Posts by jhine
The one question cult members can never answer
by trujw ini wad reading an article on cults and one question struck me that you should ask any group before you join.
in our case we can direct it to the gb.
here is the question.
by AuntConnie ini am very angry, pent-up rage call it!
so you will understand why and with great ease this subject is able to flow off my tongue onto the keyboard, because this time of the year is worse than your christmas time jitters!
anxiety, stress, compulsive babbling nuts are invading our service groups!
Aunt Connie , not sure whether your reply is to me or edmond perhaps both , anyway I never meant to imply that by simply believing in the Trinity that I was a better Christian . Salvation comes from Faith alone , a fact that JW's ignore , at least for the Great Crowd who seem to have to earn their salvation with enough hours of door knocking , enough meetings attended ,a nd enough study done . I do proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ but I do that because I have been saved , the works that the Lord had prepared for me beforehand . We are saved for works , not by works . Of course just because you were brought up with a Trinitarian background does not mean that you are a Christian , you have to aknowledge Jesus sacrifice for you , confess your sins, ask forgiveness (freely given ) and turn from sin ,living , with the help of the Holy Spirit a God centred life .
I believe in the Trinity because it was taught within the very early church , well before the council of Nicea and Constantine putting in his two pennyworth . Tertullian was one of the first to use the term Trinity in his work Adversus Praxeam . Origen in 225 ad uses the term Trinity . Even earlier people like Justin Martyr (ad 150) clearly teach the Divinity of Christ .
" The Father of the universe has a son also being the First Begotten Word of God , is even God ."first Apology ch 63 .
ST Iranaeus , who also taught the Divinity of Jesus says
" We have learned from none others the plan of our salvation than from those through whom the Gospel has come down to us which they did at one time proclaim in public and at a later period , by the will of God ,handed down to us in the scriptures , to be the ground and pllar of our faith ."
I could go on with quote after quote giving lie, I say this unapogetically and without fear of contradiction from the Watchtower society , to the so called "facts " given in the book "Should you believe in the Trinity "
The Trinity and Christ's Divinity were clearly taught within the early church far before the WT says that these ideas were introduced .
One more quote from Clement of Rome Bishop from 90-99ad .
" And so we having be called throuh His will in Christ Jesus are not justified through ourselves or through our own wisdom or understanding or piety or works of which we wrought in holyness of heart , but through faith , whereby the Almighty God justified ALL men from the beginning : to whom be the glory for ever and ever , amen ."
How exactly did Jesus fulfill the law NOT the prophecies.
by mP intheres a clear difference between prophecies (predictions of future events) and laws(stuff you should and shouldnt do).. now since xians always says jesus fullfilled the law, how does one fullfill a bunch of requirements like dont murder, dont worship idols, shave your beard like this etc.. there are 613 laws in the torah, jewish rabbis have done all the hard work and we have a nice list on wiki..
im confused which of those some how select a unique individual to be the unique messiah ?
then again there were many messiahs, every king and priest of israel and judea was a messiah.
mp, didn't say that Jesus was replacing the law . Totally agree that He was summarising it onto those two commandments . Wasn't the original question how did He fulfil the law ? Just my suggestion as to how He fulfilled those two commands (the summary of the law ) in dying voluntarily for everyone .
The HE in "He shall bruise your head " is the woman's offspring , it never says that the woman will bruise the head of Satan , only her offspring .
How exactly did Jesus fulfill the law NOT the prophecies.
by mP intheres a clear difference between prophecies (predictions of future events) and laws(stuff you should and shouldnt do).. now since xians always says jesus fullfilled the law, how does one fullfill a bunch of requirements like dont murder, dont worship idols, shave your beard like this etc.. there are 613 laws in the torah, jewish rabbis have done all the hard work and we have a nice list on wiki..
im confused which of those some how select a unique individual to be the unique messiah ?
then again there were many messiahs, every king and priest of israel and judea was a messiah.
