I like what Sd said. We take the Watchtower more seriously than they do. They just know the rules of how not to get in a JC Nobody there studies the deep things of the bibe or I would be sending them a welcome PM on this site. So true! I also think it's the source our of information. A bit more fun when you get to read things you're not supposed be reading! And in my case, and others on this board that are still in, when you get to read things a lot sooner than you're supposed to! I still haven't recieved my December KM from the brothers, and just got my November KM a couple of days ago. Meanwhile 19 days ago I was able to print out the December KM because of Atlantis! In my hall the elders and servants are more interested in what parts they have to prepare for because of thier assignments, which might be 1 out of 15 service meeting parts on a whole KM, than the other 14 they don't have to worry about. |
JoinedPosts by nochoice
by DATA-DOG inarticles:.
how will this world come to an end.
peace for a thousand years and beyond.
Need some help!!!!! ***URGENT***
by sinis inmy wifes mother recently passed away, and it has devastated my wife.
the family, who are not witnesses, but out of respect for the deceased, and who was a jw, had the ceremony at the kingdum hell, which almost made me throw up... last time i ever step foot in that place.
i felt like a vampire on the threshold of a church, as i looked into the interior hall feeling my skin burn and start to smoke... anyways, as i have posted on here before a friend of my wife, has in the past, sent her (my wife) emails about going back to the kingdumb hell.
Are you in a financial position to take your wife away for a week? A little trip, maybe even a nice weekend? It's already been mentioned by you and other posters that she's needing the "feel good" and is not currently interested in a life change or the doctrine. I doubt reading apostate books and getting into deep doctrine will interest her right now. The person emailing her is not giving academic stuff, but providing hope, at least in your wife's mind.
YOU have to provide that feel good for your wife! Please understand, I am NOT saying at all that you're not a good man and haven't been providing emotionally for your wife! But it's super hard to compete with "everlasting life in paradise" and a "resurrection where you can see your mom again if you come back to the KH."
From someone "in" who has NO CHOICE as my username suggests, you don't want to loose her again, or be stuck in again yourself! It's worth time off from work to get her out of the house just to let her decompress and cry and mourn, without the reading stupid emails. My humble suggestion would be not even to discuss the meetings until the last few hours of the trip, unless she brings it up first. Just let her talk about her feelings and don't judge them. She's got guilt, regret, dread of the future, and all kinds of other things that people who suffer losses have, that she should share with her caring husband before she shares them with an opportunist witness!
Never, never was 100% in
by pontoon inover 40 yrs baptized, service, builds, talks and talks and talks that i put countless hours of prep into, elder, meetings, assemblies,----you all know.
but through it all i never bought the whole truth idea 100%.
no matter what it was, meeting, service, assemblies, i just couldn't wait for it to end.
If the truth be known there isn't one person that is 100% but they put up and shut up to save face.
Sad to say, this isn't the case for a lot of the friends. I see some kind hearted, sincere people who give it thier all even when they're not being watched. They truly believe that Jehovah is watching their every move and dicerning every thought and motive. Some of them, I believe, are afraid of themselves! Of what might come up into thier mind or heart so they struggle in turmoil. I can say this about a couple of elders too, but mostly it's the regular publishers. And even if it's just say, 20 of the friends out of a typical 100 publisher congregation that are in 100%, that too many.
I was never 100% growing up in the organization. But I am not sure if that made it worse because I couldn't justify the time I was spending. Perhaps being 100% indoctrinated is better than 90% because you don't know any better.
I know very few JW window washers and cleaners
by MC RubberMallet inmaybe these occupations are quoted to make a point, but it loses meaning when maybe 1% of brothers i know actually has these as jobs..
I can tell you that in my KH, the sterotype holds very true. Many of the friends are in cleaning jobs of one kind or another - whether it's sisters cleaning homes and offices, brothers cleaning commercial facilities, or simple window cleaning or car detailing.
In fact, when some heard that a few new publishers were moving into our hall from out of state, one of our publishers said they he hoped they weren't coming to our area to look for work because the brothers were already competing with eachother for cleaning jobs! So, the assumption and the stereotype held by the friends themselves is that a new publisher coming in would most likely be in the cleaning trade!
One more for you that I don't think was mentioned - hair stylist. So many sisters cut hair for a living while thier husbands clean windows!
What's in your current meeting bag?
by nochoice inthanks again for the comments on the ipad in kh rules.
on a similar vein, i've been thinking of all the books i can leave behind once our kh blesses the ipad phenomenon.
in the meantime, this is what i have to lug in and why:.
I shredded all lititure, however I do not want more trees going to waist, so I gave the refrences and old book bages to a random KH when almost no one was there.
This happens at our KH all the time! Being the literature servant, it kind of sucks to constantly have bags and boxes of old literature dropped off!
It messes up the counts, but I don't really care about that being accurate. If they're a discontinued item, then it sucks because our elders say to leave them out on the counter in case any of the friends would like it for thier home library and they sit there for weeks. Bible cassette tapes! Noah VHS! Bound volumes from 10 years ago that are not old enough to be interesting and nostalgic enough for me to take home. No one wants them.
