Sounds about right .
we brainstormed a while back on this forum and pooled our knowledge on how to recognize false religion.
i think the list is worth reviewing and adding to if possible.
please feel free to correct and or add insights of your own to this list:.
Sounds about right .
only jesus has the power and authority to defeat satan and kick him out of heaven:.
“now have come to pass the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our god and the authority of his christ, because the accuser of our brothers has been hurled down, who accuses them day and night before our god.”.
Disillusioned JW , yes you are correct about Jesus being the ONLY begotten son . So even more proof that He is not an angel.
only jesus has the power and authority to defeat satan and kick him out of heaven:.
“now have come to pass the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our god and the authority of his christ, because the accuser of our brothers has been hurled down, who accuses them day and night before our god.”.
Fisherman you quote part of the start of John's gospel. Here is all of it .
" In the beginning was the Word , and the word was with God , and the Word was God . He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made without him nothing was made that has been made. "
So Jesus was not made, He made all things. So he cannot be a created angel . I believe that the WT Bibles add the word other into those verses to change the meaning. I notice that you stopped short of quoting that.
However Genesis ( literal or poetic account of creation) says that God brought all life into being .
A little later John says
" The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us . We have seen his glory , the glory of the ONE and ONLY son who came from the Father full of grace." So again we are told told that this Word who because flesh is a one and only unlike the angels of whom there are many .
this story is so stunningly sad.
the good guy finishes last, as he has a crisis of conscience and ends up leaving behind four kids.
So sad .
another shooting, this time 14 kids dead more wounded and a teacher dead.
i am all for the second amendment and this does not change my mind.
but i do hate this kind of thing, makes my stomach turn.
Jojorabbit , every Western country has , as you said , experienced those changes in society. Well maybe not racial tension on the same scale. but Gay rights , access to porn etc and yet it is still only the US that has the firearms problem.
This is something unique to America , who knows why ?
Simon , l see your point about hospitals, your use of the phrase " business " threw me . These would have been NHS run.
another shooting, this time 14 kids dead more wounded and a teacher dead.
i am all for the second amendment and this does not change my mind.
but i do hate this kind of thing, makes my stomach turn.
Checked the statistics about mass shootings in Europe in general and no there were not more than in the US .
France had one horrific incident in 2015 which was the first since WW2 . Swift action was taken and less people have died in attacks since then than in the US . You have to look at the overall situation , not cherry pick ( to use an oft quoted phrase)
I did find out that the numbers for mass shootings in the US don't include domestic incidents. How many of those are there ?
Not sure what medical business helped cover up for Jimmy Savile. That disgusting act was carried out by BBC bosses , who were making a fortune out of him and other showbiz people who were scared of being ostracized.
It does seem that anti gun laws would be pointless and impossible to implement now given the ingrained love of guns in American society. Just please don't try to make others seem as bad to justify the problem of firearm violence.
another shooting, this time 14 kids dead more wounded and a teacher dead.
i am all for the second amendment and this does not change my mind.
but i do hate this kind of thing, makes my stomach turn.
I have to put my hand up and say that l didn't realise the high amount of gun ownership in some other countries. So , yes it's interesting that America has a much higher murder rate.
I suppose that the only reason that we are aware of the US gun laws is
A - because of the amount of firearms in American tv programmes
B - the amount of mass shooting there
So l do take the point that banning guns is very impractical and probably wouldn't work anyway. However semi automatic and automatic weapons do make mass shootings much easier .
Simon l do live in an area where violent crime is rare . However l think that most people still have very little chance of being stabbed even in large cities .
Death by stabbing is still rare enough to hit the national headlines.
I do agree that given the situation in the US schools should be protected. My point was that it is a sad state of affairs when that is necessary. As far as l know no other first world country has to take such measures .
another shooting, this time 14 kids dead more wounded and a teacher dead.
i am all for the second amendment and this does not change my mind.
but i do hate this kind of thing, makes my stomach turn.
We've had all this tripe before , it comes from GOP trying to defend gun ownership.
I live here , have done for 66 yrs . We are not scared of guns or knives.
I looked at the numbers in the 5 years up to 2018 there were 34 firearm murders per 1million people in the US .
That doesn't take into account the children killed by , usually , older brothers playing with firearms that have not been stored securely. .
UK 0.48 per 1million .
Murders by sharp instruments 2016
US 4.96 per 1 million .
UK 3.26 per 1million.
It is a fact that you are less likely to be murdered by any means in the UK than in the US
Yes you could secure schools but should a civilised society have to do that?
You can't secure shops and restaurants .
another shooting, this time 14 kids dead more wounded and a teacher dead.
i am all for the second amendment and this does not change my mind.
but i do hate this kind of thing, makes my stomach turn.
So it's acceptable that someone who has serious mental health problems, as you suspect the shooter does, to be able to get their hands on a gun ?
Speaking from a British point of view l am so happy to live in a country where we can send our kids to school KNOWING that they won't be shot . Or that l can pop to the shops , which is where the last mass shooting occurred, and KNOW that l won't be killed by a schizophrenic with a legal gun
Or l won't be killed by a child playing with Pop's revolver because it's fun .
That is freedom.
so i've asked this question to witnesses in the past (super no no question to ask by the way but hilarious responses) to bosses and coworkers, and random people of different faiths and i'm curious to know how mixed of a response this community will give.
bible believers or not your oppinion is very welcome.
technically according to scripture we are gods sons.
That's a lot to digest , but my first thought is Jesus and Lucifer are only brothers if you agree with the Watchtower teaching that Jesus is a created angel . As far as l am aware it is only the WT that teaches this and they can only produce one verse to back it up .