Raimundo: Perhaps the devil's plan is to weaken people's minds to facilitate demonic influence in the near future.
That's why he invented reddit.
rev18:23 '....you deceived the nations with your sorceries'.. the interlinear for sorceries reads pharmakeia.. bible hub has some interesting definitions, i'll try to share screenshots below.
the gist of it is that sorcery involves drugs/medicines/poisons, with or without spells, sorcery is not the same as witchcraft or divination, or white/black magic.
i have long wondered about the connection between the medical/pharmaceutical industry's symbol of the serpent wrapped around a pole/stake, and the use of the word pharmaceuticals/pharmacy.. considering the common use of fluoride in public drinking water, nsaids with side effects such as depression, brain fog, dizziness, and opioids, mrna gene therapy, vaccines and so on, i wonder am i going mad, are these all coincidences??
Raimundo: Perhaps the devil's plan is to weaken people's minds to facilitate demonic influence in the near future.
That's why he invented reddit.
uh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
The problem he will have in the UK is similar to the problem he has in Croatia: his work ethic is poor, to put it charitably. Without people to depend on for the bulk of the work that goes into producing content, he is easily overwhelmed.
But that just leads to the other problems he has: his warped views on sexuality and his use of his 'damaged sexuality' as a weapon. His massive ego and his need to be the most important person in the room at all times. His domineering personality when dealing with anyone who is working with/for him or trying to help him. His dishonesty and gaslighting of others, especially when they express concern over his misbehavior or other problems. And so on. He is the biggest obstacle that he has.
uh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
If they don't want to be bothered, it doesn't make much sense. On the one hand, it sucks-- it allows predators to get away with horrific acts. And if he did do what some have hinted at, he deserves to be buried for it.
But, in spite of intentions, it can also be a way to hurt the victims again. And --with no guarantee that it will result in justice being done-- you might be harrassing innocent people for no tangible gain. Let's leave them alone.
70,000 real estate properties at an average value of $100,000 and perhaps we can say (no one knows for sure) that warwick sits on $70 billion in real estate value.
in the video (deleted by jwborg but available on the avoid.jw website) of the 2018-19 coordinators' committee report (english) shown to all congregations at the mid-week meeting, we find several curious and interesting indications:.
- at minute 6.52 seconds you see some data .
Isn't it better to monetize real estate than to sell it? Recurring income is much better than a one-shot payment.
I guess that is a potential can of worms, though. Can a religious organization manage real estate without running into any regulatory issues? Are KHs lucrative enough, as long as the local congregations can keep up with payments?
perhaps we could post the pictures the wt have presented in their literature that depict their version of paradise here for comment/discussion:.
from: spirits of the dead—can they help you or harm you?
do they really exist?.
Much of the imagery is just to present an idea. The landscapes, the clothing, the architecture. They are all meant to make us feel good about what is coming-- beautiful natural vistas, a comfortable and joy-filled life, and the opportunity to speak to the heroes of old.
The tablet is funny, though. I guess there will be internet and microprocessor factories in the new system. Maybe someone should have painted a picture of JWs in space-suits, placing silicon wafers onto complex machines. Here's something to look forward to: the only available games will be farming apps.
uh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
NotFormer: Seriously? Why would you move to a country and not learn the language?
In Evans's case, because he was running away from his problems in the UK. His wife speaks Croatian, and he figured he had her under control, and her parents had a place they could stay for free, so it was the best option.
Soon he had a pretty sweet setup and a growing income base. Not surprisingly, he blew it up because he literally cannot keep it in his pants. Which is also why I'm sure he is busy finding ways to mess up whatever he still has going on now.
apparently, the downsizing is still happening and from what i read those let go are over 50!.
sad because these people expected to be lifers.
now they have to make their way in the world at an advanced age with no education or desirable skill!..
I would make one correction: most (if not all) of them believed that they would serve at Bethel in "the short time remaining before the end." They did not expect to be lifers, because they believed that the end was so close that they would not see advanced age before it happened.
I bet that when they saw older Bethelites being sent home, they thought "it won't happen to me, the end is too close." But that is what those older Bethelites once thought, too. And back then they figured that Jehovah would take care of those loyal brothers and sisters. I wonder if they are so confident about that now? I assume that is what they are told as they are being dismissed-- that Jehovah will take care of them.
i didn’t get the covid vaccine, but i admit, i was scared as shit i made the wrong decision because there was so much confusion out there.
practically all my family and most of my friends took the vaccine because everyone was depending on those in charge to speak the truth.
now a lot of them are sick, and they can't figure out why.
Just want to point out that the flu --and even the common cold-- still kill people every year. The flu kills tens of thousands annually in the USA alone. I don't think it should be a surprise when a highly-contagious "flu-like" virus causes a lot of deaths.
1. the continuity and visibility of the church.
the true church must be continuous from the apostolic age.
there is no room in christianity for a "gap" or interruption of thousands of years during which true christianity ceased to exist and then was revived in the form of another movement.
Jesus talked about wheat. Russell thought he meant Miracle Wheat.
there was a time they preached the great tribulation was a short period of time between the fall of babylon and jesus coming back to save them, now they realize there are difficult years ahead of us, watch this latest morning worship video by per christensen on this subject .
WingCommander: But in hindsight, the extreme fear in the 1980's of "any day now the Great Tribulation is going to break out", evaporated.
That's a good point. They learned not to set hard dates after 1975, but they did want to keep the urgency of the end times in place. The 1980s may have been the last hard push. 1984 was seventy years after 1914, so the end had to be near. 1986 was the UN's 'year of peace and security,' so the end had to be near. 1989 was the fall of the Berlin wall and communist Russia, so the end had to be near.
By 1990 most JWs had to be exhausted by it. Maybe that is why I started a slow and reluctant fade. Being disappointed so many times takes a toll, especially if you wanted it to be true. Maybe that is also why the 1995 change regarding generations was done so quietly. But at this point you also had the year 2000 panic, which meant that... the end had to be near. And nothing happened.
When you go through this over a 20-30 year period, the excuse that "they didn't really say it was the end" not only rings hollow, it is insulting. And it becomes clear that they are trying to have it both ways, making you believe that the end is almost here, then blaming you for 'misunderstanding' their bullshit. In 20-30 years, someone will be saying that Lett's "last part of the last days" talk was misunderstood by people who were too eager for the end to come.