All fair points : ) . She really does believe all this and l do worry for her . I just wondered if there could be even a modicum of truth in her assertions .
hi everyone , how are ya'll ?
l have a question particularly for any americans on here .
l have an american friend from la who has recently been trying very hard to investigate bill gates and his foundation , she has shared quotes from a lot people making very serious accusations against bill .
All fair points : ) . She really does believe all this and l do worry for her . I just wondered if there could be even a modicum of truth in her assertions .
so, if you expect to find 'saints' with halos, you will never find real christians.. after over 30 years of being a jw, there are many things about the org that disturb me- yet no one else even acknowledges the only true god, as jesus referred to him.. not a 'they' or 'them' ('trinity')- but him!and he has always had the name jehovah (yehovah in hebrew)- even though the koine greek had no version of it when the nt was written.. so among the many things real christians have to endure- is often each other!
O.K but the Divine name wasn't in the " books of the evangelists " there has not been any evidence of that . Also you have just said that Koine Greek did not have an equivalent in it until later .
How can you stay loyal to false prophets ? How many times has the GB predicted Armageddon ? the most notable being in 1975 , the Autumn of to be precise . They let people sell houses , cars , and insurance policies to give the money to fund extra preaching . Then when it didn't happen no one was refunded . l am not a Catholic but l will say that the Catholic Church never pulled a stunt like that .
so, if you expect to find 'saints' with halos, you will never find real christians.. after over 30 years of being a jw, there are many things about the org that disturb me- yet no one else even acknowledges the only true god, as jesus referred to him.. not a 'they' or 'them' ('trinity')- but him!and he has always had the name jehovah (yehovah in hebrew)- even though the koine greek had no version of it when the nt was written.. so among the many things real christians have to endure- is often each other!
Hi MuchCloserLook , do you think that there may have been a reason for the writers of the NT to leave the name Jehovah out ? Surely if it was that important then Paul at least we have used it for God being the archetypal Jew that he was . Also it is written that Jesus is the " Name above all names " . Why ?
l do agree that every religion has hypocrites in it , we are all only human after all .
hi everyone , how are ya'll ?
l have a question particularly for any americans on here .
l have an american friend from la who has recently been trying very hard to investigate bill gates and his foundation , she has shared quotes from a lot people making very serious accusations against bill .
Hi everyone , how are ya'll ?
l have a question particularly for any Americans on here . l have an American friend from LA who has recently been trying very hard to investigate Bill Gates and his Foundation , she has shared quotes from a lot people making very serious accusations against Bill . Some being concerned with the Foundation's work in lndia , claims have been made that a vaccination programme has left thousands of lndian children ill and that the Government has kicked the Foundation out and is suing it . l looked on fact check which said that there was no truth in this . When l mentioned this to my friend l was told that l couldn't trust anything online because basically Bill and his cronies manipulated the internet .
l emailed one of our national ( British ) newspapers to ask if the Indian Gov. was suing the Gates Foundation and was told that " there were no reports anywhere to substantiate that " . l have a feeling that if l say this to her l will be told that Bill and his mates run the world's press .
Do any of you Americans particularly know anything about this ?
this topic is to focus on status updates & advice (no opinion or politics please).. status.
latest status is that it's serious, probably isn't going to be contained and most large companies are making contingency plans, cancelling large events etc... which i don't think would happen if it was just people being alarmist.
the incubation period means it may have already spread further and infected many more people than are currently known, so expect jumps in the numbers over the coming days and weeks.. tracking.
A couple of thoughts on this , that won't be too popular .
A . Deaths in Italy where strict sanctions have been imposed are really high , so are those sanctions actually working ?
B How many deaths will be caused by the methods being used to stop deaths ? If people die from heart attacks and strokes caused from worry about their health or about financial problems caused by this situation will they be acknowledged as victims of the virus ? Seriously this will have a real negative impact on people's mental health .Guilt from having to lay off staff , worry about losing jobs and so maybe homes . l doubt very much that if deaths occur in these circumstances then they will be on the news .
hi , would someone help me please with some info about the nwt .
during my study time l have been reading john 1:1-14 and colossians 1:15-17 .
both these passages indicate that jesus was not created as the wt asserts .
Doug , only for the same reasons as above . If the early church was being corrupted by Gnostics then the literal meaning of the passage would make sense , IMHO . Paul is refuting Gnostic teaching by saying that Jesus was not a created being .
That is my reasoning , plain and simple .
hi , would someone help me please with some info about the nwt .
during my study time l have been reading john 1:1-14 and colossians 1:15-17 .
both these passages indicate that jesus was not created as the wt asserts .
TD , the Greek word for all that is used in this passage is panta , which is given in Strong's as meaning all , everything , the lot etc . So different to the English word all .
To me it should be seen as that because it would appear that , as l said earlier , Paul is refuting the Gnostic teaching about Christ , that he is a created being . Which is the WT standpoint on this .
l stand by my thinking , and not just mine , that putting in the word other does alter the meaning because it then puts Jesus in the category of created things , i.e. Jesus and all the other created things .
movie review"1917".
i so seldom seek to sit inside an actual movie theater anymore.however ...some films are absolutely tailored for of pigravityavatar3 examples of movies which do not translate to your home all.good, bad, or indifferent - some films are visual and immersive.. here is a sacred pronouncement:movies are a visual the hands of an orson welles (i.e.
citizen kane) they are a radio play+visual storytelling medium._____.
Gotta be honest like LUHE war films aren't really my thing , but l have heard a lot of positive comments about it .
hi , would someone help me please with some info about the nwt .
during my study time l have been reading john 1:1-14 and colossians 1:15-17 .
both these passages indicate that jesus was not created as the wt asserts .
JoenB75 , l do believe that all things means all things , l don't believe that reconciliation equates to salvation .
hi , would someone help me please with some info about the nwt .
during my study time l have been reading john 1:1-14 and colossians 1:15-17 .
both these passages indicate that jesus was not created as the wt asserts .
l also found useful in understanding this passage in context the commentary by William Barclay on Col 1 . He explains that Paul was writing this letter to the Colossian church at a time when Gnostics were trying to stamp their beliefs on the Gospel . Gnostics taught that all matter was evil and so God couldn't touch it , so He created a series of angels each one further away from Him until there was enough space between Him and evil matter for one of those angels to work on creation . They believed that Jesus was just one of these angels , so a bit like WT teaching .
A knock on effect of that was that the body was considered evil so Jesus as the revelation of God could not have had a flesh and blood body . "So Paul speaks of Jesus reconciling man to God in his body of flesh , he says that the fullness of the godhead dwelt in him bodily . In opposition the the Gnostics , Paul insisted on the flesh and blood manhood of Jesus " Barclay's words .
So regarding the reconciliation of all things Barclay says
"There is no doubt that Paul was thinking of the Gnostics . We will remember that they , regarding matter as essentially evil , therefore regarded the world as evil , but as Paul sees it the world is not evil . It is God's world and shares in the universal reconciliation . "
For me understanding the context of the letter helps with understanding what Paul is saying , in the light of the Gnostic invasion of the Colossian church .