I guess they may be able to get away with keeping the 1914 date and 1919 confirmation if they drop the 'generations' part. Which they were on the way to doing after 1995. Bringing it back with the overlapping generations explanation was a dumb thing to do.
After all, there is so much that has been forgotten and left behind, including the fact that the 1914 calculations were for the start/end of Armageddon, not the beginning of the last days. Or how Russell used 1799 and 1874 as dates for the return of Christ and the beginning of the last days. Or how Rutherford started his tenure as WT president by making one failed prediction after another. And so on, right through 1975 and the 1995 change that invalidated so many of their 'time is short' warnings.
Stop talking about it, and it goes away. The rank-and-file don't know anything about the predictions for 1918, 1920, 1925, 1941, 1954, and 1975. They aren't aware of the change in 1995, and probably wouldn't know anything about the 'generation' teaching if not for the 2010 update. All they know is that 'some people may have gotten carried away in the past and read more into the WTS's words than was warranted'. The worst stuff has already been memory-holed. It wouldn't be that difficult to do the same with 1914, perhaps.