I considered simply burning it, however, with all things there is a value.
For me, it was the discovery FOR MYSELF that all that I had read in the "apostate" literature was true. Sometimes, you just have to see it for yourself, no photocopy can do.
Rutherford is quite a study in himself. Some of his early words (in the "Millions now living..." book/sermon) were inspiring, especially as compared to his later "hate filled" drivel. Methinks he had quite a time adjusting when he was not as accepted as Russel once was.
OrangeFatCat, I do not know what a "fair" value is for this collection. I know what the FreeMinds site "asks" for similar books, and I know (roughly) what I paid to aquire these. If you have a figure in mind that you would spend to aquire them, please let me know. This is why I did not post an "asking" price for it, I figure this will be negotiated in private.
Mary, Good luck with the sales of the wheat and beans. Perhaps you can make a fine malt beverage from them to enjoy if you are unable to sell them.
I realized that my email address was not open, so I created an account for this board, you can reach me at [email protected] if you want to.