Please tell us some more about your flexibility...
it's an addiction that i have tried to stop since i was a young boy.
my friends and loved ones have tried to encourage me to quit, but i just can't.
when i used to attend meetings, i would feed my addiction right there in the kingdom hall.
Please tell us some more about your flexibility...
so,tell me,how many of you received a phone call from those that call you to come to the meetings and field service who love you and miss you,how many of you treceived a phone call to check up on you to see if you needed anything especially to have your sidewalk shoveled off by one of the concerned eldersor ministerial servants,during this major snowstorm?.
my wife and i were out shoveling snow and did not see one jw,neither have we heard from those that love us and miss us,to assist us in this time of need,shoveling snow and etc.. how about any of you?.
I am glad that someone was kind enough to assist you. Perhaps I will do the same for a neighbor today as we have about 6 inches of snow out there.
Most JWs will only do something nice if they can get an opportunity to "give a witness" and place magazines. Sadly, that used to be MY motivation.
all are welcome to attend philly phest (apostafest) brunch on sunday, january 11.
this will be the 2nd phest in the last three years.
if you missed the first one, then you missed meeting flower and her son jaden, badwillie and mrs. badwillie, and yours truly.
All are welcome to attend Philly Phest (apostafest) Brunch on Sunday, January 11.
This will be the 2nd Phest in the last three years. If you missed the first one, then you missed meeting flower and her son Jaden, badwillie and mrs. badwillie, and yours truly. As a bonus, our Waitress (Server?) happened to be a JW. Imagine that! Apostates being served by a JW.
Anyway, if you are interested in attending, you MUST e-mail me @ [email protected] . I will give you directions to the location. I would like to get to the restaurant by 11:00 AM. The menu includes (but not limited to): Ham, Turkey, Prime Rib, cooked-to-order omlettes, ham or crab florentine eggs benedict, Prince Edward Island mussles, smoked salmon, chilled shrimp, french toast, fresh Belgian waffles, bacon, sausage, salads, and cream chipped beef.
Please confirm your atendance by Decmber 28, 2003.
so,tell me,how many of you received a phone call from those that call you to come to the meetings and field service who love you and miss you,how many of you treceived a phone call to check up on you to see if you needed anything especially to have your sidewalk shoveled off by one of the concerned eldersor ministerial servants,during this major snowstorm?.
my wife and i were out shoveling snow and did not see one jw,neither have we heard from those that love us and miss us,to assist us in this time of need,shoveling snow and etc.. how about any of you?.
The only thing a JW knows how to shovel is bullcrap.
it's an addiction that i have tried to stop since i was a young boy.
my friends and loved ones have tried to encourage me to quit, but i just can't.
when i used to attend meetings, i would feed my addiction right there in the kingdom hall.
It's an addiction that I have tried to stop since I was a young boy. My friends and loved ones have tried to encourage me to quit, but I just can't. When I used to attend meetings, I would feed my addiction right there in the Kingdom Hall. And I generally need a "hit" every (25) minutes or so.
Yes, I cannot stop cracking my knuckles! I can crack all (8) fingers and (2) thumbs. I can also get TWO cracks from all (8) fingers (the top knuckle and the middle knuckle). I can even crack all of my toes. I sound like a human fireworks show: *CRACK*SNAP*POP* (either THAT or I sound like a BIG bowl of Rice Krispies!).
During the meetings, my wife would give me evil, dirty looks. I like to crack each finger individually. After my third finger-crack, she would nudge me with her elbow. But, as any of you crack addicts know, once you've started craking you HAVE to FINISH cracking. You can't just do a few fingers and then forget about it.
Who else here is a crack addict? It's okay...You can now come clean!
Crack addicts of the world UNITE!
i hope this works.. .
no she doesn't have them .. ken p.
Work, it does not.
i carry a few extra pounds but i generally don't overeat.
however, i enjoy a good meal.
but, the organization that says, "let us not judge others" is giving it's members free reign to judge those who are overweight (in the judger's eyes).
Nathan Natas-
Truly hilarious!
All this talk is getting me hungry. I think it's time to have a Reese's Pieces Sundae @ Friendly's.
i carry a few extra pounds but i generally don't overeat.
however, i enjoy a good meal.
but, the organization that says, "let us not judge others" is giving it's members free reign to judge those who are overweight (in the judger's eyes).
Hey, blondie...
Forget the double-speak.......Can I Super-Size it???
i carry a few extra pounds but i generally don't overeat.
however, i enjoy a good meal.
but, the organization that says, "let us not judge others" is giving it's members free reign to judge those who are overweight (in the judger's eyes).
I carry a few extra pounds but I generally don't overeat. However, I enjoy a good meal. But, the Organization that says, "Let us not judge others" is giving it's members free reign to judge those who are overweight (in the judger's eyes).
Shun Spiritually Damaging Lifestyles (page 22 in 12/15/03 WT)
14 ...Jesus accurately described the life-styles that people in general pursue: overindulgence in food, drunkeness, and a way of life that brings anxieties. 15 Overeating and heavy drinking are out of harmony with Bible principles and are to be shunned. "Do not come to be among heavy drinkers of wine, among those who are gluttonous eaters of flesh," states the Bible. (Proverbs 23:20) For it to be dangerous, though, eating and drinking does not have to reach that level. It can make one drowsy and lazy long before that...
So, if the subheading commands one to shun this "spiritually damaging life-style", won't they also shun those who they PERCEIVE as being an overeater (such as an overweight person)?
i understand that some years ago that a new presiding overseer was appointed.. anyway he began disfellowshiping people until every1 was disfellowshiped.. the wt looked in2 the matter and reinstated the congregation!.
the congregation ,i believe was called either georgetown or charlestown,something like that..
I'm from Philly (33 years)...(Go Eagles)...and I have never heard of this story. Plus, as far as I know, there aren't any congregations with those names in and around Philly.
The biggest scandal I recall here happened at a Hall on Broad Street in North Philly. There was a stealing contribution money thing and almost all the elders were in on it. The entire (save one) elder body was removed by the CO.
I heard about a wife-swapping congregation but I'm not 100% sure that was in Philly.