Thank you , jwfacts , have read the article and am still no nearer to understanding how association actually benefits the great crowd , a marvellous piece of wool pulling by the writing dept while making it seem as if they are presenting "facts " . This links to another thread about how the Watchtower uses words very craftily and carefully to say not a lot but get you believing it !
Posts by jhine
The GB and Jesus sacrifice
by l p inwould you guys be able to help me.
i want to get my head around this change in teaching that i have been seeing going round.. id like to know is it true that the gb are now saying jesus sacrifice isn't for the rank and file?.
if that is so what bloody use is it for everyone to go to the memorial for??.
NLP, Subliminal Messages and the WT Writing Department
by 00DAD ina few years ago i became interested in the subject of neuro-linguistic programming (nlp).
while the core concepts of nlp have been largely discredited as new-age pseudo-science, there is no doubt that there is at least some validity to the idea.
words and images remain the key way we communicate.
They just don't want the r&f educated cus then they might recognise the methods used for control . The people behind the writing are very clever eg the way they pick out bita and pieces from other works and make them fit their reasoning , even if originally they don't .
I always feel somehow comtaminated (yes that strong a word ) when I look at Watchtower literature and need an antedote of Bible reading to put me right . The whole tone of the writing is just creepy .
The GB and Jesus sacrifice
by l p inwould you guys be able to help me.
i want to get my head around this change in teaching that i have been seeing going round.. id like to know is it true that the gb are now saying jesus sacrifice isn't for the rank and file?.
if that is so what bloody use is it for everyone to go to the memorial for??.
I am not a JW , so any that are or have been please correct me , but I think that the teaching that Jesus isn't the mediator for everyone is not new it has been in existance for a LONG time . The rank and file "benefit " from association with the 144,000 , who up until recently were the F& DS , now it seems it is only the GB that has that honour !
I have never quite figured out exactly how thr r&f benefit from association and not one JW has been able to give me a clear explanation when asked . They don't seem to understand it either. Perhaps an ex JW would like to explain how exactly r&f members obtain their salvation . I assume it is only through works and has nothing to do with faith cus then , heaven forbid ! , the GB would not be needed .
I went to church on Sunday, and the world did not come to an end.
by LisaRose inback story, i left the jws 13 years ago, just walked away, moved to another state, and married a guy i had gone to high school with 28 years previously.
at first i was just happy to be away from the dubs and the thought of any organized religion just made me sick, and as most of you know, the dubs do a good job of tearing down other religions, so my thinking was still influenced by the wtbts in some areas.
i considered myself agnostic for a long time.. i occasionally visited my husband's parents church when we were visiting.
Fantastic , LisaRose , you were kind to me on another thread when I had made a faux pas concerning Cedars , which really cheered me up , cus I was feeling silly . So I am really pleased that you are finding the love of Christ and fellowship that is genuine in a church (shock - horror ) . I pray that your journey will continue into spiritual fulfilment .
God's name and the New Testament a new argument
by slimboyfat inan interesting recent article on the divine name in early christianity.. the author is surely a witness apologist.
a friend of furuli perhaps?.
search google for the pdf of:.
Am I right in saying that the tetragrammatom was NEVER in the NT ? I asked that question of a chap from Birmingham (England ) University who was giving a lecture at our church on early manuscripts of the NT and he said that ,NO the tetragrammaton had not been used in any NT manuscripts ever found . So Lars is perfectly right in stating that translating Lord into Jehovah in some instances is only justified by the WT theology in order to back up their insistance of using the name Jehovah at all .
Also it is awkward for them when Lord is used of both Yaweh and Jesus as ,of course, they deny the divinity of Jesus and so feel the need to separate the two completely in scripture.
Hypocritical comments by JWs regarding the Catholic Church in light of the new Pope.
by Theocratic Sedition ini'm curious, what can you expect to hear from jws this week?
or have you heard anything already.
since awakening, i find it to be hilarious when jws badmouth catholics and the pope but are completely oblivious to how hypocritical they are considering the gb and other wt heavyweights..
Yes , I do realise that this thread is about the new Pope , I have just noticed this lack of aknowledgement of other Churches all over this site and had to ask .
