I have an advanced diploma in business admin, and am doing a BSc Degree with honours in Psychology at the moment.
education was strongly discouraged among the witnesses.
i am curious as to how many of you went on for further education and in what fields.
i will go ahead and list the ones i already know.. larc - advanced degrees in organizational psychology.
I have an advanced diploma in business admin, and am doing a BSc Degree with honours in Psychology at the moment.
is it normal for those that refuse blood to not know their blood type?
that is usually one of the first things that the hospital lets parents know about their kids and when you go for any blood work it is on the top of the sheet.
i have a very rare blood type and i questioned my boyfriend about his for future knowlege when we have kids.
Hi Christina
I havent seen a lot of your posts so I might be saying something someone has already said, but I'd be careful if I was you about the marriage thing. JWs have the philosophy that if you date someone for any length of time then marriage is "expected" and "proper" and under no circumstances should you continue the relationship for years without marriage. Sex before marriage is prohibited as you might know, and even if a JW has sex before marriage he may feel very uneasy about it and wish to be marriage just to alleviate the guilt of having sex outside of marriage against the teachings of the bible.
This may not be an issue for you, but as a young JW I felt pressured to get married at age 20 and now think that was a mistake.
Im not saying these are his motives but you must be aware of those facts.
i have a jw friend who said to me "i'd be interested to know if there are any other religions that teach what jws teach".
after the post on "food for thought" which gave details of modern day bible students, i thought i'd ask the question:.
what religions are there that either have similar roots to the jw religion, or that have similar teachings?
Hi All
I have a JW friend who said to me "I'd be interested to know if there are any other religions that teach what JWs teach"
After the post on "food for thought" which gave details of Modern Day bible students, I thought I'd ask the question:
What religions are there that either have similar roots to the JW religion, or that have similar teachings? Of course Im referring to those that are not considered controlling cults.
Most JWs say "theres no other true religion" or "if Im not JW, where can I go?" so dont you think we should collect details of other alternatives that seem palatable to them?...just to try and show them that not all other religions can be condemned as evil and thereby tempt them to leave JW?
help? I'd like to say to my friend "well actually you could go to (name of religion)"
i don't know if they still have this little gem to start off assembly sessions.
back in my days of dubdom, some raw recruit would often relate to the assembled multitude his/her story of how his/her life was a mess when - bingo!
a chance encounter led them straight into the 'trooth', and hey look at me everyone, i'm living proof it's the troof!.
Then there was the sister who was abducted by a crazy madman and she prayed to Jehovah. The madman said "who is this Jehovah?" and she proceeded to witness to him (all the while hoping he wouldnt slit her throat) and he suddenly became pacified and let her go....and noone knows where he is now....
Or when a sister was on the ministry on her own, and she called at a mans house, and she noticed a strange noise behind him of a woman seemingly in pain. She promptly left and got the police....only for them to find the man had someone abducted in his house and tied up (with axe and all ready to kill) and the police (who of course ask these questions of mad-men) asked "why did you let the JW woman get away?" and he said "because of the really big tough looking guy she was with" (presumably with "gabriel" stamped on his forehead) of course the sister was alone....
Or the man who found a tract on a waste dump and promptly ran to the nearest Kingdom Hall for a bible study.
Then theres the crazy satan worshipping spiritist who was being harrassed day and night by EVIL spirits (who incidentally told him the future and couldnt say Jehovah), who was held back from answering his door by the spirits when JWs called, but he managed to answer it and as soon as he heard the name Jehovah he felt a million times better, plus the wierd dark shadowy thing stopped lurking about in his house.... and by coincidence at the same time a gypsy called round and sort of ran away in fear at the household that was now "of Jehovah"....
These are all stories I was told by dubs when I was a dub.
As for songs....I advise everyone "MAKE THE *TRUTH* YOUR OWN"
i remember this article from when it came out; found it whilst looking for info on low frequency sound, it's very interesting, but was ignored by-and-large by the spook community as it's less rimantic than dead grandpa's.. .
monday 29 june 1998 .
