I had cancer btw and it wasn't fun thank god for athiest doctors and their divine pain killers.
Posts by trujw
Natural evil. God created an earth based on death and killing us randomly. Even I would save good people. And if some power does exist to kill billions even hitler starts to look good. Face it satan has done more to saves life by way of athiest doctors than god has. Maybe he could at least give us a cure for cancer and stop earthquakes
Are you happy?
by cyberjesus in"happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony".
m gandi.. .
Yes I would happiness is a state of mind. A priest told an Eskimo you will burn in hell if you don't worship Jesus. The Eskimo said but if you never told me about Jesus would I go to hell? The priest well no. The Eskimo why the fu$& did you tell me.
Who has experienced a REAL demonic incident?
by Monsieur inhas anybody here experienced a bonafide, real, true incident in whicy 'demons' actually interacted with you or did something 'supernatural' that left you convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that satan and his demons exist??.
Band on the run milk and cookies? Was your demon fat in a red jump suite?
Another big hole in 1914
by leaving_quietly in1914 is the year for two major events: the end of the gentile times and the beginning of the last days.. .
the gentile times prophecy (luke 21:24) is a supposition that the "seven times" of daniel 4 had a second fulfillment, thus the 2,520 years prophecy was born with 607 c.e.
as the starting point.
How did God view the practice of astrology among the Israelites? ... Astrology , according to one dictionary, is “the study of the movements of the planets, sun, moon, and stars in the belief that these movements can have an influence on people’s lives.” w09 3/1 p. 9 - The Watchtower—2009 wait a second isn't this what they are doing?
The Lunar New Year is also closely linked to astrology . w09 12/1 pp. 20-23 - The Watchtower—2009.
The watchtower always speaks out of both sides of its mouth. No doubt they will reference these articles when 1914 is put in the crapper. -
Another big hole in 1914
by leaving_quietly in1914 is the year for two major events: the end of the gentile times and the beginning of the last days.. .
the gentile times prophecy (luke 21:24) is a supposition that the "seven times" of daniel 4 had a second fulfillment, thus the 2,520 years prophecy was born with 607 c.e.
as the starting point.
Sorry wiki just said it 354.37 days is a lunar year once again this is the biggest set of bs ever. The gb must be the biggest con artists on the planet in solar or lunar years.
Another big hole in 1914
by leaving_quietly in1914 is the year for two major events: the end of the gentile times and the beginning of the last days.. .
the gentile times prophecy (luke 21:24) is a supposition that the "seven times" of daniel 4 had a second fulfillment, thus the 2,520 years prophecy was born with 607 c.e.
as the starting point.
Can some of the smart people on this site help explain their use of lunar years? They use 360 times seven to come to 2520 years not 365 why?
Who has experienced a REAL demonic incident?
by Monsieur inhas anybody here experienced a bonafide, real, true incident in whicy 'demons' actually interacted with you or did something 'supernatural' that left you convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that satan and his demons exist??.
I myself use to sleep with the light on as a child. I still wonder why demons didnt like 40 watt light bulbs.
BUILD IT AND THEY WILL COME.....let's rebuild!
by Terry inokay we've all beat our chest, lamented and throttled the dead horse of aawa.. time to move on!.
i suggest those of us on j-w.n who care about creating something the right way take the trouble to get the framework going.. let's do the grunt work and get the nattering, debates, naming and organizing already pre-approved so that "others" who have the talent, ability, motivation and resources can move in and turn the key!.
because it was not done before.. there is more wisdom on this discussion board in our vast numbers than there could possibly be in a virtual boardroom with 8 people brain-storming.. that isn't an insult--it is just a statistical fact!.
Jwn is an organization. Moderators, web design etc. I don't care if its one or eight or a million it is somehow organized. I personally didnt really care for the name of one group so as of today I am not going to donate my time and money. In order to reach out to help more people I think an organization on a grander activist outreach scale could do wonders. If the right situation comes up I would love to donat both time and money even if at that time it is aawa.
Who has experienced a REAL demonic incident?
by Monsieur inhas anybody here experienced a bonafide, real, true incident in whicy 'demons' actually interacted with you or did something 'supernatural' that left you convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that satan and his demons exist??.
At the door as I handed the householder a magazine I passed out and fell in her bushes off the porch then threw up. Since I was the one who did it the witnesses reasoned I had heat stroke mmmmm maybe the lady prayed for me to go away and god helped her lol. I am sure if it was the other way around we would have seen a bonafide demon attack.