LongHairGal: It tries to imply that those others who planned only have ‘apparent’ financial security
They will say that those who put everything into the organization have built up treasures in heaven. Which is to say that it will all be okay after they are dead. But we have to wonder why that matters. If you worked and saved for your later years, are you punished for not building up enough spiritual treasure? If you go to heaven anyway, what difference did it make? Does the other person get a nicer heavenly dwelling because they put every last dollar in the contribution box and ate stale bread every night?
You wouldn't be denied from heaven just because you learned to plan for retirement, right? So, you go to heaven and that person who trusted the GB (and suffered for it) also goes to heaven. You're both in heaven! If there is a "lower-tier" of heaven, it would still be heaven! Would god be nicer to that other person? Who cares! You're in heaven!
I suppose the WTS attitude is to say that you don't want to risk ending up dead forever because you fell just below the qualifications for salvation. I'm wondering why god would hold that against you. Is being financially responsible a pet peeve of his?