I'm 33.
I eat.
I sleep.
I watch sports.
But I ain't a J-Dub.
i've managed to survive 33 years (and a couple of weeks).
what a long strange trip it's been.. in spite of some tell-tale signs of aging (wrinkles around eyes, gray hair, mystified and sometimes terrified by the current youth culture) in some ways i still feel like a little kid who doesn't know anything.
what have you learned since then?
I'm 33.
I eat.
I sleep.
I watch sports.
But I ain't a J-Dub.
a jw woman died a few days ago at the age of 31. she died from ovarian cancer.
i knew her since she was a young girl.
but her death got me thinking about the jw belief/interpretation of the resurrection.
Yeah, Huxley! I always said that, too. A dead 20-year-old mom might be greeted by her 75 year old son.
Another illogical concept: God will resurrect children, and their parents will welcome them back and raise them. This makes sense because it's a FAMILY. But somehow God of the JWs no longer considers it a family when it's just a husband and wife with no children.
he looked like al jareau/ louis farakan with his little bow tie and his wife looked like venessa williams a light skinned woman with green eyes.
they were the cooliest couple i had ever met in the traveling work- they had a style that was very unusal, in most cases the wife if often times unknown and stands in the showdow of her man, not levine she was all woman- smile.
alot of the boys had a crush on her - she never got fresh but she was just nice-.
Hi, sis.
I am from, and have lived in and near, Philly all my life (33 years) but I have never heard of this couple that you mention. I wish I could help.
By the way, welcome to the Forum.
a jw woman died a few days ago at the age of 31. she died from ovarian cancer.
i knew her since she was a young girl.
but her death got me thinking about the jw belief/interpretation of the resurrection.
A JW woman died a few days ago at the age of 31. She died from ovarian cancer. I knew her since she was a young girl. But her death got me thinking about the JW belief/interpretation of the resurrection.
Let's say the JWs are right: People who die on THIS side of armageddon have a chance to live again on earth. Next, let's pretend that Armageddon came and went yesterday (a few days after my friend died). She would eventually (and soon, I presume) be resurrected and everyone in her family will rejoice. Everyone EXCEPT for her husband. See, she won't be married to him anymore even though she just recently died. This raises more than one question: Won't she feel deep sorrow that she can no longer have the only man she has ever loved? Won't he be bitter that she only just recently died and that HE can't stay married to her?
JWs try to reason that God will satisfy everyone's need and how the bible talks about "no more tears, the former things have passed away." But do we really have free will if God is going to somehow "magically" remove our thoughts and certain memories? And if marriage is so serious in God's eyes, why does he let a little thing like death ruin it? I suppose her husband will walk into the cemetary to welcome her back to life, but the only thing he is going to give her is the infamous JW handshake, just like how they welcome new ones to the meeting.
This earthly resurrection belief has some serious holes in it.
currently, the most annoying song that's stuck in my head (and perhaps the most annoying song ever) is:
my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard and they're like "it's better than yours!
LM A O @ apple829!!!
currently, the most annoying song that's stuck in my head (and perhaps the most annoying song ever) is:
my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard and they're like "it's better than yours!
'Tom's Diner' is a top 5 all-time annoying song.
What about "Ice Ice Baby" by Vanilla Ice?
currently, the most annoying song that's stuck in my head (and perhaps the most annoying song ever) is:
my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard and they're like "it's better than yours!
LOL @ jay and Stephanus!
I sometimes get that friggin' "Fear Them Not!" kingdom melody song stuck in my head.
"Fear not those who kill the body...buuuuuut cannot destroy the soul..."
currently, the most annoying song that's stuck in my head (and perhaps the most annoying song ever) is:
my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard and they're like "it's better than yours!
Currently, the most annoying song that's stuck in my head (and perhaps the most annoying song ever) is:
My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard and they're like "It's better than yours!" Damn right, it's better than yours. I can teach you, but I have to charge.
saw it tonight.
seemed a bit hammy at times, but overall i thought it was very good.
when tom guiry's foot came down on the child's face, i was expecting the camera to cut away, and i was shocked when it didn't; half the theater gasped.
Like Rodney Dangerfield, I GET NO RESPECT!
I started a 'Mystic River' Thread the same day the movie opened.