I think we are actually in agreement..."every" book claims to be the best... Ever read a couple of Bass Fishing magazines or lure catalogs? The problem is that the WTBS holds that Russle was it's founder (albeit modern day), but they don't follow any of his charector and views
If the Watchtower today continued to publish Russell writings and reflect hsi character and views, they wouldn't be having all the problems they have today.
From what I understand of Russell's charector and views, I would have to agree with you.
However, There is a vast difference between Russells "charector" and some of the teachings he taught as truth. One example would be his teachings on the pyramid (which changed measurements to support new "understandings") and his teachings on what would come to pass in 1914. While you may be able to pass that off on "missed expectations", it was still taught that that was what was to pass.
Perhaps this statement is true about Russells works as well:
Many friends of the Bible, instead of regarding it as containing a system of truth, look upon it as a compilation of facts, commandments and promises, that are not susceptible of arrangement.
The paragraph about the Studies stands... Russell fealt that he was presenting the truth through the "studies in scriptures", and indeed he was, as he understood it. Anyone not studying his works would indeed fall into darkness as far as he was concerned. The WTBS, under Rutherford (and from then on) stopped teaching Russell's views, and fell into that "darkness".
But what always surprises me in any of these conversations is how followers of "end time" groups (like Russells, WTBS, teh adventists) always seem to ignore Christ's clear instructions at Luke 21:8
He replied: "Watch out that you are not deceived. For many will come in my name, claiming, 'I am he,' and, 'The time is near.' Do not follow them.
Now, I don't know wether or not Russel ever strictly claimed to be something special, but he certainly claimed that the time was near.
Again, RR, I want to be sure you understand my meaning:
Russell taught a good many thing that was indeed "truth" and worthy of consideration even a hundred years later, but he also taught, and did, a number of things that prove he was "just another man".
Just like thousands of others, from the time of Christ untill now, and for another millinnium to come... until we all begin to realize it is a "system of truth" and not a "a compilation of facts, commandments and promises".