I am glad to see that scholar has chosen to continue his illfated 607 discussion here, but I want to comment on this first...
Scholar said:
You ask about the NWT which is without the slightestdoubt the finest translation ever made. The translation was produced by anointed brothers under the guidance of holy spirit. The translation however was not inspired by God and is not infallible but its accuracy is astonishing in pushing the boudaries of biblical scholarship.
So, The translation was produced by "annointed brothers" under the "guidance of the Holy Spirit" but IS NOT inspired of god or infallible.
Then I ask you scholar, what good does that claim do? Basically you have built up, and destroyed, your own argument for why it's "accuracy is astonishing"... jees... you just said it wasn't infallible! IMHO, if the "Guidance of the Holy Spirt" leave us with a fallible, and "non God inspired" translation, what good did it do? More or less, you just stated that a group of men did their best to create a "new" translation of the scriptures... Wow, I must state just how impressive that really is.
How is that any better,. or worse, than other "translations"?
Now, on to your most basic, and consistent argument for accepting the 607 date:
The society under the guidance of holy spirit and holy writ has determined that 607 is the only possible choice and we can all thank Jehovah and his Son for this amazing understabding.
Is this the same "fallible" holy spirit, and not "God Inspired" that helped with the translation? Keep in mind that the "holy writ" that you speak of was translated by "fallible men" without Godly inspriation.
So, when the Society finally fesses up and rethinks it dates and says it really was 586/7 for jerusalam's fall. What will you do then? Will you look back on this and think "wow, all those others were right after all"?
(Of course, if this ever happens, they will have to adjust when they were proclaimed the "Faithful and Discreet Slave", but since moving it by 20 years puts it at 1935. But since that was when heaven was "sealed" it actually fits quite nicely. (another "non god inspired" but guided by the "holy spirit" proclamation).
One last thing, Scholar... Please post your "3 column" line of evidence thing for proof of 607. As many times as you have told others to do it, I have never seen you post yours.