YES. The two best decisions I ever made were to quit the JWs and to end my marriage.
Though my life is not anywhere near where I want to it to be, I can honestly say I am truly happy.
since you've left the "truth", are you now, finally, happy?
YES. The two best decisions I ever made were to quit the JWs and to end my marriage.
Though my life is not anywhere near where I want to it to be, I can honestly say I am truly happy.
thanks for the advice guys...edited by - confuzcious on 31 january 2003 11:51:20.
I agree with Hmmm, LB, Mary and others.
I consider adultery to be very stupid. In my limited experience in life, when a person commits adultery, their marriage is already irreparably damaged. I have seen such marriages survive where the spouses share the same home and bedroom, but I have never seen such a marriage thrive. In any I have seen, the marriage mates were more like roommates. The bond has been broken. If there were an exception, I would love to know about it.
And dont give me the excuses; if anyone had reason to commit adultery, I did. And I remained completely faithful. If I can do it, anyone can.
Chances are, your wife either tried to forgive you for screwing around on her, or the elders convinced her to stay with you. Your fighting WT beliefs was her out; no one in the congregation will question her about leaving you now, especially with your marital history.
Confuzcious, you dont realize it, but you are being a hypocrite. You dont live by scriptural requirements for years, and then you expect your wife to?
Confuzcious, it is real simple. If you met her needs, she would still be with you. You were far from a prize as a husband, and you are reaping what you have sown.
The best thing you can do is list, to yourself, the things you did that were wrong. And change. Become the kind of man that you want to be, became the kind of man any woman would want as a husband. It will take time to change, but you need that time to heal. Plus, you need time to figure out what kind of a lady you want as a wife. Obviously you were not truly happy with your wife; if you were you would not have fooled around on her.
And dont judge your ex or any future wife by the rules of some old book. Love her for who she is, or find someone else to love. And be a man worthy of the kind of love and respect that you want from her. If you have to depend on her following rules from the Bible, then you are not the man for her, or she is not the woman for you. If you are good for each other, you will tend to meet each others needs without one of you having to point out the other's flaws from a "rule book".
a man walked into the produce section of the local supermarket .
and asked to buy half a head of lettuce.
the boy working in that department told him .
Well, why did you leave Canada?" the manager asked.The boy said, "Sir, there's nothing but prostitutes and hockey players up there."
That's a reason to leave?? I thought it would be a reason to stay!!!!
It shows that all Canadians know how to score....and get well paid for it.
Loved it! Too funny!
Edited by - Skeptic on 27 January 2003 0:41:18
one of my very distant cousins sent this to me today.
i know it's corny, but i liked it anyway.
(all you atheists, can ignore this).
I know it's corny, but I liked it anyway. (all you atheists, can ignore this)
Shhh....Don't tell anyone I replied, OK? I really enjoyed it.
Don't miss out on a blessing because it isn't
packaged the way that you expect.
This is something we all need to do....even my present circumstances are turning out to be a blessing.....I expect in a few years to be very happy for my present tribulations.
i'm sick of talking about george bush and iraq and war so.... what were you like in high school?.
i was an orchestra geek.
i played violin and took all the math classes i could.
I was an orchestra geek. I played violin and took all the math classes I could. Because I was still a dub I wasn't allowed to participate in sports or anything fun so I studied and got mostly A's. Yes, I was a dork!
k, Aztec, you are making me drool. You are artistic, have plenty of brains, are gorgeous and are great at math? (I have this thing about math.) You sound like quite a catch. Wanna run off with me?
I loved math and science and took all of those courses I could. I sucked at sports, art, shop and music. I took as many as the advanced courses I could cause I wanted the mental stimulation they provided. We took a province wide math test and I was ranked 17th from the top in the province of Manitoba.
I hunger for knowledge. I was the geek who did extra science experiments simply because I wanted to. I was the teacher's pet for math and science because I thought in the same weird way he did. When the class wanted a break, they asked me to distract him with off the topic questions. I did. I think the teacher was on to me, but everyone had a good time. I was also the geography teacher's pet. He teased me in front of the class mercilessly, but all in good fun.
