When I got married in June, 1992, a Bethelite from Brooklyn (John Love) gave me an my wife both a bible and songbook with our names engraved on them.
At the time, I told him that his gift was my favorite one.
Please pardon while I now puke...
my mother told me that after i get married, she's going to give me the "family happiness" book.
i've never read the thing, but i know it's a wts publication that often gets given or mailed out to newlyweds who aren't in the troof.
what's your opinion of this "fine christian publication"?
When I got married in June, 1992, a Bethelite from Brooklyn (John Love) gave me an my wife both a bible and songbook with our names engraved on them.
At the time, I told him that his gift was my favorite one.
Please pardon while I now puke...
*** g74 11/8 ***9 is this the time to have children?
there has always been a positive attitude about childbearing.
families with many children have been praised and honored.
Great expose', JT!
Tis exactly the reason why my wife and I (both 33 years old) don't have any youngens.
man faces charges after sex assault at hospital
brandon - a 42 year-old jehovah's witness elder has been charged after a senior citizen complained she was assaulted by a man pretending to be a doctor at a brandon hospital.
Sadly, relative to the JW belief system, this woman and her family will be destoyed at Armageddon because they will probably reject any JW who comes a knockin' at their door. Yes, THEY will die but Gordon gets to live happily ever after once he's done repenting.
What a sick belief that is!
the jws have some peculiar rules regarding doing things with the opposite sex.
truly, the most bizzare one has to be the one about if a "brother" is driving along and he sees a "sister" waiting for a bus and he offers her a ride, in most cases he will make her sit in the backseat.
even more likely, the "sister" will turn down the ride because it may "stumble" someone who may see them together.
These are some great experiences! Everything that all of you state EXPOSES the JW religion as a rule-obsessed corporation filled with paranoia!
I just remembered another experience:
There were about 10 of us (male & female) at a friends house. We ranged from teenagers to early 20's. We were all in my friends bedroom (it was big) and we were going through his album collection. Me and a sister (Colette Arthurs-Harley...now an ex-JW!!!) were sitting on the bed looking through the crate of albums. Unbeknownst to us, everyone went into the next room except me and Colette. We were still checkin' out the albums. The door was open. The light was on. Our body parts weren't touching.
The next day, I get a call from an ELDER who questioned me why I was in a bedroom with a girl ALONE! Then he counseled me. What a crock!
the jws have some peculiar rules regarding doing things with the opposite sex.
truly, the most bizzare one has to be the one about if a "brother" is driving along and he sees a "sister" waiting for a bus and he offers her a ride, in most cases he will make her sit in the backseat.
even more likely, the "sister" will turn down the ride because it may "stumble" someone who may see them together.
I'm the only former JW who ever heard of riding in the back seat??? Hmm...Maybe it WAS just a Philly thing.
Ok, what about visiting your married friend and the spouse isn't home yet? Would the opposite sex JW get invited in?
PS... THIS would never happen at a JW gathering...
the jws have some peculiar rules regarding doing things with the opposite sex.
truly, the most bizzare one has to be the one about if a "brother" is driving along and he sees a "sister" waiting for a bus and he offers her a ride, in most cases he will make her sit in the backseat.
even more likely, the "sister" will turn down the ride because it may "stumble" someone who may see them together.
LOL @ Stacy... You need to get laid. And soon.
teejay... Yo! That rule wasn't just in Philly, dawg! Additionally, they have a rule about pairing a bro/sis together ALONE in Field Service. PS... I got your message on my answer machine. I don't get home from work until 8:00ish. Tomorrow, I will be home all day. Just give me a 'rang'!
the jws have some peculiar rules regarding doing things with the opposite sex.
truly, the most bizzare one has to be the one about if a "brother" is driving along and he sees a "sister" waiting for a bus and he offers her a ride, in most cases he will make her sit in the backseat.
even more likely, the "sister" will turn down the ride because it may "stumble" someone who may see them together.
The JWs have some peculiar rules regarding doing things with the opposite sex. Truly, the most bizzare one has to be the one about if a "brother" is driving along and he sees a "sister" waiting for a bus and he offers her a ride, in most cases he will make her sit in the backseat. Even MORE likely, the "sister" will turn down the ride because it may "stumble" someone who may see them together.
What other scenarios can you think of when it concerns two JWs of the opposite sex to which the WTBTS has rules for?
just to say thank you to those who were so helpful in my enquiry about the new understanding of the 'generation' .
now i'd like to study tithing a bit deeper - specifically whether it can apply since jesus sacrifice - can anyone refer me ?.
many thanks (in advance) .
part i: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/7/58849/1.ashx .
part ii: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/7/58890/1.ashx .
part iii: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/7/58975/1.ashx .
I hope those are tears of HAPPINESS now that I'm out!
part i: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/7/58849/1.ashx .
part ii: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/7/58890/1.ashx .
part iii: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/7/58975/1.ashx .
Right back atcha!