LOL Abaddon!
is your name some version of "a bad un"?
Here we have something we agree on. If God punished us for not believing then he/she would be an assh*le!
I believe in reincarnation, and that we are accepted on the other side, and we do review our life but not from a judgemental standpoint, but just to learn.
Unclebruce: bravo!
i remember this article from when it came out; found it whilst looking for info on low frequency sound, it's very interesting, but was ignored by-and-large by the spook community as it's less rimantic than dead grandpa's.. .
monday 29 june 1998 .
Hi Abaddon,
I can see your point. Yes, I sort of accept anyones ideas on belief. I respect many people who are, say, Christian, because I just cannot agree with it I suppose I think "wow, they must have faith to get over all the bible inconsistencies that seem to be there".
Witch trial? Good question, cos I am pagan LOL. I'd rather be on trial with some1 like you than a fundie christian who assumes Im a Satanist! LOL
I agree wholeheartedly on the subjective / objective thing. Phenomenological reality, I think Carl Rogers advocated that everything is from our own point of reference even how we "see" the world. Also the point on everyone being able to have beliefs as long as they dont harm anyone. I think thats where I draw the line....but your point on being too open minded ....well I need to think about it. I think I might be guilty of that, since I've become so accepting of any idea due to the desire to have people accept my ideas! I sort of give people the benefit of the doubt more often than not, because Im fed up of people judging me based on their own interpretation of the word "pagan" when they dont actually ask me what I believe.
Talking of ignorance, whos REXB13?
Just remember that science says that some things are unexplainable. Science has supported some things that were once considered "baloney". Energy fields around living things for example. Those energy fields can influence energy around us. Thats scientific, and it supports many so called paranormal ideas.
On some things there can be middle ground such as the nature / nurture. Part this/ part that.
I just dont like it when people think that science is 100% accurate and 100% basis for rejecting "God". I dont claim my way is 100% accurate. I think that those who believe in science should just accept, that MAYBE, just maybe when they die they will find themselves on the "other side" looking at God, for no scientific, explainable reason in particular.
i again hit some new lows last week personally.
the struggle continues.
i thought i would post a few affirming thoughts from my life and welcome others who are struggling with the same issues i am to do the same.. in high school, i was the weird kid.
I was really glad to read that you pursued your goals despite lack of encouragement from your parents.
I wasnt that strong, when I was 16 and was deciding what study to do next. Rather than doing what all of my teachers said and pursue Alevels then a Degree, since I was one of the highest achievers in my school, I took a diploma in administration (which would lead me to work in an office job at most). This was OK, and I completed the diploma in 1 year rather than 3. The JWs encouraged this, as did my JW family. I got an office junior job.
Then, when I was still attending JWs years later (when I was in my 20s) I decided to do an Alevel in psychology. I realised that I WANTED to learn more, and I didnt want to work in an office job forever! (I was already progressing well at work though, having had promotions and raises, and gaining lots of experience with computers - the company trained me and sent me on courses too!). So I did an A level in psychology, much to the dismay of the JWs who hate this "worldly thinking". I was told I was talking about it too much, etc. Anyway, I passed the A level with the highest mark in the college, and proceeded to start my Degree, whilst working full time (doing 2 evenings per week at college). I have now left JWs, and most of them point to the influence of my worldly education as the cause!!!
Most of all, leaving Jws has been emotionally and spiritually uplifting for me. However, I look forward to having my degree in psychology, and pursuing more study from there.
My career has improved too, Im now working in Marketing for a computer software company, and I also visit our customers and train them to use the computer software. That came about because I got more focused after leaving JW - and I had more time to devote to the company.
Happiness is the most important thing, and making success for yourself is not wrong in this life if you balance it.
control religion and you control the people.
the way to control religion is to control the sacred writings.
the easiest way to control the sacred writings is to write the sacred writings and declare them inspired or divinely directed.
