JoinedTopics Started by nochoice
Anyone else work from home?
by confusedandalone inif so, how are you enjoying it compared to maybe sitting in an office or going outside the home for work.
i use to work in the office environment but after starting up my own thing with the with we eventually got office space.
then as we grew we have decided to leave the office space for the employees and work from home.. i am sure it is not as exciting working from home but the wife disagrees.
Due to Oct 5th WT Biz Meet all meetings for that week are cancelled
by illoowy ini was informed that due to oct 5th wt biz meet all meetings for that week are cancelled,.
i asked if the mid week meeting was also and was told yes, because of the assembly.. it seems there's an overload of theocratic alternative banqueting feasts available so.
that the regular menu at the kh is not necessary for that week.
Who Really Will Give JWN Members the Proper Food at the Proper Time?
by nochoice inhello friends.
do we have a board member that has committed to divulging the annual meeting highlights as soon as they're out?
i understand the live show will be at 10:00 am on saturday.
Is my Judicial Commitee Guided by Holy Spirit?
by 70wksfyrs ini am a newbie to ttatt.
i have been reading your posts for a few months and joined in a few times.
thank you so much for taking the time to write you experiences it really helps us newly awakened ones.. so here is my story........ my name is 70wksfyrs and me and my kids are victims of domestic violence at the hands of a so called jw.
2014 means nothing
by konceptual99 ini know there have been many comments over the recent past about 2014 being potentially a key point in time for the wts as it's 100 years since 1914 but my view is that it means absolutely nothing.. people are people and history shows the psychological hold that organisations like the wts has just carries on captivating people.
the org survived the 1975 debacle and they will potter on for years to come regardless of things like 100 years since 1914, especially since this is something the wts are simply not talking about.
it means nothing to anyone other than people looking for something to bash the wts with.. it's not mentioned in the literature and is unlikely to be anytime soon - why the heck would the wts want to remind people of the length of time?.
EMOTIONS can tear you apart....but, not if you IDENTIFY their SOURCE
by Terry inmany people don't know why they "feel" what they feel.
they fall in love with the wrong person.
they cry unexpectedly.
Lot's of talk on the July Watchtower?
by noonehome inso i've heard lots of talk from within about the 'new light' in this watchtower...i'm yet to look at it in any detail.
i'm kind of surprised actually...i first heard about it here before it was even available but close to the time it did come out people started bringing it up - even our co.. some say things like "have you heard about this?
" or "big changes," or "allot of things they said we believed, i didn't realize,"(lots of that) or "brain-overload" or " too much information, but i've never felt more pumped up" or "it's soo exciting to see jehovah's spirit lead his organization..." or "it requires time to sink in, but it's a good feeling!
JW women in critical condition after being attacked by pit bull while out in service
by JimmyPage in
What do you have to do to qualify for reinstatement? Just curious.
by cobaltcupcake ini da'd so i doubt i could ever qualify for reinstatement, even if i wanted to.
i'm curious what criteria you have to meet for a jc to reinstate you..
How many fornicating sinners will be welcomed at the Memorial with hugs...hypocrites!
by Witness 007 inwe invited our very close witness friend to a picnic/coffee in the park and she said she would sms us and let us know...she didnt bother which is like a big f.u to me.
we are inactive but not sinners.
imagine all the fornicators she will be huging at the memorial.."sooo nice to see you!!!