Why did you stop believing in God?
by The Quiet One 118 Replies latest jw experiences
Belief in god requires precisely the same intellectual dishonesty that enabled us to hold on to our faith in the Watchtower.
It took me 9 years and a Tsunami to work this out.
Because I realized I was told a bunch of lies by my parents and my community and that led me to question ALL my beliefs... and god along with space creatures and a bunch of other myths and garbage went out the door.
I didn't stop believing in God.
I stopped believing in some false prophets who lied about Him.
I drank a big, hot, steaming cup of fresh ground common sense.
Wasanelder Once
When I realized that NO ONE has knowledge of life after death that is not promoted by a fervent nutjob who has never died but is convinced that thier knowledge of the unknown is accurate; mostly because of some external experience which they attribute to the skydaddy. Reality is stark when you weigh it against that common excercise in finding meaning to a particularly mundane occurrance, life. It happens all around us and we are just part of the ecosystem. So now ya know.
The short story:
I researched the lies of Watchtower until I was satisfied that they did not have the truth.
I didn't stop there. I researched the Bible because of my waking up about the Watchtower.
I researched a little bit of non-Bible religion. Eastern philosophy was good, but you don't need God to accept that.I learned that the Bible is the work of men. I added science into my research and saw that the answers didn't need God.
But the number one thing was what God doesn't do: He doesn't protect the children in disasters or birth defects or war.
It's better to accept the logical scientific answers than to make excuses for that bastard.
dazed but not confused
I could no longer justify to myself belief in a god “so loving” “so kind” “so whatever”…. watching all the horrific things that happen in the world and do NOTING about it. I can no longer believe in claims made by the bible and religious people that are absolutely unverifiable.
I need verifiable evidence to believe in anything and everything.
dazed but not confused
The question should be : Why do people still believe in god?
I dont think i ever beleived, was forced to go when i was a kid. However i definitely realised that if there was a god he didnt have anything to do with the Bible by simply asking a few questions.
- Why does God always punish the wrong people. Supposedly Adam & Eve ate the fruit but everyone else is condemned to death etc.
- Why does God have favourites, why pick only the jews if we are his children ?
- Why does God allow slavery ?
- What is the common theme of the Bible ?
I realised the common theme is authority and not morality. Its always about the masses obeying the king and priests. The double standards for the elite is quite apparent. KIng David is a murdering psychopath, and hardly an example to follow yet he is constantly blessed and somehow given the honour of being the Jesus ancestor. Nobody would consider it an honour to be a descendant of Hitler and yet theres little difference between David and Hitler, if anything the former was worse.
All the laws of Moses are there to preserve the class system of Israel. Kings want slaves so god allows it. Kings and priests want lots of girls to screw, so the king allows polygamy. Its not hard to see how the rest of fits well with this type of society.