Your response was so funny!
Speaking of Avatars, there was a that used to post here who used a similar avatar as you.
His name was Fredhall.
hollywood hates it.
many parents like it.
Your response was so funny!
Speaking of Avatars, there was a that used to post here who used a similar avatar as you.
His name was Fredhall.
if there is already a thread about this, then i apologize.
parents drop objection to radiation help corpus christi, texas (ap) a 13-year-old cancer patient will get the radiation treatment her parents had opposed after new medical tests showed she is no longer in remission.
If there is already a thread about this, then I apologize.
Parents drop objection to radiation help CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas (AP) — A 13-year-old cancer patient will get the radiation treatment her parents had opposed after new medical tests showed she is no longer in remission.
Katie Wernecke, center, was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Disease. Her parents insisted that chemotherapy had killed the cancer. | |||
Corpus Christi Caller-Times via AP |
Katie Wernecke's parents decided to drop their objection to the treatment after the tests were disclosed during a juvenile court hearing Friday. Katie, who turned 13 on Saturday, will remain in state custody as her therapy gets under way.
Michele and Edward Wernecke lost custody of Katie last week after doctors said lack of treatment could be life-threatening. The parents had insisted that the four rounds of chemotherapy Katie received then had killed the cancer and that more radiation would only harm a healthy girl.
The new testing result "changes everything," said attorney Daniel Horne, who represents Michele and Edward Wernecke.
Katie was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Disease in January, when her parents brought her to the hospital for pneumonia treatment. Hodgkin's is a type of cancer involving the lymph nodes.
"The Werneckes have never said that they would deny medical treatment to their daughter if she was ill and getting worse," Horne told state juvenile court Judge Carl Lewis.
Lewis called off a custody hearing scheduled for next week unless the Werneckes could present compelling evidence that Katie was still in remission. Horne said the treatments were set for next week.
The judge said that the parents would be allowed to attend the treatments but that doctors would make the decisions.
"Early evidence indicates that given opportunity to abscond with the child, they did. And no way would I give them opportunity to do that again now," the judge said.
Last week, authorities issued an Amber Alert to gain temporary custody of Katie after receiving a tip about possible neglect. She was found with her mother at a family ranch, about 80 miles west of Corpus Christi near Freer, on Saturday.
Charges against Michele Wernecke, who was free on $50,000 bond, were dropped Friday. The family's other children, three boys, were reunited with the parents Friday following a CPS inspection of the home.
The couple, members of the Church of God, have said they oppose blood transfusions unless they were from Katie's mother. But Horne has said religion wasn't at issue in the fight over cancer treatment.
Rather, they believe doctors weren't upfront about Katie's care and did not answer all their questions about the side effects of the radiation, Horne said.
hollywood hates it.
many parents like it.
Personally, I believe that if it's the film is that peppered with language (take, for example, The Blues Brothers), then the Producer/Director/Writer didn't intend for that movie to be watched by those who are offended by obscenities.
Just don't watch or rent the film if the language offends you (that is my humble opinion).
Besides, movies such as The Blues Brothers and Blazing Saddles are simply not as funny without the obscenities.
Really, when you think about it, isn't the Bible X-Rated?
odd question i know, but i just wondered.
i remember all the specially marked donations i gave "for kingdom halls in impoverished countries", sure would like to have that all back, ha!
has anyone ever written to the society or at least thought about it regarding this?
I've wondered this very thing, swirlgirl.
The whole thing is a sham. Once, in my former congregation, we had terrible floods. One family lost almost everything (house, clothes, shoes). They were a husband, wife, and four young children. Guess how they were "assisted"? Not from the surplus that sat in the account month after month (as read from the platform). Instead, they had a couple of the elders collect money from anyone who wished to help out. Screw that! I took that family to DSW (a discount shoe store) and bought the entire family new shoes.
Sadly, this put me over my credit limit, thus, I had to pay fees.
okay, first off, let me get this guys are all witnesses, some all active, some do things all the way right, some don't do things all the way right?
some are by the book but not preachy, and some are witnesses that are rogue and do things their own way?
i just want to know before i post any doubts or concerns or anything because even though i know we're supposed to stay away from places like this on the internet, i don't want what i say somehow getting back to my congregation somehow and next thing you know 4 elders come busting through the door waving "no blood" cards and shouting "freeze, jehovah's witnesses!
The elders (and many other JWs, as well as the WTS) try to make it seem like every pleasure that you feel, every doubt that you have, every non-JW-stamp-of-approval thing that you do, you should feel guilty about.
I hope you don't have anything against hot black, hot spanish, hot asian, or hot brasilian women.
PS...Welcome to the Forum.
i've been gone from the "truth" for 9 years this month.
i have very little contact with my witness family.
every year around this time i get a letter from my grandparents.
Good for you, Tyler!
hollywood hates it.
many parents like it.
She was a serious as a heart attack!
loosie, I can't begin to tell you how many JWs that I've personally known who seemed like they just crawled out from underneath a rock.
hollywood hates it.
many parents like it.
Hollywood hates it.
Many parents like it.
What's your position on it?
My JW elder brother is a tighta$$. He once tried to counsel me because I said the word "nipple".
One day, I was housesitting (and catsitting) for him and his Pioneer wife. Anyway, I was watching a videotape of 'See Spot Run'. That movie was PG! There was a scene in the movie where Anthony Anderson said, "I bet you I can pick up that five dollar bill with my butt". The Clearplay censored the word "butt". This was rather annoying. By the way, my borther and his wife are without children. They are so friggin' prude.
Oh, and he once was offended at this: My brother and his brilliant wife and a bunch of us were at a gathering (TM) . The owners of the house had a rather large dog. Anyway, as most male dogs (heck, males in general...LOL) do, he got a little aroused. His penis was showing. My wonderful sister-in-law asks another pioneer lady, "What's that thing?!?". The pioneer lady said, "That's his penis". My brother turned red. He was making grunts of disapproval (you know, "Ugh!", "Aw!", and "Hmph!"). He was so uptight about the word "penis". And "nipple".
EDITED to say: The entire population of JWs would probably like to invent a true-life Clearplay.
over the past few years i would buy my old dub friend and his wife a coffee in the mornings and we would car pool to the district conventions.
he just wrote me an email and asked if i would be getting the coffee's again for them this year, all tounge in cheek.
i replied "no problem, just come find me on the assembly grounds.
After his eyes melted, he probably choked on his muffin as he read your response.
i grit my teeth, i tell you, i just grit them when i hear comments like this one.
this one guy in the kh has these lame ass comments all the time, and here is his latest, .
"we are sad about family that does not believe in jehovah anymore.
JWs (myself included when I was a JW) make ignorant comments like that all of the time.
One difference between JWs and everyone else is that JWs are crafty at hiding their wrongdoings.
Hang in there, Jez!