well how exactly did child abuse open your eyes to the Watchtower ? Was it just reading about how it is handled and finding out information , or was someone at your KH maybe abused and you had first hand knowledge of what happened . I wondered if your eye opening was purely from taking in kowledge from sources like this site or from more personal experience . I don't mean you but maybe as I said someone you knew .
Posts by jhine
Protecting pedophiles while protecting children
by stillin ini know that a lynch mob forms whenever there's a hint of anybody being a pedophile, but the truth is that not all are the slavering, predatorial animals that they are painted to be.
each circumstance has its' own specifics.
in defense of the wts, they do keep track of confirmed pedophiles now.
by The Searcher inhere's what i scavenged from the most notable watchtower i've ever read.
it may be far more significant than many people realise!.
and before anyone whinges that one or two are 'old light', the fact remains that all of them are rejecting what was once 'inspired truth' from the revered fds, and disagreeing with any one of these (now current) falsehoods would have resulted in your "stoning to death" and shunning by all whom you loved.
ADCMS , am I reading this right ? In 2007 the WAtchtower stated that the first ressurection began in 1914-1935 and some ressurected ones were giving the org information .!!!! Was that so that the ressurected ones could be blamed when things went wrong ? I understand that this has now been changed , but I did not think that even the org come come up with something like that .
I had to read it 4 or 5 times to make sure that I was not mistaken .
Mouthy , you have a pm
by jhine inhello, mouthy , i think , ( hope ) that i have sent you a pm .
not done it before , so please let me know if you get it .. jan .
A sad day for a JW- they lost a study 'cause of me.
by Gojira_101 ina few weeks ago i posted a topic about a deaf woman studying with the jw's.
the deaf preacher from the woman's parents church contacted me to know more about the jw's because the parents were allowing their daughter to study with the jw's because "they are such nice people.
" anyway the deaf preacher contacted me because he knows i just left the jw's last year and he wanted information.. i was more than happy to provide it.
Protecting pedophiles while protecting children
by stillin ini know that a lynch mob forms whenever there's a hint of anybody being a pedophile, but the truth is that not all are the slavering, predatorial animals that they are painted to be.
each circumstance has its' own specifics.
in defense of the wts, they do keep track of confirmed pedophiles now.
Lost , do you feel that you could elaborate on your last statement ? I ask this knowing that the answer may be "no " and of course that is fine , I know that you may want to protect your identity or the people involved .
Upcoming KM!! Why we are not False Prophets!
by DATA-DOG inthis subject is coming up this month in the tms.
i just thought i would start a post for newbies or lurkers.
if you have any scans of the awake inside cover that would be awesome.
well it seems that maybe they have learnt the lesson about giving dates , but I have just come back from sitting in on my friend's study with a JW and the Armageddon is coming soon line is still being cast . Oh and I heard the story of Noah from the "Imitate Their Faith " book .Could it have been any plainer , the message of obedience and keeping away from bad influences ? Isolate yourself or you won't get into the ark !
Mouthy , you have a pm
by jhine inhello, mouthy , i think , ( hope ) that i have sent you a pm .
not done it before , so please let me know if you get it .. jan .
Hello, Mouthy , I think , ( hope ) that I have sent you a pm . Not done it before , so please let me know if you get it .
Upcoming KM!! Why we are not False Prophets!
by DATA-DOG inthis subject is coming up this month in the tms.
i just thought i would start a post for newbies or lurkers.
if you have any scans of the awake inside cover that would be awesome.
thank you for this post , I had no idea about the 2000 date . I thought that 1975 was the last predicted date . I did have a witness tell me last year that the org were no longer in the business of making predictions because " It says in the Bible that no one knows the hour or the day " !!!! She looked a little shame faced when I asked if they had only just found this in the Bible , cus I thought that it had been there all along !
They seem to go back and forth between claiming to be inspired and then just being fallable men , I suppose according to the situaton at the time .
The are however still holding the" Armageddon is coming SOON" sword over the heads of the r&f aren't they , to keep order in the ranks .
Do you have wood floors? What cleaner do you use?
by Iamallcool ini have bona for years but i am looking to try something else.
any recommendations?.
You have to clean them !!!!! well who knew
by The Searcher inhere's what i scavenged from the most notable watchtower i've ever read.
it may be far more significant than many people realise!.
and before anyone whinges that one or two are 'old light', the fact remains that all of them are rejecting what was once 'inspired truth' from the revered fds, and disagreeing with any one of these (now current) falsehoods would have resulted in your "stoning to death" and shunning by all whom you loved.
sorry Searcher ,it somehow went over my head that these were the 8 reversals from the other thread (der) I can only say that I will try to keep up in future