This method is handed down to them by their God (the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society).
You should see how the JWs dress for bed. I think their church clothes are more revealing...
i'm doing a report for school on jehovah's witness and i've looked all over the internet and i can't seem to find the method by which they maintain a distinct identification (for example symbols, clothing, and appearance, etc) if anybody can help i would be grateful.
This method is handed down to them by their God (the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society).
You should see how the JWs dress for bed. I think their church clothes are more revealing...
all are welcome to attend philly phest (apostafest) brunch on sunday, january 11.
this will be the 2nd phest in the last three years.
if you missed the first one, then you missed meeting flower and her son jaden, badwillie and mrs. badwillie, and yours truly.
That's great, slip!
Please e-mail me and I will send you the location and directions in a few days.
Who watches it? Who's going to miss it? Is it really coming to an end or are they just trying to Punk all of US???
My favorite Punk'ds are:
1) Jessica Alba and the naked man (especially when he was doing high leg kicks and she was getting grossed out).
2) Justin Timberlake getting all his belongings (including his pet) repossessed by the IRS. Hilarious!
all are welcome to attend philly phest (apostafest) brunch on sunday, january 11.
this will be the 2nd phest in the last three years.
if you missed the first one, then you missed meeting flower and her son jaden, badwillie and mrs. badwillie, and yours truly.
Philly is about 7 hours from Pittsburgh. If you find out how far Cleveland is from Pittsburgh, you'll have your answer.
poor henry!
he can't talk, he's not deaf, and he doesn't know sign language.
Poor Henry! He can't talk, he's not deaf, and he doesn't know Sign Language. He wouldn't be able to talk to people at their doors or give talks. Even worse, he wouldn't be able to answer the final two baptism questions at the Assembly.
Broom Hilda
On the plus side, she always wears a hat, which is a sign of subjection. However, she would never be able to give up celebrating Halloween. Also, she IS a Witch and and Witches will have no place in God's new system of things. Besides, her broom doesn't have four doors and thus wouldn't be practical for field service.
Calvin AND Hobbes
Can you imagine how annoyed the Elders giving talks would get if they had to look at Calvin & Hobbes making faces at them during their (the elders) parts? The picture on the right shows what happened when Calvin & Hobbes snuck into a Congregation Picnic.
Feel free to add your choices to this list of Comic Strip characters not cut-out to be JWs.
all are welcome to attend philly phest (apostafest) brunch on sunday, january 11.
this will be the 2nd phest in the last three years.
if you missed the first one, then you missed meeting flower and her son jaden, badwillie and mrs. badwillie, and yours truly.
Anyone else coming to this thing?
I know there are more of you out there. You still have time to confirm!
I think that as long as he is in captivity, America and their allies will see increased terrorist attacks by those demanding his release. I hope that whatever happens will be swift and just.
obviously, mine is a picture of was taken at a hockey game at staples center: go kings!
odrade has a very pretty picture and i was wondering if that was her or a character from a movie?
I constantly change mine so that I can keep it interesting.
Today, I am sporting Michael J. Anderson (Samson on 'Carnivale'). He's a good actor plus I like the show.
all are welcome to attend philly phest (apostafest) brunch on sunday, january 11.
this will be the 2nd phest in the last three years.
if you missed the first one, then you missed meeting flower and her son jaden, badwillie and mrs. badwillie, and yours truly.
Yes! What Big Tex said.
all are welcome to attend philly phest (apostafest) brunch on sunday, january 11.
this will be the 2nd phest in the last three years.
if you missed the first one, then you missed meeting flower and her son jaden, badwillie and mrs. badwillie, and yours truly.