What do you class as "still in"?
I have been out 3 years and have not gone to a meeting but I faded for family reasons and thus I'm not disfellowshipped or disassociated.
when i first came to this forum i was of the belief that those of us who were still in due to family reasons were few in numbers perhaps one in a thousand in the jws.
soon i came to the realization that there were many more.
we have dozens of posters here who are mentally out but still in.
What do you class as "still in"?
I have been out 3 years and have not gone to a meeting but I faded for family reasons and thus I'm not disfellowshipped or disassociated.
letter read out at meeting last night - for scotland!.
the scottish rbc urgently requires qualified plumbers who are registered central heating installers.. also, they are looking for volunteers to train as plumbers for the scottish rbc.
I asked my still in wife was there any reason given in the letter as to why they are asking this and she said there will be a new KH "kit" that requires central heating and that is why they need plumbers.
The heating in her hall (my one before my fade) doesn't really have central heating but then it is not a quickbuild...
letter read out at meeting last night - for scotland!.
the scottish rbc urgently requires qualified plumbers who are registered central heating installers.. also, they are looking for volunteers to train as plumbers for the scottish rbc.
i'm new here but not new to researching and questioning the jw beliefs.
i have quite a story.... one that's been haunting me for awhile... but first, i'd like to hear what people have to say about this topic question, please.. -gigi.
Just simplify it right down...IF there is a god He/She has simply not communicated to us what He or She wants us to do thus we should do nothing or not try to guess what He or She wants...
Therefore live your life, enjoy it, be happy, be loving, care for your family, have a laugh, have friends and be nice...
If a god calls you up for it at the end of your days then it is His or Hers fault for not communicating to us what He or She wanted...
id give a guess of maybe another 15 to 20 years ,.
nothing will be the same , if there even is a headquarters.. opinion?.
The "truth" that I got 19 years ago is fundamentally different than today...
Thus, in the future it will be fundamentally different, that is how cults survive...the JW's will always be here, it is just their beliefs will evolve and change.
i've been thinking and here's what i've come up with.
correct me if i'm wrong, but in the bible does it not state that the word would have to be preached throughout the entire inhabited earth for a witness to all people and then the end would come?.
with the world being as vast as it is today, it would be practically impossible for the witnesses to speak to everyone in the world.
There is the scripture that says the Son of Man will arrive before the entire circuit of man is preached to thus the WT says that not everyone gets a personal witness but Jehoover will decide when the preaching work is done to his satisfaction.
In other words, nothing to worry about since he doesn't exist.
they insist that their understanding of the bible is correct.
if you challenged their current view, you would be considered an apostate.
what they teach as the truth, constantly changes.
You wouldn't bet your life on their teachings? But that is EXACTLY what is required of a dub.
You must obey the current teaching...organ transplants, blood, blood fractions all have changed and have life-damaging consequences yet what is taught must be obeyed.
Remember, you must obey even if it appears from a human standpoint as unreasonable.
dr. jena barchas-lichtenstein is an anthropologist who received her doctorate through ucla.. https://www.linkedin.com/pub/jena-barchas-lichtenstein/43/427/702.
in 2013, barchas-lichtenstein submitted the paper "when the dead are resurrected, how are we going to speak to them?
": jehovah's witnesses and the use of indigenous languages in the globalizing textual community as a partial submission for her doctoral dissertation..
WT 1st July 1998 Page 22/23 Paragraph 16 under the sub heading "An Orderly Resurrection"
An Orderly Resurrection
16 Since the heavenly resurrection is orderly, “each one in his own rank,” it is evident that the earthly resurrection will not create a chaotic population explosion. (1 Corinthians 15:23) Understandably, the newly resurrected ones will need to be looked after. (Compare Luke 8:55.) They will need physical sustenance and—more important—spiritual assistance in gaining life-giving knowledge of Jehovah God and Jesus Christ. (John 17:3) If all were to return to life simultaneously, it would be impossible to care for them adequately. It is reasonable to assume that the resurrection will take place progressively. Faithful Christians who died shortly before the end of Satan’s system will likely be among the first ones raised. We can also expect an early resurrection for the faithful men of old who will serve as “princes.”—Psalm 45:16.
several threads have discussed the increased use of of the trolley work by witnesses in various countries (e.g, australia, new zealand, the states, canada and britain to name a few).
several posters have described trolley settings as largely ignored by passersby and/or the witnesses immersed in everything other than appearing ready and waiting to make contact with passersby.
what impact will this increased shift to trolley work have on the hallmark feature of jws, their door-to-door work?
alert..............alert.....breaking news .......... john cedars of jwsurvey has pranked called governing body member anthony morris iii at bethel .
over 2 minutes of pranking .
as i type he is editing the recording into a video .
What is more impressive than the call itself is the amount of people who think it was not a good idea.
I enjoyed the call very much...but I thought it was a poor decision to do by Cedars considering his standing in the exjw community. He has just lost a lot of credibility.
After having a few issues on other exjw forums for posting similar views that are on here I'm at least satisfied that others share the same view I have.