not read all the posts so sorry if duplicating , but it occured to me that the answer might be very simple . Jesus said that the law could be boiled down to two commandments . LOve the LOrd with all your heart and love your neighbour as yourself . When He gave his perfect life on the cross for us , freely and out of love He brought those two commandments to life (and death ). Paul said that no greater love has a a man than that he should lay down his life for another man . Jesus also demonstrated perfect love for the Father in perfect obedience . The law in action !.
by AuntConnie ini am very angry, pent-up rage call it!
so you will understand why and with great ease this subject is able to flow off my tongue onto the keyboard, because this time of the year is worse than your christmas time jitters!
anxiety, stress, compulsive babbling nuts are invading our service groups!
I'm more of a dub than AC , and I'm a Trinitarian !!! I know that doesn't make sense but you know what I mean , don't you ?
edmond dantes can't make up my mind , are you an ex member of Monty Python ? cus I could see the evening going that way , with you declaring yourself to be Brian , the very naughty boy !
So...why is taking blood essentially viewed as unforgivable by the WT?
by sd-7 inbeen hearing about this 'grey's anatomy' episode, and while i didn't see it, it brought up a question i wanted to throw out there, albeit a long-winded one, as is my usual nature.. the fact that people would rather die than take blood, as if...if they take it, they're doomed for sure to not make the new system--it doesn't make sense to me.
people both in the organization and the bible stories are forgiven for heinous crimes, murder, adultery, child sacrifice, everything up to and including denying jesus altogether.
(let's not forget child molestation and rape, apparently...) so why does it seem like this one act is presented to jws as one that's never to be forgiven?.
Two things , on the Free Minds new post it is said that a far as they , Free Minds know , there has been no dislellowshipping for a couple of years now for taking a blood transfusion so it looks like the WAtchtower is somewhat turning a blind eye ,(please check out Free Minds on this subject ) . Also if the original statement about blood concerned eating it then why don't JW's only eat kosher meat with the blood drained ? I asked that on another post and someone said that it is not exactly whole blood that comes from meat when it is cooked , but the GB does not seemed to be interested in finding out what parts of blood are in the non kosher meat that their members are eating . Surely as the original rules did only pertain to eating blood then more care should be taken in that dining ?
by AuntConnie ini am very angry, pent-up rage call it!
so you will understand why and with great ease this subject is able to flow off my tongue onto the keyboard, because this time of the year is worse than your christmas time jitters!
anxiety, stress, compulsive babbling nuts are invading our service groups!
edmond dantes , carrier bag radar switched on .
The GB and Jesus sacrifice
by l p inwould you guys be able to help me.
i want to get my head around this change in teaching that i have been seeing going round.. id like to know is it true that the gb are now saying jesus sacrifice isn't for the rank and file?.
if that is so what bloody use is it for everyone to go to the memorial for??.
Janet B , thank you for your imput , I read the link about the Great Crowd Worships ... and tried to look up the 1 Cor : 14 passage , did I miss something ? I'm reading Paul talking about spiritual gifts .
by AuntConnie ini am very angry, pent-up rage call it!
so you will understand why and with great ease this subject is able to flow off my tongue onto the keyboard, because this time of the year is worse than your christmas time jitters!
anxiety, stress, compulsive babbling nuts are invading our service groups!
Edmond Dantes , can I sit by you please ? what fun to be had . Think that you are spoiling A C . by promising to shower .
by AuntConnie ini am very angry, pent-up rage call it!
so you will understand why and with great ease this subject is able to flow off my tongue onto the keyboard, because this time of the year is worse than your christmas time jitters!
anxiety, stress, compulsive babbling nuts are invading our service groups!
Aunt Connie , I could really send you over the top , how about a real life , bona fide Trinitarian arriving , cus my friendly JW's (who know my ecentricities ) have given me an invite . I could sit at the front and shout out awkward questions until I get slung out .
What are your wiews on that ?
Fantastic rant by the way , keep it up , enlightening us to the ways of the Watchtower ,nudge , nudge , wink ,wink .