I don't see him as
the devil that many do, I don't see him as evil incarnate,
Just how worthless does a human have to be before you consider them worthy of the above imagery?
I don't see him as
the devil that many do, I don't see him as evil incarnate,
Just how worthless does a human have to be before you consider them worthy of the above imagery?
my boyfriend and i live together and have been for about 3 years.. he wants me to convert, after research i will not.
(i was raised bapstist) he hasnt went to the hall in two weeks, last nite he went because a "elder" called him, why did they have him in a meeting till.
11 at nite, he came home and told me he confessed and he is in trouble.
Camay, don't worry about it, you've been excused.
Seriously, I think it is time for boyfriend, emphasis on boy, to figure out what he believes, and start living by it.
You might start there, ask him just exactly what it is he believes, and then be willing yourself to get out of the way of those beliefs. He is obviously either confused as to what he believes, or not up to the task of living up to his beliefs (and his beliefs are a hard taskmaster).
ps. research is a great thing, isn't it?
a critique of suzi mayhem's theory of god .
i thought, when suzi first posted this, that it was a joke something like john cleese's classic "brontosaurus theory" skit in a monty python episode.
but mr. "dark clouds" has sort of asked me to critique it as if it were a serious theory, so here goes.. i'll address this to suzi, but suzi dear, don't take this too seriously.
Let me paraphrase DC/Suzi's life philosophy;
(Dark Clouds) Man, some stuff is just really hard to understand, lets just make shit up to deal with it.
(outside observer) But, isn't that what religions have been doing for thousands of years, more recently and specifically the JW religion?
(Dark Clouds)hmmm, yeah....uhhmmm....ok...huummm...but we are different....I know we are...I know! WE wear black while we make shit up!!! Plus, besides witch , we play around with words and numbers and philosophy like it was our privates!
(Suzi) yeah, cool. ps. I'm wearing a sheer black thong under all this goth gear.
(outside observer) Oh, right then. Gotta go.
now jehovah is the spirit; and where the spirit of jehovah is, there is freedom 2 corinthians 3:17. i see a common attitude in ex-jws that i at one time would have said see, thats the way apostates are.
it is the mutual resentment of being controlled.
some might find this to be normal considering the abuse of authority most have survived.
terraly, interesting thoughts. You too Just2laws, for that matter. Here you present a view of Christianity that has almost no guilt, fear, etc. But, it seems to me, that this view, while enlightened and well intentioned from a human standpoint, is not a reasonable view of the bible. You know the Bible? The book that gave you the concept of Christianity in the first place? I hate to say it, but Jehovahs Witnesses have a more reasonable view of the Bible than you do. I mean, if you aren't even going to try to take it at face value, why the hell even try to take it at all?
Oh believe me, I understand that if you loose 99% of the Bible, and key in on 95% of Jesus' words, your views make perfect sense. And don't get me wrong, I think there is a place for these views, as they are far more benign, far less dangerous to humanity, than more traditional views.
But Norm said a real mouthful when he said, "Being under the influence of superstition and old fairy tales is simply very oppressing to the mind although it might be very appealing to your emotions."
Is this perhaps Christianity Lite" - - 80% less dangerous than other major religions, with none of the guilt!
now jehovah is the spirit; and where the spirit of jehovah is, there is freedom 2 corinthians 3:17. i see a common attitude in ex-jws that i at one time would have said see, thats the way apostates are.
it is the mutual resentment of being controlled.
some might find this to be normal considering the abuse of authority most have survived.
. As I am not into absolutes of any kind, I do not feel God is into them either.
And so goes God.
Not to be flippant, but isn't that just about at the crux of all matters pertaining to all peoples' view of God? A reflection of either their own ideas on what is GG*, or of ideas they have bought into (often at great expense).
*GG: Grandiose n' Good
now jehovah is the spirit; and where the spirit of jehovah is, there is freedom 2 corinthians 3:17. i see a common attitude in ex-jws that i at one time would have said see, thats the way apostates are.
it is the mutual resentment of being controlled.
some might find this to be normal considering the abuse of authority most have survived.
