Amen Neverknew , I became interested in Watchtower from talks at my front door and feel a need to give JW's the FACTS about the org . NOT to tell someone what to do with their lives but so that they can make informed decisions . What makes me sad is your point about Christendom not knowing about the hatred directed towards it by the org. MY Christian friends are largely ignorant about Watchtower theology and some have even questioned my motives for actively engaging with Witnesses and trying to give them facts about the WT . They still believe that by and large the WT is another branch of Christendom with slightly stricter rules ! MOst of my friends do not enter into discussion with Witnesses at their door , saying things like "OH we are Cof E and go to the church down the road , so we are very happy thank you " and do not realise that according to Watchtower teaching they are DOOMED .
Posts by jhine
Christendom should have a little talk with the JW GB.
by jam inyou people are turning out more atheist and agnostic then.
any other religious organization.
what the hell are you people.
Mistranslated Scriptures
by Crazyguy ini'm looking for help with a list of scriptures that the jw's mistranslated.
i'm thinking this may help to wake some one up.
i can think of rev 1:9 rev.5:10 and in luke were they changed the wording to say covenant from appoint or bestow, but that all i know so far.
In Colossians 1 where Paul tells us that all things were made by Christ (so He could not be "made")the Watchtower adds the word other , so saying " all other things were made by Him " obviously infering that Christ was made . If you read this passage as it was written without the word OTHER inserted then you see that Paul is at pains to say the exact opposite , that Jesus is not created . My NIV study Bible thinks that this was a heresey infecting the church at Colossae and Paul was writing to put them straight .
This is an obvious mistranslation as the Watchtower has added a word not in the original with the deliberate intention of changing the meaning . It is worth a try pointing this out to whoever , but be warned when I did this the Witnesses just said that they couldn't see the difference between the two meanings !!! HOwever for someone just on the edges or someone already having doubts this could be another nail in the JW coffin .
Hope that this helps .
Watchtower says: Jesus is a FALLEN ANGEL
by UnDisfellowshipped inthe watchtower society teaches that jesus is a fallen angel!.
back in the days of charles taze russell, the watchtower society correctly taught that abaddon/apollyon from revelation chapter 9 was satan or a demon (because the bible describes him as a fallen angel of the abyss who is in control of all of the demon/locusts):.
the finished mystery (1917):.
not sure about the star being satan , why would satan do God's work ? The NIV calls the star an agent of God possibly an angel . I do not believe that Jesus is a created angel so do not accept their explanation . What worries me is the identification of the locusts with "the army of Jehovah's witnesses "
I have wondered before about motives behind the leadership of the org. I am one of the people who see a satanic influence behind the org. How far would the rank and file go if told by the GB to act in a certain way if the seeds have been planted that they would be carrying out God's retribution on Christendom ?
WE wonder what makes a Muslim act violently when the Koran teaches peace and the answer is that some clever person has twisted their scriptures to convince a gullible person that they are doing the will of God .
I am not privy to the KH teaching that does not get broadcast to joe public but I wonder what else is insidiously planted into their thinking about Christendom ? I do remember reading that a worse fate was waiting for the Clergy of Christendom in one of their books . I asked about this as I understood that the teaching is that there is no hell and the sinfull people are simply killed off , so how can there be worse fate for some people?
As usual I got blank looks . I took this , at the time, to mean that the witness did not know , but now I wonder if it was theocratic warfare and she would not tell me the answer cus it wouldn't reflect well on the society to someone outside . Am I turning into a conspiracy theorist who sees ulterior motives everywhere , or is it in this case justified ?
Anyone here been Dfd for 'apostacy'?
by Julia Orwell injust wanna know.
i'm doing the fade but i reckon my big mouth could get me dfd.
i know plenty who've been dfd for fornication/adultery, but never met one dfd for speaking the truth.
Mouthy , I think that you are brill , one granny to another . Keep on mouthing !
thanks everybody , it really is quite remarkable isn't what lengths the org . will go to ?
Any wavering JWs who stray onto this please consider these issues carefully . is it right to use an iinnocent child to blackmail parents into obedience ?
by Terry inisn't it odd; even mysterious that christians think jesus could be represented by a serpent?
numbers 21:8 and the lord said unto moses, make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live.
21:9 and moses made a serpent of brass, and put it upon a pole, and it came to pass, that if a serpent had bitten any man, when he beheld the serpent of brass, he lived.
thank you ,for that reply . I am Anglican , so that is what confused me , surely we should be agreeing on more stuff than we disagree on . I believe the same basic theology as you . I really do not want to diss you at all we are on the same side .
Certainly my Cof E church is not full on Sundays and to be honest we are not too hot on evangelising , we are a typical country church that holds fetes,and runs a group for moms and under fives . We have however just started an initiative of going door to door ( can't wait to see the reaction of the local JW s ) just telling people about the church and giving a small leaflet out with information about the food bank and help for homeless people and addicts etc , which are projects run by the big sister church in the nearby town , so we are making a start toward coming into the 20th century at least with regards to outreach !
by Terry inisn't it odd; even mysterious that christians think jesus could be represented by a serpent?
numbers 21:8 and the lord said unto moses, make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live.
21:9 and moses made a serpent of brass, and put it upon a pole, and it came to pass, that if a serpent had bitten any man, when he beheld the serpent of brass, he lived.
can't be doin ' with this when did I ever say I was superior?
Also my understanding of Episcopalians are that they believe much the same as Anglicans ?
Do not get your attitude , you clearly have a huge chip on your shoulder .
by Terry inisn't it odd; even mysterious that christians think jesus could be represented by a serpent?
numbers 21:8 and the lord said unto moses, make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live.
21:9 and moses made a serpent of brass, and put it upon a pole, and it came to pass, that if a serpent had bitten any man, when he beheld the serpent of brass, he lived.
Never meant to diss the Jews , they are still God's chosen people and I believe will play the vital role in the end times . Where did I say that they needed my permission to exist ? Do not wish to debate with you and have no wish to try to change you , just thought that we were having a civilised discussion .
Your point about being educated , informed and a Christian confuses me . I believe that being a Christian and being educated are most certainly not mutually exclusive .
You said that as an informed Christian you would love to see prophecy fulfilled . Then you say that is not historical , well which ? and what prophecy ?
Because I asked you about your religion you seemed to go on the offensive , is that the JW mind messed up bit ?
How is my veiw of Christ narrow ? I genuinely would like to know your reasons for saying that , I am open to learn from anyone and will consider any veiws , I do not promise to agree with everyone but I hope never to have a closed mind and realise that I have much to learn still .
You say that my statements do not reveal a sophisticated knowledge of the Bible or theology , must one have a sophisticated knowledge to be saved ?
Is book learning better than wisdom from God , Jesus said that He was glad that the Father had revealed Himself to the simple people .
You seem very wary , if not suspicious of peoples motives , I am what you see on the tin , no more , no less .
Mathew 24:4
by sarahsmile injesus answered: watch out that no one deceives you.
5 for many will come in my name, claiming, i am the messiah, and will deceive many.
6 you will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed.
????????????? der
by Terry inisn't it odd; even mysterious that christians think jesus could be represented by a serpent?
numbers 21:8 and the lord said unto moses, make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live.
21:9 and moses made a serpent of brass, and put it upon a pole, and it came to pass, that if a serpent had bitten any man, when he beheld the serpent of brass, he lived.
p.s. Band On The Run what is your religion as you do not seem to believe in the divinity if Christ ?