Didn't Jesus die at the age of 33 1/3???
today, i died three weeks shy of my 33rd birthday.
my death was not accidental.
in fact, you could argue that i was executed.
Didn't Jesus die at the age of 33 1/3???
today, i died three weeks shy of my 33rd birthday.
my death was not accidental.
in fact, you could argue that i was executed.
Jackie Gleason may have been "well-rounded" but he passed away many years ago.
today, i died three weeks shy of my 33rd birthday.
my death was not accidental.
in fact, you could argue that i was executed.
My friend would be insulted!
How can a car serve up ICE COLD, WATERED-DOWN, BEER?
today, i died three weeks shy of my 33rd birthday.
my death was not accidental.
in fact, you could argue that i was executed.
Today, I died three weeks shy of my 33rd birthday. My death was not accidental. In fact, you could argue that I was executed. I wasn't one of Jehovah's Witnesses but I was present at many of their District Conventions. I've hung out with Funchback many a times and we've taken in some sports together. I've even been present for many Conventions with Funchback.
I was a big guy, too. And, people either loved me or hated me. I thought I was good. I've given many people everlasting memories. However, I've disappointed many people, too. People who liked me will argue that I was comfortable to be with, that I had many levels to me, that I was well-rounded, and that I offered cold beer on the hottest days (except, of course, at the Conventions). Those who hated me will argue that I was very hot under the collar, that I offered lousy food, that my ice cold beer was watered down, that I had too many rats and too many cats.
I tried my best to be all things to all people but now a group of people decided that I was beyond repair; that I couldn't be rehabilitated. So, they decded my fate. They delivered my death-blow at 7:00 AM EST on March 21, 2004.
I was gone in 60 seconds.
Who am I? (Better yet, who WAS I?)
chiropractor sentenced in death .
hazleton woman to serve fraud term concurrently .
Mulan said:
This is unbelievable.................but I believe it.
Yep! That about sums up my feelings, too.
e-watchman has sent over 5000 letters to congregations in the u.s informing them of the ngo debacle and a similar one to 101 branches around the world.
and according to his guestbook post he has signed his real name to the letters!
great work and great news!
Good stuff!,,186-187_1501299,00.html
jehovah church jilts sabc bride.
mandla zulu
Apparently, Euphemism, no one shared this "tecnicality" with the bride & groom to be.
chiropractor sentenced in death .
hazleton woman to serve fraud term concurrently .
For the people who haven't seen it.
chiropractor sentenced in death .
hazleton woman to serve fraud term concurrently .
Chiropractor sentenced in death
Hazleton woman to serve fraud term concurrently
Friday, March 19, 2004
Of The Patriot-News
It was a small victory for a grieving mother, but one that will make little difference to the chiropractor accused of causing the woman's epileptic daughter's death through fraudulent treatment.
Dauphin County Judge John F. Cherry imposed the maximum term of 3-6 months in prison and a $500 fine on Joanne Gallagher for violating the state's chiropractic regulations in the death of Kimberly Strohecker.
Strohecker, 31, died April 29, 1999, from numerous violent seizures after Gallagher advised her to stop taking anti-convulsive medication.
Cherry's sentence will mean little because a deal cut when Gallagher pleaded guilty called for the deal to run concurrently with whatever federal sentence she received on fraud charges.
Gallagher was sentenced to 18 months in federal prison last week. She must report to prison on April 6.
Cherry said he agreed with Strohecker's mother, Dawn, that other authorities should have taken action against the Hazleton chiropractor.
For five years Dawn Strohecker fought to have Gallagher charged with manslaughter, but former Schuylkill County District Attorney Claude A. L. Shields refused to press charges.
That decision was upheld by the county court and state Superior Court. Shields' successor, Frank R. Cori, said he would have pressed manslaughter charges, but the statute of limitations had expired.
It wasn't until federal authorities picked up the fraud case that Gallagher faced any prosecution in the death.
About 200 of Gallagher's supporters attended last week's sentencing hearing, saying prayers requesting mercy for Gallagher.
At yesterday's hearing, which was attended only by Gallagher's husband and their priest, Strohecker called the group a cult and Gallagher a "greed-driven monster" and a "murderer." (Dumb nomination: This is the pot calling the kettle black)
"How could three priests say she was of good character when she was responsible for our daughter's senseless, horrible death?" a tearful Dawn Strohecker asked Cherry. (Dumb nomination II: How can the mom place the full blame on the Chiropractor? The fiancee and daughter are equally as guilty)
Gallagher told Cherry she felt "sorrowful" for the Strohecker family and wanted to make peace with them.
Gallagher claimed to Strohecker and other patients that she could cure epilepsy and Down syndrome by waving her hands around their heads and necks, what she termed "balancing the meninges." (Dumb nomination III: Balance this, Chiroquacker!)
Strohecker began seeing Gallagher with her fiancee, a Jehovah's Witness who wanted her to get off her medication, authorities said. (Dumb nomination IV: I wonder why the fiancee wanted her off of the medication? I can only guess two things: 1) He was on her insurance policy or 2) He was told that the medication has sexual side effects and he wanted to make sure her medication didn't interfere with his schlong)
Strohecker, who had lived fairly normally on medication, arrived at her last appointment with Gallagher the day before she died in a wheelchair, wearing adult diapers, choking on vomit, with her tongue nearly bitten through. (Dumb nomination V: Geez! She was living a fairly normal life on medication??? What the...? Why would she listen to the Chiropractor and the fiancee? Where was her faith in the "Paradise Earth", where all sickness and pain would be wiped away? Hell, I would have got back on the medication as soon as I was forced to wear a diaper!)
At the outset of her federal trial this summer, the mother of Strohecker's fiancee produced a tape recording of a telephone call in which Gallagher assured her the continuous grand mal seizures Strohecker was suffering was the anti-seizure medicine working its way out of her body. (Dumb nomination VI: This goes to the fiancee. Obviously, he was "concerned" enough to record a phone call. Why the heck didn't he and the mom rush the "victim" to an Emergency Room?)
Strohecker died hours after the phone call.
The tape led Gallagher to plead guilty to the fraud charge.
Gallagher's attorney, Matthew R. Gover, asked Cherry for probation, but said the additional sentence will likely make no difference in the amount of time Gallagher serves.
"I have always felt that having two separate prosecuting agencies pursue a prosecution for the same conduct is a little much," Gover said.
PETE SHELLEM: 255-8156 or [email protected]
my god, this is worst than last years.
i'm not writing the whole thing out, but here are some "convention reminders" for this years district convention.. "let us exhalt his name together" page 3. para 4. please bring a lunch rather than leave the convention site to obtain a meal during the noon break.
this will allow all to enjoy upbuilding association and be present from the very start of the session.
I loved the way you added in your smartass comments after each paragraph! Good job!
Paragraph 2: Sign of the Times
Our volunteers during the session work very hard as they walk around the stadium in continuous circles (like a mouse in a wheel) carrying signs that read "PLEASE BE SEATED" and "QUIET PLEASE". (Question: If someone is lollygagging in the corridor but they are in a wheelchair BUT they aren't talking, do the signs apply to that person?). Do you pay attention to these signs? First, the signs cost a lot of money. Perhaps the next time you see these signs you can think about all of the hard work and money that went into EACH sign for EACH convention and assembly and promptly, yes generously, donate your hard earned cash! Of course, after you pad our pockets in Bethel, you can promptly obey our friggin' signs and let us control you!