Hi Garybuss,
Yeah, religion can be used to control. Does that mean we should reject ALL religion? NO, in my opinion.
My beliefs are "religious", but Im not part of a church. If I was part of a church, I would choose one that does not infringe on peoples rights e.g. freedom of speech, but of course I would respect that church's teachings IF I wanted to be a member.
As it stands, I can be religious and not attend a church. The religion affects my life and I think it enhances my life, but it doesnt control me.
all religion is about control- the only thing that separates one from the other is the DEGREE OF CONTROL
Correction, some religion has aspects of control by those who would abuse their position. To make such a sweeping generalisation is bulls**t.
i remember this article from when it came out; found it whilst looking for info on low frequency sound, it's very interesting, but was ignored by-and-large by the spook community as it's less rimantic than dead grandpa's.. .
monday 29 june 1998 .
Sorry, I just realised that Mommy dark didnt say "we havent discovered them yet", but just that as she gets older she is more convinced that there is a rational explanation for even the strangest phenomena.
i remember this article from when it came out; found it whilst looking for info on low frequency sound, it's very interesting, but was ignored by-and-large by the spook community as it's less rimantic than dead grandpa's.. .
monday 29 june 1998 .
He he, I shoulda known that if I used a phrase like that I'd be asked to prove it! LOL!
Those who believe in ghosts dont necessarily have to prove it. I dont have to prove it. I cant prove it! I think, as Mommie Dark says that there are explanations to things and we just havent discovered them yet. Those explanations may reveal that there is no such thing as ghosts...then again, it may reveal that there is an energy that continues after our physical death, which can manifest in various ways (who knows?).
I refuse to only think within the confines of proven scientific fact. I study psychology, as as many will know, there are some wierd and wonderful psychological theories out there. One day, we might be able to prove one of them wrong, until then, we consider that it *might* be right.
I have to say I'd LOVE to see a good explination of what you mean by;
"in order to "see" ghosts you must raise your own vibrational level".
now, you have quoted me a little out of context because I didnt actually assert that MYSELF. I said "its often said that in order to see ghosts you must raise your own vibrational level" and I was suggesting that this *might* be a reason why sound vibrations can allow us to see the entity. Im not saying I actually believe that, because today is the first time I've seen the explanation relating to sound waves. Often I state theories....because Ive been taught to emphasise lots of different arguments on something, in order to facilitate further discussion. You will note that my last sentence was, in actuality, a question...I intended to prompt a comment from you of this concept. You gave details of sound vibrations in buildings possibly affecting our minds and causing us to see strange things...I suggested maybe those sound vibrations DO affect our minds, but that influence *allows* us to see these entities (not that they are purely an hallucination).
About an explanation for this comment (about raising vibrational level)and more detail of who said it, well I'd have to have a look around for where I read it. I will try tonight.
I agree with you that lots of jargon is used by those involved in so called "paranormal" (incidentally, that word means little to me because I think that these things are "normal" but just not accepted by us or fully understood as normal..whatever that is...he he). Remember, a lot of jargon is used by ANY group putting forth their ideas. They have to invent jargon to explain what they mean!! Even scientists have a hell of a lot of jargon!
and this:
They are quite probably genuine in their beliefs; look at what we all believed once!
quite frankly you hereby elevate your own beliefs and in fact "science" as being better than other people's. This I disagree with, because "what we all believed once" was OK for then, and some people still believe in God and suchlike (which is an ancient belief of course). It is not your place to ridicule that and speak of others ideas in terms of "aww look at those silly fools, they are genuine!"
People ridiculed scientists who suggested microscopic bacteria existed which could cause illness. Why? Because they couldnt prove it and see it with their own eyes. I accept the possibility of the existance of things that we dont see with our eyes. I also accept that all these things are THEORIES and not proven, but I can believe what I choose nontheless. Some catholics call this "faith".