we've got two 17 year old boys sitting in our living room, shell shocked. They both commented last year when a sister's house caught on fire and she needed help getting everything cleaned up, unless she paid them they weren't going to lift a finger-and here they are, with an aunt and uncle that hasn't seen them in almost a decade, who belong to a UU congregation...who are bending over back wards to help strangers....
I gave them both hugs and said "Boys....what your seeing here....that's how a Church is supposed to work. We help each other out."
It's taking a while...hubby is playing phone tag with his health insurance company to get the boys added on so we can get a referral to a therapist for them. While I have the better insurance, it sadly only covers me (sucks, I know)
Meanwhile, hubby has tried to reach out to his brother. Our pastor had a hard time believing they would just toss the boys out like that...but once his brother and sister in law were put on speaker phone and he heard them rash talk their own boys (and me, and our kids....) using very colorful language.....lets just say the pastor and the few church members who heard it were like " glad your here...not there..."