Don't forget, just because the amount of hours turned in for public preaching might decline here in the USA, that doesn't necessarily mean that the dedicated hours to WTS are decreasing.
The CO said at lunch at his last visit that I was at, that the average was down, but he talked with the Branch about it since he was the head of RBC. He said the brothers are working so hard on quickly built halls, assembly halls and the like (and they use so many of the same brothers over and over who are reliable) and they don't get to count their time.
Brothers who are pioneers and work on projects for COs and DC parts (like the drama, etc) or if they work on the talks the COs have to give, they get a "credit" off their time for the year. So even tho they didn't make their goal of 70 for the month (I forget the yearly requirement) they get to show the credit and not be removed.