Designs , I think that it is a bit more complicated than that , you have to think about a new heaven and a new earth for the first ones will pass away . A new Jerusalem coming down from heaven and God dwelling with men (Rev 21 : 1-5 ) I think that a lot of Christians of all denominations feel that this means a new coming together of heaven and earth , a new arrangement where God will be with man .
As discussed on another thread the great multitude are shown to be in the place where God is , in front of the throne .
I am not sure that it can be said that there is one official teaching , especially in the Church of England , about these things . When someone dies , for sure we talk about them going to heaven as a place above , but that often is to give comfort to children involved in the loss .
Most churches , even the Catholic church ,are open to discussion on such matters , we are not so dogmatic as the Watchtower .