Absolutely brilliant , the cat not the joke .
Absolutely brilliant , the cat not the joke .
i’m relatively new to this forum but am far from new when it comes to living life as a jw.
i wanted to throw out there my own personal experience and feelings and welcome any conversations (i’m mighty chatty and don’t have much for friends when it comes to jw’s) .
i hit the turning of an era nearly a month ago of legally becoming an adult, raised as a j dub my whole life.
As one of the tame religious nuts on here ( Anglican from birth ) firstly welcome .
Then l would like to point out that JESUS , yes that bloke , said that no-one knows the hour or the day when the end will come . Not even HIm , only the Father . So why the GB thinks that it knows better is beyond me (although theories about control through fear tactics are probably right ) They have been proved wrong on many previous occasions , which makes them false prophets .
hi everyone , how are ya'll ?
l have a question particularly for any americans on here .
l have an american friend from la who has recently been trying very hard to investigate bill gates and his foundation , she has shared quotes from a lot people making very serious accusations against bill .
No Smiddy she is not nor ever has been a JW . She does have cause to know a lot about them .
Anders l understand that my friend can believe what she likes , l would like to know for myself if there is any credence in her accusations . Bill Gates seems like one of the good guys .
She also has some strong opinions on Covid 19 and how we should / shouldn't be responding . She really thinks that all vaccines should be avoided as well because of her doubts about the Gate's vaccines , which worries me .
LV101 that is interesting . l looked into this as much as l could and could find no substantiation for her views . Wouldn't this be picked up by every country's media as big news ? I really don't see how , if it's true , it has gone unnoticed .
how do you think the congregation would react?
Well any of the mainstream religions will be praying about this situation . l am Anglican and although we are not meeting in person due to the lockdown our local vicar is sending daily emails with people and situations to pray for and it always includes an aspect of the Covid19 situation .
hi everyone , how are ya'll ?
l have a question particularly for any americans on here .
l have an american friend from la who has recently been trying very hard to investigate bill gates and his foundation , she has shared quotes from a lot people making very serious accusations against bill .
DOC , l did point that out , which didn't go down well . She says that she will discuss but how can there be discussion when any source that l quote gets shot down as unreliable , if it disagrees with her views ?
l did mention my contact with the newspaper and as expected was told that it couldn't be trusted .
No one so far has come on and said that there is some credence in her accusations .
hi everyone , how are ya'll ?
l have a question particularly for any americans on here .
l have an american friend from la who has recently been trying very hard to investigate bill gates and his foundation , she has shared quotes from a lot people making very serious accusations against bill .
I should qualify that and say l wondered if there was any truth in the being sued by the Indian Gov bit , not the internet bit .
hi everyone , how are ya'll ?
l have a question particularly for any americans on here .
l have an american friend from la who has recently been trying very hard to investigate bill gates and his foundation , she has shared quotes from a lot people making very serious accusations against bill .
All fair points : ) . She really does believe all this and l do worry for her . I just wondered if there could be even a modicum of truth in her assertions .
so, if you expect to find 'saints' with halos, you will never find real christians.. after over 30 years of being a jw, there are many things about the org that disturb me- yet no one else even acknowledges the only true god, as jesus referred to him.. not a 'they' or 'them' ('trinity')- but him!and he has always had the name jehovah (yehovah in hebrew)- even though the koine greek had no version of it when the nt was written.. so among the many things real christians have to endure- is often each other!
O.K but the Divine name wasn't in the " books of the evangelists " there has not been any evidence of that . Also you have just said that Koine Greek did not have an equivalent in it until later .
How can you stay loyal to false prophets ? How many times has the GB predicted Armageddon ? the most notable being in 1975 , the Autumn of to be precise . They let people sell houses , cars , and insurance policies to give the money to fund extra preaching . Then when it didn't happen no one was refunded . l am not a Catholic but l will say that the Catholic Church never pulled a stunt like that .
so, if you expect to find 'saints' with halos, you will never find real christians.. after over 30 years of being a jw, there are many things about the org that disturb me- yet no one else even acknowledges the only true god, as jesus referred to him.. not a 'they' or 'them' ('trinity')- but him!and he has always had the name jehovah (yehovah in hebrew)- even though the koine greek had no version of it when the nt was written.. so among the many things real christians have to endure- is often each other!
Hi MuchCloserLook , do you think that there may have been a reason for the writers of the NT to leave the name Jehovah out ? Surely if it was that important then Paul at least we have used it for God being the archetypal Jew that he was . Also it is written that Jesus is the " Name above all names " . Why ?
l do agree that every religion has hypocrites in it , we are all only human after all .
hi everyone , how are ya'll ?
l have a question particularly for any americans on here .
l have an american friend from la who has recently been trying very hard to investigate bill gates and his foundation , she has shared quotes from a lot people making very serious accusations against bill .
Hi everyone , how are ya'll ?
l have a question particularly for any Americans on here . l have an American friend from LA who has recently been trying very hard to investigate Bill Gates and his Foundation , she has shared quotes from a lot people making very serious accusations against Bill . Some being concerned with the Foundation's work in lndia , claims have been made that a vaccination programme has left thousands of lndian children ill and that the Government has kicked the Foundation out and is suing it . l looked on fact check which said that there was no truth in this . When l mentioned this to my friend l was told that l couldn't trust anything online because basically Bill and his cronies manipulated the internet .
l emailed one of our national ( British ) newspapers to ask if the Indian Gov. was suing the Gates Foundation and was told that " there were no reports anywhere to substantiate that " . l have a feeling that if l say this to her l will be told that Bill and his mates run the world's press .
Do any of you Americans particularly know anything about this ?