If it's a publication that's in use, the problem is that you really can't put these older, yellowed, hard cover books in with the softcover versions. So those sit out too. If it came from one of the friends in the hall thinking they're doing me a favor, I have to leave it out a while and throw it away a couple weeks later. If it came from a ex-JW getting out of the organization leaving their garbage behind, I can throw it out immediately.
"it's a blessing"
by carla insince when do jw's say "it's a blessing"?
especially in reference to non jw things?
example, " it is such a blessing to have x,y or z government agency to help...." is this normal?
I've never heard the phrase used when referring to governments or anything non-JW, but I hear it regularly now anytime something bad happens in the life of a JW!
One of the publishers lost thier job and it was a blessing because they could be in service more! No talk of what problems the loss of income would cause the family.
One of the publishers had thier car die on them, it was not worth fixing, and they could not afford to replace the vehicle, but it was a blessing because now they've widened out as they accept rides to field service and the KH from the friends! No talk of whether the friends would also be available to take them to work.
One of the publishers turned down overtime work even though they have a big family to support. The blessing was making Jehovah proud!
All real blessing talk in my hall in the last couple of months.
Do the elders have "clear direction" that it's ok to use an ipad at meetings?
by nochoice ini read this post more than a year ago: http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/212313/1/watchtower-publications-for-ipad.
since i saw it, i've been waiting for the first brother or sister to show up at the hall with an ipad to see what happens.
a little here and there at the conventions and assemblies.
Regarding "real time" service help on the ipad from the society's site while in the ministry, I sincerely doubt it will be used that way. But, it's going to give the sheep a sense that the society is on the cutting edge!
There will be articles in the study WT about brothers that foiled householder's attempts to trip them up on doctrine. And even though it will all be made up, most sheep will assume the WT pretty much owns the Internet. So when the society tells them to ignore apostate sites, the society will seem more credible.
That's my thoughts on why the society is so stupid as to send the friends into the feild with the very technology that got most of us out!
What's in your current meeting bag?
by nochoice inthanks again for the comments on the ipad in kh rules.
on a similar vein, i've been thinking of all the books i can leave behind once our kh blesses the ipad phenomenon.
in the meantime, this is what i have to lug in and why:.
Regarding back packs, that wouldn't fly in my hall. I witnessed a brother being counseled that his bag was canvas. It was a nice high quality canvas bag, probably more expensive than the faux leather of some of the other brothers, but apparently it was too casual. Canvas knap sack or back pack, no way! I am surprised the WT hasn't found a way to sell Watchtower branded breifcases to the freinds yet. For that matter, they could possibly resell ipads to the brothers with a small markup that already have WT stuff loaded and this site blocked!
What's in your current meeting bag?
by nochoice inthanks again for the comments on the ipad in kh rules.
on a similar vein, i've been thinking of all the books i can leave behind once our kh blesses the ipad phenomenon.
in the meantime, this is what i have to lug in and why:.
Lol! Thanks guys. I keep forgetting that the majority on this board are already out! Congratulations to you all! Even with a strap and a handle, what I carry around is a real shoulder breaker.
Also, I forgot to mention the BE book (Benefit from Theocratic Minsitry School). Even though I don't get "graded" any more with TMS parts, it's still needed for discussion parts on the service meetings.
What's in your current meeting bag?
by nochoice inthanks again for the comments on the ipad in kh rules.
on a similar vein, i've been thinking of all the books i can leave behind once our kh blesses the ipad phenomenon.
in the meantime, this is what i have to lug in and why:.
Hello all. Thanks again for the comments on the ipad in KH rules. On a similar vein, I've been thinking of all the books I can leave behind once our KH blesses the ipad phenomenon. In the meantime, this is what I have to lug in and why:
Reference Bible - the brothers want our elders and servants to have a reference bible at the kh since we're supposed to be doing constant research
Organized Book - just in case there's a part with comments, or I have a part
Reasoning Book - just in case there's a part with comments, or I have a partBible Teach Book - we're encouraged to always have it with us since it's such an important part of the ministry, and in case it's referenced from brothers on the stage or sisters during thier talks
Year Book - just in case there's a part, which will always be with comments, or I have a part
Bearing Witness - or current CBS book
Song Book
Multiple KM's, and Study WT's, and public WT&A's - might as well just be able to grab them when we're going over the magazines for the next month instead of making sure I am current. Every so often I take out the old KM's and Study Editions
The next month's current offer - tracts for Nov & Dec, brochures before that, etc. - Gotta whip them out if they're going to be discussed
All Scripture - we don't reference it from stage anymore or have parts that call attention to it directly, but just in case I am stuck with Bible Highlights on the first few chapters of a new bible book, this is where the material comes from
All my Literature Servant work - pending orders, special requests, etc. - Not heavy, but one more thing