If they are still alive when Armageddon comes they would get into paradise just as if they died beforehand unless they were really really bad.
No no that is not what it means. It means they would get into the paradise even if alive at the Big A IF their heart was deemed good by Jehoover. That is a massive difference to what you are saying.
Unrighteous ones have the same chance of being in paradise if they died beforehand or not.
Going by this new light BILLIONS now living will never die
It doesn't mean at that all! Stop posting this crap. The new light means IF the drug taker had a righteous heart he may be saved. It's not a guarantee ALL people are saved, only those that are deemed righteous by Jehoover and that will not be billions according to their doctrine.
The new light is simply taking away their dogmatic approach as in "you must be baptised" to a more softer "Jehovah knows the heart and may preserve some even though not a follower depending on their heart".
These would be very few but appeases the mother in your example.
Unrighteous ones have the same chance of being in paradise if they died beforehand or not.
Correct, a chance, but doesn't mean they will. 99% of the unrighteous will not. It's just softening their stance not to be so rigid. There is a chance all on earth convert to being a JW but it is unlikely.
You are taking "a chance" and then suggesting it means billions will pass through. They won't according to their doctrine...it is just no longer hard and fast rule you must be a baptised JW.