I think of Amazing and happy man as Laurel and Hardy.
Amazing are you glad you've picked up such a faithful companion?
Posts by sleepy
New Dates to help WTS
by Amazing innot that anyone would want to help the wts shore up its prophetic speculations, and continue to perpetrate their fanciful but idiotic schemes ... nevertheless ... in an effort to salvage their biblical dreams, and escape their current embarassments and false prophecies, one might see them in the near future pull off something like the following.. you eyes might glaze over ... but this is short:.
the 2nd temple was started by zerubabel in 517 bc and completed and dedicated in 515 bc.
the wts could easily make this 2nd temple a symbolic 'anti-type' representing the renewed, rebuilt condition of 'spiritual israel' the anointed 144,000 ... and then take the 2,520 years spoken of by daniel, from the date of the dedication of the 2nd temple, and voom ... boom ... flash ... zap ... we arrive at 2005 ad for the establishment of the 'completed and dedicated' spiritual anti-type temple in heaven ... to eventually be occupied by the temple class.. add to this, the walls of jerusalem, built to protect the city outside the 2nd temple and its people, were not completed until 445 bc ... this commenced the 70 weeks until the messiah would arrive, according to daniel.
Don't read this if you're depressed.
by sleepy insometimes i think about all the time i waisted as a witness and it makes me shudder.. i don't want to dwell on negative things but , what the hell i'm happy today.
i'd thought i'd try and work out how much time i've lost.. i was brought on on the org and left at 27.. if i spent an average (even as a child in a pushchair) of 5 hours in meetings 1 hour either side getting ready travelling etc(so thats 3).1 hour studying for meetings and talks etc.2 hours on the minsistry.. that gives me a rought average of 11 hours a week.
( really it takes up more time than this).
Sometimes I think about all the time i waisted as a witness and it makes me shudder.
I don't want to dwell on negative things but , what the hell I'm happy today.
I'd thought I'd try and work out how much time I've lost.
I was brought on on the org and left at 27.
If I spent an average (even as a child in a pushchair) of 5 hours in meetings 1 hour either side getting ready travelling etc(so thats 3).1 hour studying for meetings and talks etc.2 hours on the minsistry.
That gives me a rought average of 11 hours a week.( really it takes up more time than this)
times that by 52 then by 27 gives me 15444 hours.
Divide by 24 gives 643.5 days 24 hour days.But we all know a day is really 12 hours the rest is eating sleeping etc.
So. Times it by 2 =1286 days which we will divide by 365 (for a year)
=3.52 which is roughly 3 and a half years solid going to meetings on the min and reading watchtowers!
This doesn't take into account pioneering , assemblies and other things.
So of my 27 years 3 and a half were completely wasted and are of no use to me.
Plus all the catching up I've now got to do.
Is this more than you lose by smoking 20 cigarettes a day.
Watchtowers should come with a health warning,
Danger :reading these has been proven to shorten your life. -
WT May 1st - Watch out for traitors in our midst!
by dmouse inanother thread on the wt may 1st 2002 issue.. jehovah hates the course of treachery.
in a thinly veiled attack on the likes of youknow the society issues this proclamation to jws who dare to say anything out of line with the watchtower bullshit and tossers society:.
10. are we personally alert, so that no unrighteousness is found on our lips?
Is this pargraph really saying something else?
"10. Are we personally alert, so that no unrighteousness is found on our lips? For example, can our family members really trust what we say? Can our spiritual brothers and sisters in the congregation do the same? It would be easy to develop the habit of couching one’s words in terms that are technically accurate but misleading."
Isn't this a subtle way of saying, can you really trust even what your family says even if they are witnesses?
A good way of getting witnesses to be suspicious of everyone. -
WT May 1st - Watch out for traitors in our midst!
by dmouse inanother thread on the wt may 1st 2002 issue.. jehovah hates the course of treachery.
in a thinly veiled attack on the likes of youknow the society issues this proclamation to jws who dare to say anything out of line with the watchtower bullshit and tossers society:.
10. are we personally alert, so that no unrighteousness is found on our lips?
"That would especially be a risk for a person tending to be confident in his own conclusions even when these contradict what Jehovahs organisation is teaching."
Yes it has been a risk.The governing body is too confident in their own concluions even when these contradict common sense , logic , science , history, the Bible and every one else on earth.
Let's See Your Town:
by Englishman inheres mine: http://www.scotphoto.com/englishphoto/categories/towns/westonsupermare.html.
This is part of what used to be known as Tiger bay in cardiff.
Cardiff Arms Park rugby stadium
New parliment building for Wales
Let's See Your Town:
by Englishman inheres mine: http://www.scotphoto.com/englishphoto/categories/towns/westonsupermare.html.
If simons neck of the woods is Manchester there mill's of good bands fom there.
Joy Division,Neworder,stone roses,oasis,er...
oh my minds gone blank. -
Daniel in the Lions den.
by sleepy ini remember older witnesses going on about a tv programme in some country called "daniel in the lions den" in which a witness defended his views against memebers of other religion in front of a tv audience.. the witnesses seams to have come off the better, but it was mostly catholic priests.. anyone see it?.
so why are they so afraid to do so today?.
i would love to challange witnesses to a debate.. but i guess they are to scared.. bunch of chickens.barf!
Yeh farkel.
Older witnesses in Britian like to boast about how he made mincemeat of the clergy.
I'd love to see what would happen if he did the same on his commitee.
They'ed probably tell him where to stuff his Bible.Good thing witnesses elders are not like the clergy.Not.
Daniel in the Lions den.
by sleepy ini remember older witnesses going on about a tv programme in some country called "daniel in the lions den" in which a witness defended his views against memebers of other religion in front of a tv audience.. the witnesses seams to have come off the better, but it was mostly catholic priests.. anyone see it?.
so why are they so afraid to do so today?.
i would love to challange witnesses to a debate.. but i guess they are to scared.. bunch of chickens.barf!
intresting read.
Is it the same guy? -
Sneaking out the back door?
by ozziepost inthe february issue of kingdom ministry for britain informs that for "the past five years, more than 400 people each year have responded to help and been reactivated".
(page 5, paragraph 14).
interestingly, in that same period the average number of publishers has gone from 124,623 in 1996 to 119,655 in 2001. during that time around (say) 2,500 have been baptised each year.. do you get the feeling that something doesn't add up?
Have I done my figures right?
400 times 5 = 2000
2500times 5 = 12500Add together= 14500
current figure
total of 20532 who have legged it.
Average of 4000 a year leave 2500 bapt 400 return so figure goes down about 1000 a year, but as families start leaving this downward spire should speed up as most baptised are born witnesses.
As more leave the number getting baptised should start going down along with it .
There could be big drops in numbers only a few years away. -
Post your posting habits.
by sleepy inso what are your habits on this board?.
do you read everyday?when you get up , when you get home from work, all day even?.
is this the only forum you go on?.
So what are your habits on this board?
Do you read everyday?When you get up , when you get home from work, all day even?
Is this the only forum you go on?
Are you addicted?I'm have to admit I read it most days, usually when I get home from work.I try to think of something to post while working.
I tend to have breaks of a few weeks and then look at it one day and I'm back on for the next few weeks.