Band on the Run , you say that Jesus never identified Himself with the Logos , well is it not a plausilble explanation, as explained above ,that that is what He is doing by saying " Just as Moses etc " . It makes more sense that He is thinking about that explanation of the incident by the Rabbis in the Targum and that His Jewish listeners would understand the reference than that He is identifying Himself with the snake .
You say that John wrote much later, so what are you implying , that John has put his own spin on the events ? Isn't it just possible , and I am only asking if it is possible that John did understand that reference and posslbly others and realised what Jesus was saying . We should remember that the Jews not only had Torah and the Prophets as we do now but a rich history of Rabbinical interpretation and commentary , which is only available to us when we make the effort to find it .
I know that Jews understand so much more from the OT than we do , they see it as multilayered , the literal reading of a passage being only the top layer .
I have just broken off from typing to look for more information about this , I know that I have it somewhere . Howeverwhile failing to find it , for the moment , I did come across some wriring by a Dr Arnold Fruchtenbaum (no me neither ) who is the Founder/ Director of Ariel Ministries , who appear to be part of the Association of Messianic Congregations . No I do not know much about this group apart from the fact that they are Jews who have come to believe that Jesus is Messiah .
He concludes his piece entitled Jewishness and the Trinity by saying
"If the concept of the Tri-Unity of God is not Jewish according to modern Rabbis , then neither are the Hebrew sriptures . Jewish Cristians cannot be accused of having slipped into paganism when they hold to the fact Jesus is the divine Son of God .He is the same one of whom Moses wrote when the Lord said
" Behold , I send an Angel before you to keep you in the way and to bring you into the place which I have prepared . Beware of HIm and obey His voic ; do not provoke Him , for He will not pardon your transgressions ; for my name is Him . But if you indeed obey His voice and do all that I speak , then I will be an enemy to your enemies and an adversary to your adversaries for My Angel will go before you and bring you into the Amorites and the Hittites and the Perizzites and the Canaanites and the Hivites and the Jebusites ; and I will cut them off " (Exodus 23: 20-23 Now I know that verse isn't popular and I am not going to go into discussion about what "cut them off "meant and I know that one quote from one Messianic Jewish source is not enough to make anyone change their mind
I do feel that it shows that the issue is complicated Some Jews , at least ,feel that the Hebrew scriptures do support the NT claims about Jesus . We are told that on the road to Emmaus that Jesus explained the OT in relation to Himself to some disciple s Maybe , just Maybe that was at least partly where the NT teaching came from .
I know that this is not going to convince anyone who does not want to believe , and that is up to the individual , I just want to show that the issue is maybe not cut and dried either way .