Topics Started by mtwtf
A Recovering JW
by mtwtf ina recovering jw.
previously i have vented here about anomalies that stood out in wts / literature and meetings.
Who Is The REAL Evil Slave?
by mtwtf inwho is the real evil slave of mt.
my venting #7 mtwtf.
while this post is unlikely to achieve anything, just dragging the evil slave out of the shadows and into full view helps vent my feelings.
Who is the Real faithful and discreet slave?
by mtwtf inwho is the real faithful and discreet slave?
he ceases to exist once the meeting is over;.
he ceases to exist once the meeting is over;.
Babylon the Great
by mtwtf inmtwtf warning.
this post contains much speculation.. it does not mention the mayan calendar.
i dont know the hour, or the day nor for that matter, the week, or the month, or the year, or the decade, or the century, or even the millennia when the end will come, yet im still interested in it.
A Secular wts
by mtwtf ina secular wts?my venting #4. .
perhaps im jumping at shadows, but from the reports of doctrinal changes coming out of the 2012 wts annual meeting, it looks very much to me like the gb is revisiting something it started much earlier.
), the gb took what i interpreted at the time, to be the first step to abdicating its role of oversight of the masters household.
by mtwtf inwts shunning my venting #3. on my rough estimate there may be 50 wts victims of enforced shunning for every one wts child abuse victim.
(it is recognized that greater trauma is inflicted on abuse victims.
) with such a large pool of shunned dubs, a number must have suffered such bad experiences as to warrant conti-like cases against the wts.
by mtwtf insecond post.
wts meeting attendance figures used to be offered as evidence of global unity; a pillar-of-strength not found elsewhere?
by simply attending a meeting, dubs were assured they would gain gods blessing.
Second Post
by mtwtf insecond post.
the bingo factor.
wts meeting attendance figures used to be offered as evidence of global unity; a pillar-of-strength not found elsewhere?
First Post
by mtwtf inhi.. as a lurker ive watched this site for >2 years and agonized over whether to join-in or keep my anonymity.
now im trying to do both; join-in with specific posts; remain anonymous by keeping my personal details to myself.
i guess some will berate me for this.