In Grade 9, our math teacher had all advanced students, knew how to motivate us and was demanding as hell. In Grade 9, we learned Grade 9, 10, and half of Grade 11 math all at the advanced level. Hence, for Grade 10 and half of Grade 11, the math teachers did not know what to do with me. We decided I could read books in class and just take the tests, as long as I did not distrub anyone.
One time in Grade 10, I kept asking what the 5th Dimension was, and the teacher decided I was dispruting the class. I got sent into the hallway. The teacher's pet finally got punished by the teacher. The entire class erupted into applause.
My course load was heavy, three hours of homework a night. I took typing to have one class to slack off in. Typing turned out to be one of the most useful. I spent all of my money making weird electronics projects, and drove my parents nuts with them.
My biology teacher to this day thinks I am nuts. He always thought I was a little off, and a Saturday of flying gas-powered model airplanes completely convinced him. I warned him that my plane had been damaged, repaired and not tested, but he insisted on flying it anyway. Hey, how did I know the damned plane would attack him? He jumped out of the way just before the plane ploughed into the ground right where he and his son were standing. When the initial shock died down, I almost died of laughter. He avoided me after that.
I was too shy to date much, but somehow went steady with one of the most beautiful and popular girls in school for about two years. I know what I saw in her, still don't know what she saw in me.
Richard, a dork who loved high school
Edited by - Skeptic on 25 January 2003 23:31:30
the watchtower is using the 'watchman' argument again.... from the january 1st watchtower 2003, 2nd article called "keep on the watch", box on page 21.. ----------------------------------------------------------------.
"happy is the one who is keeping in expectation.
" - daniel 12:12. imagine that a watchman suspects that a thief is planning to burgle the premises he is guarding.
That is why argument by illustration is not a logically valid method to use.
Obviously, if they used the illustration of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf", the audience would reach a different conclusion.
hubby and i are going through a very stressful time right now.
the cards are falling all around us and we are now receiving word from family and "friends" that we are no longer welcome in their lives even though we have not shared any views with anyone but our parents, nor have we formally disassociated ourselves.
hubby found sunday's "non sequitur" comic very ironic and i thought you all may enjoy it.
truthseekers2, I am sorry to hear of your plight. That probably hurts more than official shunning! I think unofficial shunning will be the control mechanism of the future. It saves the WTBS from legal and "moral" issues, and keeps their public image good.
That comic is so appropriate for those of us who were Dubs. So funny! Thanks for sharing it!
If the bishop says it is so, then it is so. People will gather together en masse to burn any who questions the bishop and burn them at the stake. The truth of what is being said does not matter. All that matters is who is being questioned.
We are all so very human, eh?
Edited by - Skeptic on 22 January 2003 13:24:27
Edited by - Skeptic on 22 January 2003 13:27:51
Creepy Christian right cartoon that promotes a religion just as bad as the JWs......ugh. I hate propoganda.
I agree, Ash.
<Shudder> That tract brings back memories. Not only is the tract in black and white, so is the reasoning.
I have never seen the JW's point of view so unrealistically presented. Perhaps those "JWs" have never studied a publication and have been inactive all their life? Even a newbie JW would not be convinced that fast! Especially about the Trinity! And who would hold a discussion on the Trinity when your child is dying? Oh, brother.
any tips on how to get thru convention meetings as painless as possible?
i have the most awful time doing nothing for 4 hours straight.
last time i resorted to doodling in my "note" book, but i got it taken away.
Also, what can I do to keep from going out in the ministry? I cannot do this every Saturday for three more years. The regular meetings I can handle, as much as I would rather be elsewhere, but HELL I hate knocking on people's doors. And I think it'll start getting suspicious if I'm "sick" every Saturday.
Some minor "sins" can help you there. I can't remember which ones. Perhaps others here can tell you what "bad" habits to develop and to confess to the elders.
you come to me in colors,.
warm me with your fire.. pale golden and turquoise.
arousing my desires.
What a beautiful poem, Robyn!