I would tell God that O.J. did it.
JoinedPosts by Funchback
What will you say to God in your defense?
by fearnotruth22 in.
suppose god holds us accountable.
what will you say to him in your defense to plead you cause?
The biggest LIE you believed as a JW...
by Waymores Ghost infor me it was the belief that all people who refuse to become jws are intrinsically bad.
if someone doesn't accept the "truth", naturally it's because "satan-the-devil" has hardened their hearts.
when you're a dub, you tend to ignore the ramifications of this.
Well, there are a LOT of lies associated with the Watchtower religion.
One that really gets under my skin is the lie about shunning all ex-dubs (or, "apostates"). When I was a believer of the JW religion, I was scared of "apostates". In my mind (put there by the WTS), "apostates" were agents of Satan and they were seeking to devour us. Then, when I learned the truth about the troof, I realized that the WTS was (is) afraid of people learning about how corrupt and wicked the WTS is and that MOST ex-dubs were hurt, betrayed, disappointed by, or lied to by the WTS.
Mr. Microphone Hand-el-er...
by Funchback inreeeal mennn of geniussss....
here's to you, mr. microphone hand-el-er (mister microphone hannnd-el-er...)
you accepted this assignment at the age of 12 to show the congregation that you were reaching out (you want to be a servant...)
Reeeal mennn of geniUSSSS....
Here's to you, Mr. Microphone Hand-el-er (Mister Microphone Hannnd-el-ER...)
You accepted this assignment at the age of 12 to show the congregation that you were reaching out (You want to be a SerVANT...)
And now at the age of 34 you are the best damn mich handler in the circuit (Fastest in the cir-uh-cuit...)
From the left hand to the right hand and back to the left, and with the speed of a gazelle, you always arrive to the person before Mr. Watchtower-Study-Conductor calls out the name (There before the name gets called...)
Sure, people are gossiping about what's holding you back from being a servant, but you still go out there on any given Sunday and prove to the happiest people on earth that YOU are a Real Man of Genius!
Mr. Microphone Hand-el-ERRRrrrrrr...
Here's to you, Mr. Eight-Hour-Publisher-Man...
by Funchback inreeeeeal men of geniusss...
here's to you, mr. eight-hour-publisher-man (mister eight-hour-publish-uhhh).... you knock on doors every saturday at 10:00 am knowing that you will only be greeted by a barking dog or a slamming door (slammed shut right in your faaace!)....
you loyally and consistently get your eight hours per month in except for those months when the big guy upstairs blesses you with a 5-weekend month (but you're happy when it's only fourrr).... you will never be an elder.
You begin at 10 and not a minute too soon and you always wrap it up exactly at noon.
interracial dating
by Maverick inlazuli got me thinking....(thanks lazuli...feels good!
) about the wts and how its policies change peoples outlooks and values.
i was....as much as i hate to admit it....born in the northeast, but moved to the south as a teenager.
I am the bi-product of an interracial marriage (dad black, mom white). I look white. I grew up in a black neighborhood. I never had any major problems due to looking different than my peers. I earned everyone's respect and everyone earned mine. I have only ever dated black and latina girls/women (and one west Indian). It's not that I never wanted to date a white girl/woman, it's just that I was 90% of the time around black folks.
Ironically, my wife is also black and white and she looks 100% black. So, we APPEAR to be an interracial couple but technically we aren't. So far, in my 12 years of marriage, I have never had anyone say anything racist to us about us being together. Perhaps it's because I would kick their ass(es).
Regarding the WTBTS being anti-interracial... All you need to do is look at every cover they ever made. You will not find ONE WT or Awake! magazine with an interracial couple on the cover. That's all the proof I need!
Okay, so are all babies/children destroyed at Armageddon?
by somebodylovesme inmy inactive jw hubby said he thought that babies/children too young to choose their beliefs would be brought back after armageddon in the jw belief system.
i have read the opposite on this board.
my husband hasn't been to a meeting in quite awhile and i don't think he paid too much attention when he was there ... lol ... so i thought i'd ask.
I remember asking this very question when I was young and curious. Here's then answer I received from the elder:
"Well, little viper's become big viper's, right? So, if it's born a snake, it will remain a snake."
Basically, the logic was supposed to be that if the parent was a snake then so are the children.
Here's my logic to them: Little rectum cavaties turn into big rectum cavaties....
Here's to you, Mr. Eight-Hour-Publisher-Man...
by Funchback inreeeeeal men of geniusss...
here's to you, mr. eight-hour-publisher-man (mister eight-hour-publish-uhhh).... you knock on doors every saturday at 10:00 am knowing that you will only be greeted by a barking dog or a slamming door (slammed shut right in your faaace!)....
you loyally and consistently get your eight hours per month in except for those months when the big guy upstairs blesses you with a 5-weekend month (but you're happy when it's only fourrr).... you will never be an elder.
Good one, Badger!
Here's to you, Mr. Eight-Hour-Publisher-Man...
by Funchback inreeeeeal men of geniusss...
here's to you, mr. eight-hour-publisher-man (mister eight-hour-publish-uhhh).... you knock on doors every saturday at 10:00 am knowing that you will only be greeted by a barking dog or a slamming door (slammed shut right in your faaace!)....
you loyally and consistently get your eight hours per month in except for those months when the big guy upstairs blesses you with a 5-weekend month (but you're happy when it's only fourrr).... you will never be an elder.
Reeeeeal men of geniUSSS...
Here's to you, Mr. Eight-Hour-Publisher-Man (Mister Eight-Hour-PubLISH-uhhh)...
You knock on doors every Saturday at 10:00 AM knowing that you will only be greeted by a barking dog or a slamming door (Slammed shut right in your faaace!)...
You loyally and consistently get your eight hours per month in except for those months when the BIG GUY upstairs blesses you with a 5-weekend month (But you're happy when it's only fourrr)...
You will never be an elder. Hell, you will never be a Ministerial Servant. But you will always get your eight hours a month in.
Here's to you!
Mister Eight-Hour-PubLISH-uhhhhhhhhhh!
My heart is ripped out !!
by Puternut ini am absolutly miserable !.
i am a newbie here, some of you have seen my posts.
and for those of you, who are old timers, this is no news to you.
You Are Cordially Invited to a Philly Phest Brunch!
by Funchback inall are welcome to attend philly phest (apostafest) brunch on sunday, january 11.
this will be the 2nd phest in the last three years.
if you missed the first one, then you missed meeting flower and her son jaden, badwillie and mrs. badwillie, and yours truly.
Everything is finalized! Thanks to all who responded and who will be attending.
We will hopefully have lots and lots of pics to share with you all.