Hypocritical comments by JWs regarding the Catholic Church in light of the new Pope.
by Theocratic Sedition ini'm curious, what can you expect to hear from jws this week?
or have you heard anything already.
since awakening, i find it to be hilarious when jws badmouth catholics and the pope but are completely oblivious to how hypocritical they are considering the gb and other wt heavyweights..
I just have to say or ask have all the other Trinitarian religions disappeared off the face of the Earth when I wasn't looking ?!!!Why is it that on any thread it always seems to be a straight choice between JW's or the Catholics ? I am Church of England (yes I know that you have to live in England to have that joy ) but that is part of a worldwide Anglican church . There are also ,I believe people called Methodists , Baptists and Free Churches like that in Scotland .
Why are we never mentioned , if only to be slagged off ?!!!!
WT Society holds EXTREME Responsibility for 1975 and False Expectations
by flipper inhowever- many jw's who have come into the jw organization from like 1985 forward virtually may have no knowledge of the wt society's 1975 debacle and false predictions of the end times or armageddon predictions.
just like in in the book 1984 by george orwell the wt society has a way of not only erasing it's history so no newer witnesses will be aware of their false predictions, but also they are re-writing their history as if those false predictions never happened.. so for those of you here who may have never read or heard of how whipped up into an emotional frenzy witnesses were in the years just before 1975 by the wt society claiming the end was any day now- this threads for you.
to see the pressure that was put on jw's by the wt society to get rid of everything before " armageddon " .
yes thanks everyone from me
WT Society holds EXTREME Responsibility for 1975 and False Expectations
by flipper inhowever- many jw's who have come into the jw organization from like 1985 forward virtually may have no knowledge of the wt society's 1975 debacle and false predictions of the end times or armageddon predictions.
just like in in the book 1984 by george orwell the wt society has a way of not only erasing it's history so no newer witnesses will be aware of their false predictions, but also they are re-writing their history as if those false predictions never happened.. so for those of you here who may have never read or heard of how whipped up into an emotional frenzy witnesses were in the years just before 1975 by the wt society claiming the end was any day now- this threads for you.
to see the pressure that was put on jw's by the wt society to get rid of everything before " armageddon " .
Mr Flipper , thank you for liking my questions ,and thank you for your answer and Joliette and life is two short . The reason that I wanted an exact answer from someone in theknow is because of a doorstep encounter with a 30ish yearold lady JW who did not know ( until I told her !) about the selling of property in the 70's and was quite surprised , but she was sure that all the monies would be returned once Armaggedon had not happened because the org . is soo good like that ! I wanted to get my facts straight before pursuing this topic and it is good to hear from people who can give me the facts . Ta very much
The Watchtower Penitentiary
by stuckinamovement inlearning the truth about the watchtower society can be very painful for a number of reasons.
first, it is so disconcerting to realize that the core of your existence and the foundations of your beliefs are false that it can throw you for a real loop.
as witnesses we are so confident in all of the answers we have been given, to questions that we never asked, that we mentally put ourselves up on a pedestal above the masses of poor, blind, wicked humanity.
Well done SIAM for realising TTATT it must be really hard to go through very painful thought processes like those you describe . What saddens me greatly is that on this thread everyone seems to assume that if you leave the Watchtower you have to leave Yaweh as well . I am a Trinitarian Christian who is working very hard to "enlighten " sounds very hi falutin' but you know what I mean , JW's to the fact that the Watchtower org twists the truth about Yaweh by mis quoting Early Church Fathers about Trinity , by not telling te whole truth about the teaching of the Cross rather than the torture stake etc .
JUst because those people , who I believe do know that their theology is wrong , because they have to lie so much to uphold it , have twisted the Bible for their own ends that doesn't mean that Yaweh isn't there for you outside of the org. It just shows that Christendom has been right all along . That is why Christendom gets such a bad press in Watchtower literature because they didn't want you to look at it's theology in case you realised that in fact it is the right one .
I know that many will disagree with my veiws ,I am just saying keep an open mind on the subject , and try and get past the Watchtower mind control and guilt trips about any other form of Yaweh worship and try for yourself .