How many concrete cases can we document of Witnesses of whatever rank spying on us here, whether on their own or because someone (probably) tells them to? That isn't a challenge, I don't doubt high-ranking Bethelites peek in here from time to time on the orders of the powers that be. We got concrete proof they monitor at least one site like this when someone leaked that Branch letter from Australia, i think O'Toole wrote it could be wrong, which said something like 'we might as well show the ARC this Letter to the Body of Elders because it's gonna appear online soon.' Atlantis and a few others post letters here, so while we can't prove they meant us the author might mean us.. It's suggestive at least.
Concrete cases:
1. I don't know if you commented yet pale.emperor but he disassociated himself after someone snooped on his computer, accessed his history, found he posted here, and turned him in to the Elders. They 'invited him' to a judicial committee but he got out before they could disfellowship him.
Feel free to add on. Certainly the new poster asking for emails sound, as Simon said, fishy as he'll (whether they're a scammer or a spy though, we can't say).