OMG!!! I look HUUUGE!!
No, you look Breathtaking!
Your kids are cute too!
i just wanted to share these with you all....hope it works!!
i will have to figure out how to copy my pics directly onto my thread.....edited by - lost diamond on 5 january 2003 23:32:23.
OMG!!! I look HUUUGE!!
No, you look Breathtaking!
Your kids are cute too!
i just got back from today's circuit assembly.
i haven't been to one in the last 1 and a half yrs.
obviously, nothing has changed.
The first three experiences tell us that if you are going to be a JW, expect to be miserable. I am certain most JWs in the audience can relate to that.
The last experience tells how Jehovah will just kill off anyone he pleases. I guess Jah couldn't find a way to get the police involved to stop the ringleader, or to maybe bring the ringleader into the "truth".
JWs won't have any problem with the ringleader being killed. The Bible has many examples where God killed "opposers". Plus, any God that could order the killing of infants simply because they were born into the wrong nation (1 Sam. 15:3) will have no problem killing the ringleader in the experience.
What is noteworthy is that none of the experiences listed showed a victory (maybe the last one does?). Usually an experience concludes with a bible study started, or someone no longer opposing, or someone getting baptised.
The ringleader experience sounds both fairy tale-ish and familiar. Wasn't it in a Yearbook? I suspect they are getting old experiences to tell. Interesting that there are not many recent experiences.
i put some thought into this.......since this "borganization" has truly put a blotch on god's true name and purpose.... i give you[drums rolling]:.
the blotchtower!!!!
!....a most appropriate and truly functional description of behaviour for the last 120 years!!!!!!!
Okay so it's kinda crude but still appropriate since they seem to pull most of their "new light" teachings out of their arse...~Aztec
Girls = Evil
Is that why girls are so tempting?
Richard, who cannot resist temptation
by that i mean from the platform at the kingdumb hall?
i remember some study conductors who had the habit of calling on people in the audience that seemed distracted or unprepared--on purpose so as to embarass them.
some were so out of it when the mic was handed to them they had to ask what was the question, why did you call on me i didnt have my hand up, etc.
would you read that for us?" I looked up at him and answered; "No".
Perfect answer, mac!
He actually pointed to one sister from the stage--"sister in the purple dress--why aren't you ever in your seat?"
This shows how arrogant CO's can be. It also shows how much the org wants to control everyone. They don't want adults to make adult decisions. Now JWs have to ask permission to go potty??
on the chance that the photo may load i'll try this thread.
my wife is at the wedding that i was uninvited to at this moment.
we are giving her an engraved glass photo holder that duplicates their wedding invitation.
You and your wife have great taste in gifts, LB! They will love that!
ludicrous as it may seem, the watchtower society may be right?...
as so much of their doctrines are based on interpretation.. the watchtower society may have interpreted the bible... correctly!
Ludicrous as it may seem, the Watchtower Society may be right?... Yeah?
It is possible, don't you think? - SpannerintheWorks
No, it is not possible.
Use your head for it's intended purpose. - SixofNine
I agree with SixOfNine on this one!
I consider that a long time ago. On the off-chance the WTS was right, what should I do? Well, IF the WTS is right, then Jehovah God is a bastard and not worthy of my worship. If the WTS should be believed then Jehovah is either very incompetent or a real bastard. I do not wish to serve either type of God.
Worse case, I die in Armageddon and am dead. Best case (I am an atheist), I live a normal lifespan and am dead afterwards. Both scenarios are not bad.
I would rather live my life and have a relatively happy one than serve the kind of God the JWs serve.
Edited by - Skeptic on 4 January 2003 17:33:33
Edited by - Skeptic on 4 January 2003 17:42:35
i need some advice.
i have been dating this guy for 3 years.
of those 3 years, he has cheated on me many many times, but i can only prove some.
Richard:Thanks so much for mentioning what so few men will talk about wives that abuse, that was VERY BRAVE of you Everyone needs to know it doesn't matter the sex of the person male female if they hit you LEAVE, run don't walk and never look back.
Thanks for the compliment, SheilaM.
everyone in the truth, knows it is the "love of money", not money itself that is wrong.
i am well aware that money in itself does not bring happiness.. what i detect though amongst the witnesses is almost an antipathy to money and wealth.
one sister i was speaking to the other day complained about all the spending that goes on at xmas.
I have been well-off and I have been poor. Trust me, money does buy happiness!
Will money buy ultimate happiness? No, you can be a millionaire and unhappy, especially if your child has a horrible disease or if your spouse is abusive.
But everything else being equal, money does buy happiness. Studies show that those who make over $100,000/year are about twice as happy as those who make less.
Money is a lubricant that allows you to slide through life easier. It allows you to buy your way out of problems, and quickly. The less problems you have, the more likely you are happy. Not to mention you also have more means to achieve your dreams and goals which does bring happiness.
Of course, one can be poor and happy. Currently, I am the poorest I have been in my entire life. Yet, I am reasonably happy. My relatives are not facing the serious problems they had a few years ago. I am no longer constantly dealing with literally life and death issues. Also, I have time for my son, and we have grown very close. I will take the problems I have now over the problems I had three years ago when I had more money.
in another thread heathen gave me a great idea....
i'm always hearing apostates propose the idea of partaking of the emblems or passing out apostate literature at the memorial... but heathen has given me an even better idea.... a mass walk-out.
well, at least five people or so .
I wonder if it takes a permit to pass alcohol around in a public place, especially where there are children???
As part of a church service, I doubt it. The Catholic Church has often included wine as part of Mass for centuries.