Which neighbours? Russia ? It's them that started all this . They invaded Ukraine, which simply reacted just like America would if Russia tried to invade there .
Jan from Tam
jeffrey sachs tries to reason with the eu parliament.that war does not benefit the countries.
it's mutual respect that allows countries to prosper.. he reminds them that the news media is not your friend.
he explains why trump is pulling away from the war.
Which neighbours? Russia ? It's them that started all this . They invaded Ukraine, which simply reacted just like America would if Russia tried to invade there .
Jan from Tam
so from the get go in study article 18 and the theme :"imitate the faithful angels" we read the following questionable statement in paragraph 1: "when jehovah drew you to the truth, he invited you into a diverse and loving family of worshippers, which includes millions of faithful angels.
@Fedupjw brilliant answer .
Jan from Tam
ah, yes, another shining example of the watchtower’s *unmatched* commitment to rational thought.
forget logic, science, or even basic common sense—just blame that suspiciously cursed handbag for all your troubles!
Herelam60 that's brilliant, wise man .
Jan from Tam
ah, yes, another shining example of the watchtower’s *unmatched* commitment to rational thought.
forget logic, science, or even basic common sense—just blame that suspiciously cursed handbag for all your troubles!
I would have to ask if any of these stories told by the WT actually true ? They all start with ' A Christian man ' or ' A Christian woman ' , so very anonymous.
Jan from Tam
trump said in another speech, had the citizens never voted democrat, and rinos were more concern about the citizens than lining their own pockets, the government would of had enough money to buy every citizen a home, car, full paid college education, and all social security recipients would be receiving 100k a year.
the trillions of dollars that were stolen by democrats and rinos and given to other countries for transgender surgeries, wars in other countries, and other worthless stuff throughout the years, could have been invested in so many avenues, and american citizens would be the richest people in the entire world and the most innovative.
don’t ever vote democrat again.
Liam what is this obsession that you have with transgender surgery ?
Jan from Tam
if you substitute j.w org for c of e this really hits home : (from bbc news site) :.
the church of england risks further crisis if it fails to adopt a sweeping new independent system to keep people safe, the former head of a national inquiry into child sexual abuse has said.
(prof. alexis jay).. "i think it's absolutely necessary because church safeguarding as it stands falls below the standards of secular organisations, and i do not think that can continue when it has also led to such serious weaknesses," she told the bbc..
This is part of a statement made by Marsha de Cordova in an interview about the vote . She is the MP for Battersea and the Second Church Estates Commissioner.
" The motion passed today did call for further work on the practical and legal implications necessary to implement Model 4 . I hope that work will be up with energy . I will be following these developments closely . "
Model 4 is the option to have all safeguarding independent.
So that option has not been completely rejected .
Jan from Tam
it is with profound humility and reverence that i share a message of great significance.
in the year 2001, my son and i witnessed the birth of the kingdom of god, experiencing spiritual battles that affirm our divine calling.
as prophesied in the scriptures, my son is the elijah to come, the forerunner to jesus' second coming.. living in the wilderness by his own choosing, my son embodies the spirit and mission of elijah, preparing the way for the lord.
I suspect that this may be a wind up , taking the micky out of the WT .
Jan from Tam.
hi, my name is leacy and i am 41 years old.
i live in california.
i attend the rancho santa margarita congregation.
Welcome Lace83, l am a British middle aged+ woman who , as a lifelong Anglican , has never been a JW . I really am as far removed as possible from what you are looking for .
However as others have said stick around . It's interesting on here.
Jan from Tam
don't understand....but this crisis in ukraine seems to be getting out of control....i mean, everybody knows how to start a war..... by the way, as always, people at the borg are having a field day.....
I object to the phrase MAGAt Brit , those two words should never be put together. Brits are absolutely not MAGAts.
Also what's the Daily Mail got to do with it ? More like Fox News l would have thought .
Jan from Tam
if you substitute j.w org for c of e this really hits home : (from bbc news site) :.
the church of england risks further crisis if it fails to adopt a sweeping new independent system to keep people safe, the former head of a national inquiry into child sexual abuse has said.
(prof. alexis jay).. "i think it's absolutely necessary because church safeguarding as it stands falls below the standards of secular organisations, and i do not think that can continue when it has also led to such serious weaknesses," she told the bbc..
Earnest, it may be that different Diocese do things a bit differently, however from the top down it has been made clear that safeguarding needs to be taken seriously.
Actually all this started well before the recent scandal . For many years DBS checks have been in place for anyone who may have access to children or vulnerable adults. Also those people have been required to take safeguarding courses which have to be kept up-to-date.
Last week our Vicaress Claire had to go on a safeguarding course dealing with domestic abuse. Not just for physical violence but mental abuse , which can be harder to spot . She described it as harrowing.
I don't know why the Synod voted how they did yesterday but l would like to know the reasons before commenting.
We ain't perfect , but I'm not sure that any measures can be implemented to stop abuse from ever happening. We are trying and obviously our response to victims needed to change drastically .
Jan from Tam