The point is in the Jan edition they state, on record, that the second group of anointed who overlap the first group were not only born but were anointed when members of the first group were on the earth...
So it's NOT an overlapping generation on birth but on being anointed making the overall two generations overlapping smaller and since the WT states the second group are already "in advanced years" it means then that to a beliving dub that the Big A is practically in the next year or two...
This WT will not stand the test of time, even for a few years because they would have it change it....again.
And I agree...Mark Sanderson cannot be in this group.
John Barr was born in 1913 and even if he was anointed at 18 that would have been in Mark Sanderson mixing with him doesn't count as the two groups overlapping...John Barr was not anointed in or around 1914...
It needs to be those who were anointed who understood the birth of the kingdom and actually witnessed 1914 overlap with those who were anointed whilst these first group were on the earth.
So John Barr would have in fact being part of the second group if he witnessed the Great Tribulation.
Surely that doesn't leave that many on the earth and if they are they must ber very old.
This explanation of the "generation" is getting wilder and wilder...