Arbolesde , you asked me a question on another thread about why the WT. does not attack Muslims , which I have answered . From my answer you will see that I feel that the WT. is not a true Christian org to say the least . I have never been a JW. so I am not qualified to comment on how you feel now , I can't imagine the rage , disappointment , sorrow etc that you must be feeling . I just want to say that you mentioned Jesus and His love , please hang onto that , do not lose faith in Yaweh just because of these people . I really feel ( and others also ) that the WT. just kept people from a personal relationship with Jesus and Yaweh by putting itself in the place of Jesus as intermediary between God and man .
PLease keep reading your bible , maybe a different one from the NWT which is doctored and find your own faith solely from scripture . God bless you