The mess we are in He could have prevented but only at the cost of our FREEDOM
Funny, I can't help but think that is the one area of "freedom" that most of us, lovers of freedom one and all, would at any time be quite willing to give up.
its amazing the extent these circulate in the wt world.
i am not so sure, but it develops a powerful folklore amongst jws....often with a moral at the end!
typically these circulate as experiences given in talks and are then adopted by the masses as truth.. for example, anyone hear the ul about the married couple where the wife had to have a routine blood check.
Nice name, you abuser of tergiversation . I agree, Comfs post made me feel a little ill myself. I'm actually surprised it could have an effect on me. I remember the awe we were supposed to have at the amazing mental prowess of a couple of the GB members. In fact, just recently, a brother, trying to "encourage" me, and showing me how incredibly humble he is, spoke in almost emotional tones about how "very smart, almost genius" the GB members compared to him (of course, I was supposed to humbly accept that they are sooo much smarter and wiser than me as well).
I wanted to scream.
Comf, along the same lines, at last years convention, a sister I knew gave an experience of witnessing to a workmate. Very dramatic experience, lots of twist and turns, all pointing the woman to Jehovah, given completly in the first person. I asked her about it after the session. "oh, it isn't my experience, it is a sister from another circuit's, she couldn't be here, so they asked me to tell it." I lost my innocence that day, lol.
something that always reminds me about getting older.
anyone hear her new release yet?.
Aw, Kristen, why'd ya have to blow it by sticking "edge of seventeen" in my head???? Truly a song/voice combination that never should have been!
i was reading through some of you guys old postings and i was laughing so hard.
some of you guys still believe the strange things your mom and dad said but didnt explain like not eating count chocula cereal.
didnt ever occur to you that maybe your parents thought that keeping you away from something as simple as a cartoon dracula might be in your best interests?
Geoff, Geoff, jeff, jefe, I'm all ears to anything reasonable and logical you have to say.
Methinks your personal superstitions are telling you to get the hell out of this conversation quick. You might hear something based on logic instead of superstition.
And then were would you be?
If you're interested, I'll tell you.
i was reading through some of you guys old postings and i was laughing so hard.
some of you guys still believe the strange things your mom and dad said but didnt explain like not eating count chocula cereal.
didnt ever occur to you that maybe your parents thought that keeping you away from something as simple as a cartoon dracula might be in your best interests?
I'll just play devil's advocate for a moment. Lets assume I am still a believing JW, much like yourself (it wasn't all that long ago that that was true). If that were the case, I would say that indeed, the cereal box superstition is a crock, and laughable to boot. You know the old expression, 'you can't be too careful'? Malarky.
I would say that in truth, a person CAN be too careful, in every aspect of Christian life.
A person can be so 'careful' in trying to "win the prize", that they are no longer anything remotely resembling the example of the rather laid back, yet intensly loving, personality displayed by the account of Jesus.
And of course, no one, especially no JW, is ever content to just be "careful" for himself. Nope, they have to 'protect' everyone else as well. Soon you have nothing but mindless zombies, humble and obedient sheep, but really only humble and obedient to the next guy up the line. Ok, the next guy(s), plural, up the line. Obedient even to death to the guys waaaay up the line.
But of course, as I pointed out, those guys waaaaay up the line don't resemble anything close to the example of Jesus. Hell, in fact, even Jesus doesn't resemble Jesus by the time they are through with him, lol. Check this out: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=4852&site=3
As for your assumption that I don't believe in God, you assumed wrong. What I don't believe is that God has anything to do with the stories about, and pictures painted, of him in the Bible. After all, it paints a not very pretty picture, and tells a story of a not very nice God. In fact, it paints a picture of a God who is remarkably similar in thought and action to Isrealite men a few thousand years ago.
Surely you can come up with a larger and more magnanamous idea of God than that.