skin: Right at the beginning of this special talk we were told no audio recordings to be made
I'm with them on that. The fewer people who hear whatever he had to say, the better.
1914 generation is long gone.
1975 was a joke 40 years ago.
i know of many witnesses still hanging on for armagedon but when will they give up?
skin: Right at the beginning of this special talk we were told no audio recordings to be made
I'm with them on that. The fewer people who hear whatever he had to say, the better. .
1000 lit-up carts at 50 strategic locations near the stadium and on the strip.
On the other hand, I'm wondering how many JWs will be tempted to places bets on the game...
uh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
Bought? lol
uh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
That was the sense I got from his telling of that story. Out of everything that happened, the thing that he was most concerned about was that Geoffrey might get the last laugh; he might feel vindicated. The thought of that brother getting the better of him, and feeling like his moral superior, just ate him up inside. If he could not hide his behavior, then he preferred to run away in shame. As long as he didn't have to face a triumphant Geoffrey, he didn't care.
i watched a video once of men being trained was a study.
they had the men doing the most rediculous things-can't remember quite what now.
so between that video, the letter to elders to keep their mouths shut about the koolaid, and to go along with the csa protocol, and what i will call insurance fraud by the jw, and who knows what other things the men in positions in the org go along with-these things prompt the question.
Cults work hard to build up a reliance on the leadership, especially for guidance and for a sense of purpose. They encourage and reward obedience and discourage and punish assertiveness. JWs do this differently for men and women- men are teased with the opportunity to become leaders themselves, while women are exalted when they are humble and submissive.
Those men who do not show the ambition needed to become leaders are sidelined and treated as lost causes unless they get their acts together. Women are expected to be quiet (if they are single) or submissive and supportive (if they are wives). If it seems that the ambitious men have it good, remember that their entire value lies in how submissive and supportive they are of "the organization."
.........jehovah.. the bible's foundation name - (1 corinthians 3:11) "for no one can lay any other foundation than what is laid, which is jesus christ.".
the org's chosen name for christians - "jehovah's witnesses.".
jehovah's chosen name for christians - acts 11:26 - "...the disciples were by divine providence called christians.".
Diogenesister: (perhaps because they often get challenged that they are not?)
That was my experience. When I was a JW, I didn't understand why people thought we did not believe in Jesus. Once outside of it, it was pretty clear. The WTS will insist that it places proper emphasis on Jesus, but it pushes him aside and replaces him with the GB as the intermediary between Jehovah and humanity. So it's no surprise that they always seem to be fighting an uphill battle to convince Christians that they belong in the club.
1914 generation is long gone.
1975 was a joke 40 years ago.
i know of many witnesses still hanging on for armagedon but when will they give up?
It's a good point. If we are saying that they got the date wrong, then presumably there is a correct date. On the other hand, if we point out that it's bullshit, then there's no need to provide a different date. "It's bullshit" is the correction.
uh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
for those still interested in lloyd's fall from grace, i made up a chart of my own.
april 2023 is when he put out his "things are bad" tin cup begging video, and he got a small surge to 592 on the 13th of that month.
i'm also using his all-time peak of 897 from november 2022.. for march, we're gonna say a modest -15, putting him at 352. i'm also curious as to when he might hit 300 and then 200. if he keeps up with an average of -20 every month, he'll be at less than 190 before the end of this year.. happy guessing everyone..
I recall him adamantly saying that he did not have to justify how he spent his earnings, in the same way that a doctor did not have to account for how he spent his salary. I think it's fair to say that he is witnessing (lol) what happens when a non-salaried-non-doctor tries to pull the wool over his subscriber's eyes. Are any of his die-hard supporters still telling people that it's no one's business what he does with his 'activism income'?
1914 generation is long gone.
1975 was a joke 40 years ago.
i know of many witnesses still hanging on for armagedon but when will they give up?
I'm curious if they will ever try to face their past. Very little of what Russell taught is accepted today, and some of it sounds insane (using the dimensions of pyramids, or distances on a map, to set time frames). Rutherford did his best to top him, with his 1925 predictions and the 'millions now living will never die' campaign, among other things. The internet has made many of their writings available, and has allowed the dissemination of unflattering stories about them.
At what point does the past become an albatross that they can no longer ignore? And, if they are forced to come to terms with it, what can they do? Could they survive going mainstream?