You do understand, do you not, that the use of brackets themselves are an admission that the word enclosed has been added to complete the sense of a passage, as the translator understands the passage? Where is the dishonesty in that?
Actually, many translators would use footnotes in that case, so as to preserve the original text. The "dishonesty" occurs when there is no justification for the words other than the translaters INTERPETATION of a specific passage. This is where translation and interpetation differ. In the case of the WTBS and the NWT, it is has been clearly shown that the translators BIAS (torward a specific theology) was in full force when adding these additional words, thereby intentionally changing the meanings of the texts. The Dishonesty comes later, when it becomes evident that NO TRANSLATION can be "trusted" to be accurate.
(Note: I am not saying that the NWT is the only translation guilty of this, it just happens to be the topic at hand.)
You're what is called "a hopeless case".
The same statement applies to you. The difference is my faith does not depend on the Bible or any "earthly organization" for support. In fact, my faith exists despite the best efforts of others, like you, to trounce it.